Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Mish Mash!

Fun stuff, but nothing that’s quite a diary in and of itself, so hey…add what you’ve found!

First up is an action item from Seeta’s blog.  That, by the way, is the new home of Soothsayer’s Criminal Injustice series.  Wednesdays.

Tomorrow is a global day of action to stop the unconstitutional and unethical execution of Troy Davis.

Run and tell that!

Next up, more good news on the health care front:

Among the many arguments Republicans pushed during the health care debate was the notion that the ACA would crush Medicare Advantage. We can now add this to the (extremely long) list of arguments the GOP got wrong.

…After reviewing new data from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which found premiums going down and enrollment going up, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters, “On average, Medicare Advantage premiums will go down next year and seniors will enjoy more free benefits and cheaper prescription drugs.”

Schadenfreude, thy name is “GOP Being Wrong.”  Speaking of such, Boehner’s at it again.

“When it comes to producing savings to reach its $1.5 trillion deficit reduction target, the Joint Select Committee has only one option: spending cuts and entitlement reform,” Boeher said, according to prepared remarks in an address to the Economic Club of Washington.

…But he did say that if the supercommittee did its work properly and was able to rein in federal spending and lance the government debt, then the economy would rebound.

“The joint committee is a jobs committee,” Boehner said.

Yes, John; you just keep telling yourself that.  It’ll never be true, but you just keep riiiiiight on telling it to whoever will listen turn it into a “Politicians say the stupidest things!” video.

1. Deficit reduction

2. ???

3. Jobs bonanza!


  1. jsfox

    Historically, economic downturns coincide with increases in the number of uninsured, as people lose their jobs and, thanks to the design of our health care system, their insurance coverage. So, the unchanged number of uninsured masks what actually happened: Roughly 810,000 middle-aged adults, those ages 45 to 64, were likely let go from their jobs, didn’t yet qualify for Medicare, and ended up uninsured. Meanwhile, some 494,000 young adults, those ages 18 to 25, gained coverage, which seems to point to the ACA provision allowing children to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26 that went into effect in the fall of 2010. Of course, there may be other explanations, but the simplest explanation is likely the right one.


  2. jsfox

    Alegre’s Corner. There seems to be only one Front Page Poster, KitKat. but just as bitter and angry as if it was still ’08.

  3. mrsbrown

    I’m so happy to see you here!

    You most likely would not know me from the DKOS, as I never participated in any diaries on that site, except for the community diaries, and mainly the Pootie Diaries in which I was very active.

    Although, right around the time of the boycott, I admit to having a few brewskis, and gained courage to actually post and I even posted in one of kos’s diaries.

    I was not rude to him, but did tell him what I think.

    I am shocked that he did not ban or punish me, but odds are he never saw my comment as it was way down near the end when his thread was petering out.

    I did have some attacking me, which I actually found hilarious, and it might have been because of the brews, but I ignored those comments.

    I always recommended your comments, among many others, especially those from the BlackKos and Criminal Justice, and I rec’d all of Mally’s and Adept’s comments, so it’s kind of strange that I wasn’t punished for that.

    What a strange and silly site that is, but I am so enjoying it here on the Moose!

    I’m hoping that once people realize how very nice and stress-free it is to be off from that other site, that more people make the Moose a permanent home.

    I’ve plenty of opinions and I feel safe here to state them.

    I believe that President Obama did exactly the thing when it comes to the American Jobs Bill, and that the GOP can whine and threaten all they want, but it is the GOP on the ropes.

    As for the latest elections in which the Democrats lost 2 seats – I could be very wrong about this, but sadly, I think that most Democrats do not vote in “off-elections” or even mid-terms, but I have faith and believe that President Obama will win in 2012 and I truly believe that the days of the Tea Partiers are over and that the Dems will take back the House and gain more seats in the Senate.

  4. wordsinthewind

    I didn’t comment much at dkos outside of one community but I did read and pay attention to the rest of the site. I joined the boycott because I am actually particular about the company I keep. I do not countenance bigots in real life, a position that hasn’t grown my popularity in very red Texas but is clearly one that is survivable, and see no reason to do so online. I look forward to participating more here.

  5. dirkster42

    This is my first comment on Motley Moose.  It is nice to be here.  Perhaps I will post an intro diary after I’ve acquainted myself with the site a bit more.

  6. glendaw271

    I don’t really have any news, but I’ve been pretty silent since Sunday night and something has to give, eh?

    It’s also been good to see comments from Trashablanca, Bubbanomics, and others that have come over from that other site.

  7. Colorado woman

    Has anyone ever seen a white middle aged woman argue with a black man about how it is not ok for a white person to tell a black person that they are just as qualified to see racial issues and innuendo?

    Follow that?…I may have a beer just to see if I can.

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