I keep seeing on TV and the internet that the polls say things don’t look good for Democrats in November. That’s just sad and it’s totally unacceptable.
Here’s what I think is the best way to win, in spite of the polls:
Bust your butt helping to Get Out the Vote in your community. No one of us can affect what’s happening someplace else so we have to concentrate on what we can accomplish.
I can carve out a piece of my neighborhood and make sure as many Democrats get their ballots in as possible. My friends (none are immune from my badgering) can do that in their neighborhoods. If enough of us do that then the Dem candidates take our town, and our county and we exceed expectations for votes at the state level from our county.
If every one of us does that in our own neighborhoods, towns, counties and states, when we poke our heads up on November 1, things will be looking pretty good for the Dems.
For those who haven’t been active in the party before, get connected to your local DNC chapter. The state party knows as we get close to election day who hasn’t voted yet. They’ll send it to the local chapter regularly. On election day, they will send out the “not voted yet” list every hour or two. In November 2008, we would keep contacting people until they dropped off the list.
There are more of us than there are of them. If we all voted every election, we would always win.
P.S. If you don’t have vulnerable Democrats in your area, you can call the DNC chair in the next county and ask if they need help.
P.P.S. The polls mean nothing. We really can do this if we want it bad enough.