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YouTube Censorship?

I just met YouTube a few months ago and since then, I have started a love affair with this medium. While much of it is crap and parts are kinda scary, I have seen some of the coolest, most imaginative and responsive venues possible. As far as I am concerned, YouTube rocks.

So when a bit of a controversy broke out this past week, I was uncertain as to what was even happening, and before I could even investigate, it ended. So please, follow this strange little tubing tale and if you are so inclined, tell me what you think about these events in another part of the Internetsphere, in a place outside of Left Blogistan.

I won’t be commenting this time, as I hope the tubes will tell the story on their own. So please follow me down the rabbit hole, enjoy and I hope, think about this…

If you want to watch this entire tube, just let it sit for a minute after it stops, and it will start again. These next two tubes are linked and this one is quite relevant to the next.

Any thoughts fellow Moosers?

I have found very few written references to this interesting event. I was also unable to locate the YouTube policy change tube. I plan to update this soon with more sources. We shall see if there are more articles than this and this.  


  1. anna shane

    since youtube is pandering to advertisers, it’s time for a user owned site, that has a policy against any censorship.  It’s for commercial reasons, so they say, but we can go to the place that does not censor and then they’ll see if their policy was smart?  

  2. Holli De Groote

    Re: YouTube Censorship? (none / 0)

    I dont think you’ll get alot of comments on this post because it requires you to watch too much Tube in order to respond. One youtube might have been good. But this is too many.

    If you go beyond 10 comments I will be surprised.

    by Trey Rentz on Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 10:34:53 AM CDT

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    Re: YouTube Censorship? (none / 0)

    I am curious, why do you say this? Do people not like tubes? They aren’t very long and they actually tell a story. I can see cutting two of them, but leaving just one would not explain what happened.

    The Moose is on the loose. “And I scream at the top of my lungs, what’s going on?”

    by Hollede on Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 10:43:40 AM CDT

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    Re: YouTube Censorship? (none / 0)

    The two that could be cut were put in for their humerous impact on the story.

    The Moose is on the loose. “And I scream at the top of my lungs, what’s going on?”

    by Hollede on Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 10:45:20 AM CDT

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    I am honestly asking for constructive criticism. (none / 0)

    Perhaps you are the hit and run type. I hope not, but if this is the case, maybe someone else would be willing to give me some analysis that is a bit more in depth.

    The Moose is on the loose. “And I scream at the top of my lungs, what’s going on?”

    by Hollede on Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 11:33:42 AM CDT

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    Is it true, or am I just misunderstood?

    Somebody, help me out and be honest, I can take it.

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