subtitle: Will some ever learn?
Remember the outrage from some quarters on the budget deal Obama negotiated last spring. On how once again he had sold us out. And then a few days pass and some serious folks start running the numbers and what happens oooops. It seems that he actually hadn’t. The Republicans had bought into smoke, mirrors and accounting tricks. Accounting has never been their strong suit.
So here we are again and this is starting to creep into the saner Democratic/Progressive blogs.
There are no cuts to this years federal budget. For the one that start Oct 2011 there will be a cut of $21 billion. The total budget this year is 3.4 trillion (that includes entitlements). So, if my arithmetic is correct the cut is about 0.6 of 1 percent! If one takes only discretionary spending of $1.3 trillion then the cut is 1.6%. And my guess is that this cut is not to be taken to the actual budget but to the “inflation adjusted budget” which will be up about 3%, so there is probably a net increase planned for the discretionary budget of over 2% and an increase of the entitlement budget of over 5%. So the whole thing is smoke and mirrors. All of the rest of the changes are back loaded to “later” or to “after there is a committee agreement’.. The theatre will continue.…
I fully expect this to slowly start sinking in elsewhere and to be ignored. God forbid they should admit an error. They will just move on to the next faux outrage.