Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

TPM has provided us with an excellent document to use when facing Right Wingers in August.

It’s a good thing we have web sites like TPM to show us what’s going on when we’re competing for Health Care Reform during Congress’ August recess. Today they published the Teabaggers documentation that is being used to break up Town Hall meetings given by Democrats who support reform.

Go to http://www.talkingpointsmemo.c… and you’ll find the memo and support documents that came out of Conservatives for Patients Rights (they’re great at creating names that make you think they have the patients’ interests at heart… not the pharmaceutical and insurance giants that are funding them).

Use this to counteract them. When they say to pack the front half of the audience with their people, get there ahead of time and pack it with yours. When they hand out materials like the ones shown in the memo, have counter materials ready and make it clear you know who they are.

Most of all, support your Representatives and Senators who will strive for YOUR best interests.

Under The LobsterScope


  1. NavyBlueWife

    I don’t trust anything I see on the MSM without doing some deeper investigation.  Especially when CNN is in bed with the insurance industry and refusing to air an add that speaks critically of them.

    Why won’t CNN air this? Hmmmmm….

  2. Cheryl Kopec

    I’ve also made up printable signs to use at rallies. Harder to drown out than your voice is! Anybody wants one, I’ll send them to you!



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