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Archive for September 2008

War Crimes….Not that anyone cares anymore

Crossposted at mydd

so now that we have the election season in full swing and political stunts by the “Grand Ol’ Party” with McCain trying to hit the “reset” button every 2 days, I know this will get buried.

But it shouldn’t.  Because the GWB administration will be continued with a McCain administration, if the republicans win.  Because McCain USED to be honorable and was against torture, but now he is for it.

War Crimes.  The LA Times reports:

Her written statement to Senate investigators is the first official high-level acknowledgment of meetings that led to harsh methods such as waterboarding.

By Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 25, 2008

WASHINGTON — Senior Bush administration officials held a series of meetings in the White House in 2002 and 2003 to discuss allowing the CIA to use harsh interrogation methods on Al Qaeda detainees, according to a written statement Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently provided to Senate investigators.

Rice’s written response to investigators on the Senate Armed Services Committee marks the first time a high-ranking White House official has formally acknowledged the White House discussions, which led to the CIA’s use of waterboarding and other coercive methods.

Did Bush and Cheney know?  Well, the buck has to stop somewhere, but Rice refuses to disclose who attended those meetings.

Rice did not disclose who at the meetings, but said that she had “asked Atty. Gen. [John] Ashcroft personally to review and confirm the legal advice” being prepared by the Department of Justice on the CIA’s interrogation plans.

Other senior officials who routinely attended so-called principals meetings included then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; Alberto R. Gonzales, then the presidential counsel; and David S. Addington, the vice president’s counsel.

What a sad day in America.  Where was this story in any lead-off in the news cycle today?  Will it be tomorrow?  I guess I can’t fault McCain for not being able to multi-task when our own MSM cannot seem to do the same thing.  Rachel Maddow, as far as I know, was the only one to mention this tonight – but it was buried near the end of her show and only for 5 minutes.

War Crimes.  And we won’t do a damn thing about it.  This administration is getting away with it all and because these types of stories are buried, we might (although I think not and hope not, as I believe Obama/Biden will win) have another 4 years of this type of behavior under McCain/Palin.




McCain will be at the debate tonight.  And I hope the moderator asks him about this – because Rice admitted to it, in a written statement.

Senator McCain, will you form legal actions according to the Geneva Convention, to hold the GWB administration accountable for War Crimes?

now that is a question I want to hear.  And that is what the MSM should be asking.

Pre-(?)Debate Open Thread

Happy Friday, Folks!

It is less than nine hours to the first Presidential Debate as I write this, an event that will (or won’t) be watched by what has been forecast to be 100M people and will (or won’t) be the first chance for Americans and the world to hear how the two (or one) Presidential candidates handle direct questions together (or alone).  3,000 journalists are gathered in Mississippi wondering what they will reporting on.


The “Bailout” deal is (or isn’t) coming together, House Republicans are (or are not) planning their own Palace Coup and banks are (are) still going under.

Prepare to speak liberally.

Rachel Maddow – Liberal Superstar

The recent addition of the Rachel Maddow Show to the MSNBC nightly lineup has added a highly effective voice to the liberal arsenal. Ms. Maddow has proven herself to be a witty, highly intelligent, and effective commentator. Her show has garnered rave reviews and wide viewership. I, for one, am grateful to MSNBC for giving her a platform.

A recent article in The American Prospect gives a full background on Rachel and the path she took to her present prominence in the political commentator world.

Maddow’s self-deprecating, wry wit comes across clearly in the article, just as it doesn on her radio and television shows.

“I think I have a fear in general about whether being a pundit is a worthwhile thing to be,” Rachel Maddow tells me over dinner at a Latin restaurant in lower Manhattan. It’s more than the ordinary self-deprecation of someone who just got her own cable commentary show. It’s an insecurity essential to the on-air style that’s powered the 35-year-old’s rapid rise from a wacky morning radio show in western Massachusetts to the liberal radio network Air America and now to her own prime-time show on MSNBC.

McCain Detonates the “Bailout” Negotiations

A late-night emergency session of the committee trying to negotiate a solution to the liquidity problem plaguing the economy came to a crashing halt tonight.  With John McCain back in DC, the House Republican caucus has rebeled against the President and McCain.  At this meeting tonight, the House Republicans sent a representative unauthorized to negotiate to the meeting (Spencer Bacchus) with a one-sheet whitepaper of “principles and general ideals” that included a Capital Gains tax-cut, increased banking deregulations and mortgage insurance that Henry Paulson has already stated to be a non-starter.


The meeting has fallen completely apart, there is another tomorrow at 11:30am ET which will not include House Republicans, and will therefore have no impact whatsoever.

CNN and MSNBC provided breaking coverage of the detonation of the talks, FOX is rerunning footage of McCain and Bill Clinton together at the Clinton Foundation.

Palin Stalling on Her Own Taxes

WASHINGTON (AP) – Sarah Palin requested and received an extension of the deadline for revealing her personal finances, until the day after her debate with Democrat Joe Biden.

The Bailout Bum Rush: Slow Down and Get It Right

The news about the economic crisis has been coming fast, each headline pushing the last off of the page. Most of the ordinary citizens that I’ve talked to do not understand the economic crisis and feel that the American taxpayers are simply being bamboozled out of their hard earned money – that a transfer of wealth is taking place from the middle class to the wealthiest few.