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Keepin’ it real at RedState on the Debate

I wondered how the right-wing bloggers were taking the debate aftermath tonight, so I wandered over to RedState to see Erick Erickson demonstrate rather succinctly what a tool he is. For instance, he noted this without any irony:

Second, John McCain gave the most substantive answers to the questions. Obama patently refused to answer some of the questions, including the last question. He couldn’t bring himself to admit there are things he does not know.

Funny. He doesn’t seem to mind when Sarah Palin does it. I guess that’s because she’s mavericky- what d’you think, guys?

I always wonder how this sort of intellectual dishonesty affects people- how they can’t figure it out. I mean, Good God, admitting fault or that you’re wrong once and awhile isn’t the end all and be all, folks! It’s the sign of a strong character! Too bad Erick hasn’t taken a look at the snap-polls that are starting to come out- CNN’s had Obama trouncing McCain.

We’ll post the other ones as we get ’em.


  1. NavyBlueWife

    Palin never answered the question about her weakness when asked, and Biden did with a small joke at his expense…are we all watching the same debate.

  2. spacemanspiff


    Forty percent of the 516 uncommitted voters surveyed identified Barack Obama as tonight’s winner; 26 percent said John McCain won, while 34 percent saw the debate as a draw.

    It gets better inside ; ).

    Somebody do the update, add link and show % thingy.

    Stole this from Al Rodgers over at Kos :


    McCain got served. This thing is OVER!

  3. NavyBlueWife

    has an advertisement for a Newt email sign-up…I looked a couple of times to make sure that I was not imagining things…it says…Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less…

    I’m so confused…

  4. GrassrootsOrganizer

    Even the conservatives are complimenting him and walking right up to conceding the election.  

    Castellanos, one guy I used to reslly love to hate, just called Obama “very presidential.”  Ho ly shit.

  5. NavyBlueWife

    How many times did he call out Obama? And then let McCain do whatever…it was very clearly obvious that Broken was in the bag for McCain…

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