No wonder we never win a battle…too many of us are too afraid of losing to ever actually fight.
in recent days, the feeling over on the other blogs, DailyKos for example, is one of whine, defeat, hopelessness…comments like “I’m out of hope” or “there will be no public option, we’ve lost” or “Our majority is gone in 2010 now”
And what pisses me off most is that this type of attitude just plays into the horrible stereotype of the yellow-bellied weak-kneed cowardly liberal (excuse the world) pussy.
But the cake is baked. There will be no public option this year.
All Democrats have stopped using the words, including potus the last two days. The caving has occured. Everyone just doesn’t know it yet.
I will bet you money that no democrat uses the word public option unprodded on the Sunday talk shows.
It is a sad day for America.
There is one hope. Massive public demonstrations. Phone calls will not do it. But I don’t see that happening.……
What has happened in our country since Obama got elected has taken its toll on me. I was naive to think his election meant anything. We are at the same place we were before the election. Our government does what the rich and powerful tell them to do. The public is cajoled into compliance by the media, and if we can’t be cajoled we are just stampeded.…
It doesn’t help that some of the troops our party needs to fight for health care reform are too busy pissing and moaning that we’re not going radical here and eliminating the entire insurance industry altogether…that cuts down on the fight on our side. This reared it’s ugly head during the cap and trade fight where it seemed everyone the blogsphere either thought it was too much or too little. “Kill it because it doesn’t do enough!” “Kill it because it’s too radical!”
And what about our friends in the media? Well the big guys have managed to change the subject to racism…those who haven’t are still slaughtering health care with lies and smears, while the Rachel Maddows and Keith Olbermanns of the world do what?…talk about Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin.
Yes, while healthcare gets beaten up, the guys and gals who should be defending it are busy mocking irrelevant people like Cheney and Palin.
But beyond that, the defeatist attitude that seems to be sucking up the blogsphere is very counterproductive. Are we afraid of defeat so much that we’d rather just preemptively accept it and not bother fighting? Is this why we can’t win battles? The idea that anyone who isn’t on our side has some corrupt shady agenda is also counterproductive. Why do we assume the worst in people…maybe the Blue Dogs are paid off, but maybe if we considered for a moment that they’re not, we’d get somewhere. For many Blue Dogs, the problem is not with the public option, or reform at all, it’s Medicare rates and funds for rural hospitals…the House bill is very urban centered, which isn’t surprising since inner cities are where much of the healthcare problems are…but you can’t blame the Blue Dogs for looking out for their constituents. Notice how the Blue Dogs in support come from more urban areas; Jane Harman from Los Angeles, Loretta Sanchez from Orange County, Dan Lipinski from Chicago. Looking beyond the “everyone against us hate people” knee-jerk reaction probably helps here.
Sometimes I wonder if some liberals have the stomach to govern…if we are screaming defeat, death and doom at every single obstacle, how long are we going to live before we crack? The UpstateDem “OMG it’s over for us, we’re going to lose in 2010” attitude does not give the people confidence in our sanity as leaders.
Yeah so, this isn’t easy…whoever said it was going to be?
Man up liberals, no one said this was going to be easy.