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Karzai named winner in Afghanistan by Karzai appointed election officials after Abdullah pulls out.

…so where does that leave us?

We’ve been waiting for Obama to make his decision on what to do with troops going into Afghanistan to attack Al Qaida (who aren’t in Afghanistan any more) after the rerun of the election which was proven to be fraudulent and allowed Karzai to win.


I’m really sick of our playing games in the world. With Karzai’s brother accused of being a top Heroin Chief, with General McChrystal calling for more troops (while being criticized for his dealings with the Pat Tillman controversy), with a Civil War going on amid the Afghans that WE CANNOT CORRECT (just ask the Russians)… we are perceived as Occupiers and we should get out.

We won’t.

The world is turning into an increasingly bad place where the interests of the United States are not served, security or otherwise, and where we continue to get in up to our necks. And Republicans and Democrats will fight with each other to see who can get us ending up in a worse position.

And speaking of Civil Wars… thinking this morning of our insertion into Afghanistan which is in the midst of what can be seen as a Civil War, I started to ponder the “Intellectual Civil War” we are currently experiencing right here at home. While it is not the bombing, kidnapping, house-to-house shooting kind of Civil War, ours has elements which spell out an equally destabilized future for those of us who grew up in the Post WWII Middle-Class environment.

Starting about thirty years ago, the Conservative Right set out to weaken and then, most recently, to destroy or at the least enslave the Middle-Class to be the exclusive tax-supplying funding source of an Upper-Class dominated economy. The fact that it was stretched out over three decades (a slow, slow war) made it almost invisible to the majority of Americans who were convinced that there was something called a “trickle-down” advantage to stopping the taxation of the top 2% or so of the economic population. Then, when it was too late to really make a change without unattached politicians who were not paid off by the corporate creations of that top 2%, we discovered ourselves in a world where a ratio of one Dennis Kucinich was put up against 50 or so “identified-as-liberals”… or, as I would like to call it, the “false democracy.”

This “Intellectual Civil War” has battles, too, only they have taken on names like “Tea Parties” and have been controlled by outside players acting as puppeteers, and we have done little to cut the strings. Those of us in the American 98% that are being economically destroyed, robbed of affordable health care, impoverished by bankruptcies of government supported financial institutions and forced to see possibilities of our world turning around for the better dashed against the whining wrinkles of Joe Lieberman… we are left not knowing who to turn to, who we can actually believe is acting in our interests.

Look… I want to believe that Nancy Pelosi is going to do something to really get the Insurance Companies disabled when it comes to health care. I want to believe that Obama will see what’s going on in the Middle East and issue the order for everyone to come home… now… and forget the crap about how many years it will take to get our weapons and ships and other facilities dismantled… bring the armies home NOW, have them pull out in the middle of the night on Wednesday (and if Karzai’s government complains, tell them you’ll be back IF they really have a fair election and IF they handle their own military and police actions… frankly, we’ll never have to go back.) I want to believe that Republican leaders like John Boehner will actually call up Pelosi this morning and say “we’re ready to help and compromise for the good of the country… what do you want us to do?” I want to believe that the sun will shine and the sky will be blue and everything will get better (and employment opportunities will turn up so I can be at work instead of sitting here at the computer bitching about everything)… I want to believe it. I’m just not able to given current conditions.

I want to see an end to our Intellectual Civil War. I want to see the opposing generals like Dick Armey and Sarah Paln and Michael Steele decide that they have enough and can ride off into the sunset.

Fat chance.

Under The LobsterScope


  1. DTOzone

    forget the crap about how many years it will take to get our weapons and ships and other facilities dismantled… bring the armies home NOW, have them pull out in the middle of the night on Wednesday

    Cause it’s just that easy. Reminds me of when I was a kid and I couldn’t understand why we just can’t go to grandma’s tomorrow…even though I was in London and she was in New Jersey.

  2. HappyinVT


    Bush left the next administration with a clusterfuck.  It doesn’t surprised anyone that Karzai’s administration is corrupt or that the election process was doomed from the beginning.  Even I know just about anything or anyone is for sale in Afghanistan.

    I initially supported President Obama on Afghanistan because I believed he was looking at taking a different tact.  I hoped (but didn’t necessarily believe) that the Afghan election would offer some sense of stability; unfortunately the election simply proved yet again that this ain’t going to be easy.

    All indications are that Obama plans to abide by SOFA although there is a problem with the Iraqi elections that are supposed to be held in January.  It will be interesting to see what happens with those negotiations since some members of Parliament are refusing to take part.  We may end up with a similar set of circumstances in Iraq with respect to national elections that we have in Afghanistan.  But I think the most likely scenario is that things are moved back a month or so and then proceed from there.  I also hope the troop levels aren’t anywhere near the 50,000 I’ve heard bandied about.  So far, violence has been fairly low so…

    I’m more inclined to say we get out of Afghanistan.  Frankly, what’s the point of getting bin Laden now?  I’m not sure it’s worth another several hundred American soldiers or untold numbers of civilian deaths at this point.  As I said in another comment, I’d just like to save face somehow.

    Lastly, if I’m not around for a few days it because I lost my f*cking mind and went off on my inconsiderate, obnoxious, getting on my last f*cking nerve neighbors.  I really don’t need to hear Blue Oyster Cult and Sammy Hagar when I get home from work.  The upside is that it’s better than the Macarena (sp?) from a couple of weeks ago.  How their ten-year-old is sleeping is beyond me.

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