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The Coolest Thing About the Jobs Plan

It’s definitely full of all kinds of goodness, but above all else:

The President’s plan calls for legislation that would make it unlawful to refuse to hire applicants solely because they are unemployed or to include in a job posting a provision that unemployed persons will not be considered.

It also gives tax breaks for hiring the long-term unemployed.  That is all discussed in section three, “Pathways back to work.”

Equally interesting, if not as delightfully on-point, is section two:

2. Putting Workers Back on the Job While Rebuilding and Modernizing America

   A “Returning Heroes” hiring tax credit for veterans: This provides tax credits from $5,600 to $9,600 to encourage the hiring of unemployed veterans.

   Preventing up to 280,000 teacher layoffs,while keeping cops and firefighters on the job.

   Modernizing at least 35,000 public schools across   the country,supporting new science labs, Internet-ready classrooms and renovations at schools across the country, in rural and urban areas.

   Immediate investments in infrastructure and a bipartisan National Infrastructure Bank, modernizing our roads, rail, airports and waterways while putting   hundreds of thousands of workers back on the job.

   A New “Project Rebuild”, which will put people to work rehabilitating homes, businesses and communities, leveraging private capital and scaling land banks   and other public-private collaborations.

   Expanding access to high-speed wireless as part of a plan for freeing up the nation’s spectrum.

That right there is huge.  The goal, as it was the first time Obama tried this, is to get broadband coverage to 98% of the country.  It would be done by auctioning off bandwidth to be used for broadband, with some of the proceeds going to the expansion of broadband infrastructure and the rest paying down the debt.  

I’m assuming that’s part of how the plan is already paid for, so that there’s no reasonable explanation to justify GOP opposition.  Not that that will stop them, but maybe this will:

Because research shows that wireless equals jobs. “Recent data shows that making additional spectrum available for wireless will lead to 500,000 new jobs in America,” said Jonathan Spalter, chairman of the non-profit wireless industry think tank Mobile Future, in a written statement.

A report that Mobile Future released in August spelled it out: “Building on previous studies, we estimate that the reassignment of 300 MHz of spectrum to mobile broadband within five years will spur $75 billion in new capital spending, creating more than 300,000 jobs and $230 billion in additional Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Awwww…who am I kidding?!  They will stomp and pout and still say no; then they will gnash and wail and snivel when they’re voted out on their arses come 2012.  Come to think of it, I double-dog dare them to say no!  Care to join me?  I’m going to call Boehner and ask point-blank when the vote on the bill will be.  It is now with the relevant committees in each chamber of Congress.  

Cross-posted from The People’s View .


  1. HappyinVT

    You went to the source for the info?  What about the liberal media?!

    The second best part of living in Vermont?  My Congressional delegation (even though I’m still annoyed about Bernie’s “protest” Gitmo vote and Welch’s kneejerk ACORN reaction).

  2. DTOzone

    when he compromises to get a few of this stuff passed. We’ll hear about how he sold us out, never fought for it, never used the bully pulpit.  

  3. DTOzone

    Asked about a Bloomberg poll which found that a majority of Americans do not believe President Obama’s jobs bill will lower the nation’s 9.1 percent unemployment rate, Carney chose to look at the glass as half full.

    “I think that means half the American people based on that poll believe it will help create jobs and grow the economy,” Carney said. “The American people want Washington to take action.”

    Actually, the poll found 51 percent of Americans don’t think the American Jobs Act will lower unemployment while 40 percent think it will.

    So the glass is 4/10ths full.

    This is my former employer, I don’t know how anyone can deny there’s a level of antagonism toward Obama from the media. That cynical attitude of “no you can’t.” I saw it when I worked there, but it never manifested itself this obviously.  

  4. trs

    I do have a couple questions, strictly from a selfish, personal standpoint…

    Expanding access to high-speed wireless as part of a plan for freeing up the nation’s spectrum.

    That right there is huge.  The goal, as it was the first time Obama tried this, is to get broadband coverage to 98% of the country.  It would be done by auctioning off bandwidth to be used for broadband, with some of the proceeds going to the expansion of broadband infrastructure and the rest paying down the debt.

    As part of many things I have done in my life, I am a theatre sound guy. The last FCC rules and auctioning off of the bandwidth created havoc in the entertainment industry. Literally millions of wireless microphones have been rendered useless and illegal by the regs passed a year and a half ago. I think the industry would have a real problem taking another hit like that (most high quality wireless mics are around $750-1000 a unit).

    Also, are they auctioning off the bandwidth to the usual suspects (AT&T, Verizon, etc) who want to control what you look at on the internet, or are there other options? Net Neutrality is one of my big issues – I’m definitely an Al Franken fan when it comes to that subject.

  5. HappyinVT

    Reuters reports a White House spokesperson as saying the president’s deficit recommendations presented next week will NOT include SSI.  He must be going an even stealthier route to ruining the program…or the freak-out worked.

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