I suppose it had to happen eventually. All the interest groups that think they had a hand in Obama’s win, no matter how significant, are lining up to get the post-election handouts- and aren’t going to be subtle about going after ’em. I mean, I expect it from people like Karl Rove, who today credited himself with Obama’s win. But NOW- the National Organization for Women?
“There’s definitely been a reaction to the few groups that have been named so far,” said Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women. “I agree with those who are concerned that it would have been nice to see more women.”
“I have been struck by how few women have been mentioned for high-level positions,” said former Vermont Gov. Madeleine Kunin, who worked on the Clinton transition. “It’s still very early, so I don’t want to reach conclusions yet. But the rumors are a flashing yellow light.”
For God’s sake, there’ve been, what? Two appointments to cabinet positions in the Obama administration, and already we’re bellyaching and firing up the manufactured outrage machine?
It took me a whole thirty seconds to find out that, besides Hillary Clinton, Obama is also considering Susan Crawford, a well-known net neutrality advocate, to lead the Obama administration’s FCC review team. That’s ignoring the speculation around other Cabinet positions for people like Governor Janet Napolitano, FDIC Chair Shelia Blair, Senator Susan Collins, Penny Pritzker, Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Senator Olympia Snowe, Linda Darling, Linda Chavez-Thompson, Tammy Duckworth, Caroline, Kennedy, Susan Rice, Shirley Franklin, Mary Nichols… I guess I don’t get where NOW is coming from.
This is, of course, besides the fact I’d rather have President Obama pick people who can get the job done, regardless of what’s between their legs, what their skin color is, etc, etc. I thought that was the biggest thing we could take away from this election season, that it doesn’t matter who you are- if you’re good enough, you can get the job!
Maybe this grates on me more than it should; maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill. I used to respect NOW as an organization- but that was before they started railing against joint custody laws that would have, y’know, put the best interests of children in custody disputes before the narrow interests of either mother or father. And it seems like more and more they’ve been employing a “fire, ready, aim” approach to advocacy. I see that represented in this case- especially considering that
Manufactured outrage like this insults the validity of the issue that outrage is about. By using sexism as a tool to craft a narrative about Obama for political purposes, you’re dismissing the impact and relevance of actual sexism in all its forms. It’s like when Dick Morris suddenly became a feminist when Sarah Palin joined the McCain ticket, despite mocking Hillary Clinton’s “strident shrillness” and accusing her of “retreating behind the apron strings” throughout the primaries.
We’ve had a President for the last eight years that prided himself on the most egregious displays of nepotism and cronyism in staffing his administration, and at what cost to the country? I think our President-Elect said it right: