WASHINGTON – The American International Group, which has received more than $170 billion in taxpayer bailout money from the Treasury and Federal Reserve, plans to pay about $165 million in bonuses by Sunday to executives in the same business unit that brought the company to the brink of collapse last year.
I’ve talked about Roy Bennett and his imprisonment for weeks, talked about his courage, about Roy really being the heart and soul of the MDC opposition to Mugabe in Zimbabwe, and rejoiced when I learned he was released from the horrors of the Mutare prison — a prison that is known throughout Zimbabwe as Robert Mugabe’s torture prison. A place where if you are lucky enough to escape torture, you still have to fight off starvation because you are lucky to be fed once a week.
I met Roy Bennett in 2008. I was in Africa trying to help rid Zimbabwe of Robert Mugabe. I saw first hand the risk that Roy and others were taking to promote, through democratic means, new leadership and real change in Zimbabwe – waging a campaign against Robert Mugabe and the ruling Zanu-PF party. I saw the risk Morgan Tsvangirai was taking in having the guts to stand election and challenge Robert Mugabe with Roy’s help and the help of other brave Zimbabweans who were willing to make a stand for their country.
I was against the war from the get go and hardly think any gain is worth the cost, in lives and treasure and oh so more, but there is one triumph in Iraq, and that’s newspapers.
Seems there are now hundreds of local newspapers in Iraq, written in the many dialects spoken by the many disparate groups. You see, in Arab speaking countries the elite write and read in the formal language, that is no longer spoken in homes. Indeed, there are hundreds of different Arabic dialects spoken in homes, but these languages are seen as a sign of not being in the educated class, they are not respected, no literature written in them, and no translations of literature into them. (It’s similar to our condition centuries ago, when the educated learned and wrote in Latin.)
… Brit delves into the bane of every man’s existence in “Romantic Comedy is Emotional Porn“…
… Ragekage delves into the modern medical movement of how hospitals interact with patients and their families in “An Introspection on Family Centered Care“…
… Moo Means Hello will surprise you with the location of “The Busiest ER In the Country“, and how it’s being impacted by the sagging economy…
… CanadianGal will talk about her love of Canadian politics, glazed donuts, and coffee in “Man, I could really go for a Timmy right now“…
Daily I listen to news reports discussing China owning a huge portion of our nations debt, and worrisome discussions about what that means about our economic future.
But today I want to discuss China’s impact on an alternate universe; the one inhabited by more than 11.5 million players world-wide. I am of course referring to the citizen players of World of Warcraft, known to those who play simply as WoW.
The greatest living Canadian, David Suzuki was asked by the Vancouver Olympic Committee to estimate the impact of the upcoming 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. The answer: about 328,000 tonnes of greenhouse-gas emissions, or the equivalent of 65,600 cars on the road for one year will be emitted during the 16-day event. The world’s biggest winter event will run from Feb. 12 through Feb. 28, and the huge carbon footprint created will largely be produced by energy use at venues, snow and ice-making, the torch relay, and the air travel of thousands of people.
Recently though more than 70 of Canada’s top athletes have written to the organizers of the 2010 Olympics, through the David Suzuki Foundation asking them to make the Games carbon neutral.
I have been negligent this week. I have not posted my usual tubely diversions. And what a boring title.
I was thinking about it, and I don’t think that I have missed any (or hardly any) Days from TMPtv since I started this weirdness. I have been doing this for a couple of months now (or maybe it just seems that way), and I am still madly compulsed to continue. I have had a rotten week though, and have not been able to do my usual narration. Oh and I will try to post part one tonight. Don’t cha know, I do everything backwards.
I am gonna muddle through though, and see what turns up.
I think St. Patrick’s Day is coming up. I am sorry, I am not Irish and kinda don’t get the holiday. I do like this. Have a happy St. Patty Day.
Thursday March 12, 2009 in 100 seconds by TPMtv. Nobody messes with Joe Biden.
Oh noes the sky is falling for President Obama, according to the WSJ. Getting Medieval on Bernie Madoff? Oh fox, you devil you.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 in 100 seconds.
Wow, they seemed to like him on Wednesday.
That’s enough of that. Whoosh, I hear the batwings fluttering!
I caught this last night on Keith Olbermann when Jonny Alter relayed an amazing little nugget of absolutely terrifying information. Olbermann followed up on it this evening and here is the video from tonight’s show. They are long and Keith is possibly jumping the shark with this story. But if any of it is true, I will personally work to try and convict Dick Cheney and george bush as well. Why? Because it is a crime and has been since Ford outlawed it in the 1970’s.