The FCC voted on its net neutrality proposal today, and we’ve all come out the losers.
I will admit to having been distracted of late. Between Christmas, work, the excitement over the repeal of DADT, the new tax deal, and my personal life, I pretty much forgot that this was coming up. And frankly, it depresses me, so I won’t be offering much commentary.
From Raw Story,
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), who has championed “Net Neutrality” in the past, said the FCC’s proposed rules would actually “destroy” the principle of “Net Neutrality.”
[. . .]
But the plan would also allow for a greater fractioning of the Internet and data rationing on mobile and wired networks, according to analysis of the policies. Major network stakeholders like Verizon and AT&T would be able to sell bandwidth in capped tiers, with overage charges for users who download too much information, and certain types of data traffic like peer-to-peer file transfers could be banned altogether.
The FCC would additionally require broadband providers to disclose their network management practices.
If they pass and telecoms are allowed to move forward with their plans, “the Internet as we know it would cease to exist,” Sen. Franken concluded in an editorial published by Huffington Post.
“That’s why Tuesday is such an important day,” he continued. “The FCC will be meeting to discuss those regulations, and we must make sure that its members understand that allowing corporations to control the Internet is simply unacceptable.”
In a recent speech, Genachowski specified that the FCC’s rules would permit ISPs to charge heavy bandwidth users even more, creating a tiered pricing structure. ISPs would also be able to charge fees to businesses serving large quantities of data.
Franken speaking about Net Neutrality on the Senate floor Saturday:
As some on dKos were eager to point out, it was Obama appointee Julius Genachowski who led the charge on the proposal. I’m not sure I’m willing to go into my opinion in detail, but if you’re one of the ones who believes Obama broke his campaign promise to protect internet access from corporate censorship, you can sign this.
Full text:
FCC breaks Obama’s promise on Net Neutrality: 3 things you need to know
BREAKING: Minutes ago, the FCC — led by Obama appointee Julius Genachowski — sold out Net Neutrality and the future of free speech online. The rules — written by Comcast and AT&T, the companies the FCC is supposed to regulate — broke Obama’s campaign promise1 and allow corporate censorship.
Read the 3 reasons why — then share with friends by filling out the form on the right.
1: Corporate censorship is allowed on your phone
The rules passed today by Obama FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski absurdly create different corporate censorship rules for wired and wireless Internet, allowing big corporations like Comcast to block websites they don’t like on your phone — a clear failure to fulfill Net Neutrality and put you, the consumer, in control of what you can and can’t do online.
2: Online tollbooths are allowed, destroying innovation
The rules passed today would allow big Internet Service Providers like Verizon and Comcast to charge for access to the “fast lane.” Big companies that could afford to pay these fees like Google or Amazon would get their websites delivered to consumers quickly, while independent newspapers, bloggers, innovators, and small businesses would see their sites languish in the slow lane, destroying a level playing field for competition online and clearly violating Net Neutrality.
3: The rules allow corporations to create “public” and “private” Internets, destroying the one Internet as we know it
For the first time, these rules would embrace a “public Internet” for regular people vs. a “private Internet” with all the new innovations for corporations who pay more — ending the Internet as we know it and creating tiers of free speech and innovation, accessible only if you have pockets deep enough to pay off the corporations.The FCC could have reclassified and regulated these greedy corporations in an enforceable way, but instead, they sold out. This isn’t Net Neutrality, this is a historic mistake.
Sign on the right to hold President Obama accountable to his promise — and then share with your friends!
So what do you think, mooses? How bad is it, to what extent can we hold Obama accountable, and if no changes are made, isn’t this a bit of a slippery slope?