Our good friends at Free Republic have compiled a super serious list of twenty-six reasons why Sarah Palin is a shoo-in in 2012, and why Obama is shaking in his boots to face her.
Since I don’t like to drive traffic to Free Republic, allow me to post the list for your enjoyment. If you have any to add, please feel free in the discussion below.
Enjoy. 🙂
1)It would match the confident optimism of John Wayne vs. the abject dreariness of Midnight Cowboy
2)The exceptionalism of America as envisioned by Palin would stand in direct contrast to Obama’s vision of America “cut down to size”
3)It would present the youth and energy of Sarah Palin (age 48 in 2012) up against the youth and energy of Barack Obama (age 51 in 2012) and therefore be a fair fight
4)It would have Obama’s #1 nemesis in Sarah Palin facing Obama who is always put on the defensive by her remarks
5)It would pit the forthright idealism of James Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington vs. the cynical realism of Wag the Dog
6)It would pit the future dreams of Palin expressed in upbeat language vs the grievances and old wounds of the past as expressed in demagogic terms by Obama
7)It would be a re-affirmation in the strongest terms of America’s support for Israel by Palin who happens to wear the Star of David on many occasions vs. President Obama who has let down Jewish-Americans and has sided with the Palestinians once too often
8)t would pit the message of life, liberty and the pursuit of individual happiness offered by Sarah Palin vs. the message of death (abortion), over-regulation (bureaucratic oversight and management) and the pursuit of a collective Utopia by Barack Obama
9) It would match up the queen of the social media against the king of the MSM disinformation and propaganda machine
10) It would be God and providence vs the Devil and secular humanism
11)It would pit the anger and outrage of our side vs. the fear and intimidation of Obama and the Left
12)It would isolate the pro-growth agenda of Palin and the private sector and juxtapose that premise against the no-growth, dog in the manger agenda and prevailing attitude of Obama and the radical environmental movement
13) It would be Palin’s vision that America is again open for business to make a profit vs Obama’s vision of business as inhabited by greedy fat cats and only existing to serve the goals of the state
14)It would match the possibility of maximizing WHITE turnout in 2012 with its accompanying enthusiasm gap that existed prior to the 2010 election and won by the GOP vs the possibility of a depressed minority or youth turnout in 2012 on behalf of Obama
15)It would be the country class vs. the ruling class (Angelo Codevilla’s terminology in his book on America’s ruling class)
16)It would match the independent swagger of a venturesome entrepreneur vs the dependent micromanaging skills of an efficient bean-counter overseeing the nanny state
17)It would be the hoax of man-made climate change vs the cap and trade scheme of Obama
18) It would match Palin’s vision of the sun again rising in America in terms of energy development vs the sun has already set and will never rise again giving way to “green-energy initiatives”
19)It would be the moral virtue and clarity of Sarah Palin up against the self-imposed family and social chaos and distress orchestrated by the Obama administration
20)It would pit the aggressive, relentless courage and conviction of Sarah Palin vs the ruthless, deceitful organizational skills and manipulation of Barack Obama
21)It would match the hundreds of millions of dollars raised online by Palin vs the $1 billion war chest of Obama
22) It would create the looming possibility of a first female POTUS going up against the re-election bid of the first Black president
23) It would pit the unflagging American spirit of The Undefeated vs the anti-American messages in the films of Michael Moore given full credence by Obama
24) Voters would be offered a distinct choice: Palin’s vision of the restoration of the USA vs the further transformation of America by Obama
25) It would pit the hope of an American doer and female warrior princess in Palin against the despair of an American naysayer and male sideline observer and noncombatant in Obama
26)And it would give the voters a clear choice between the full repeal of Obamacare vs keeping Obamacare in place for time immemorial