Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 3/3/13

Happy last day of your weekend, Bombrewskis!  I hope you all have a delightfully slothful Sunday.

You have the right to remain silent, but I wish you wouldn’t…


I’m going to borrow a question that was regularly featured in Bon Appetit’s little back page chef interview: What historical person or persons would you like to have dinner and drinks with? Expanding on that, what fictional characters (assuming it was at all possible) would you like to have dinner and drinks with? What fictional place you you like to visit? When you travel, do you prefer to find accommodations like the natives or do you prefer to stay in places that are more like what you find at home? Do you usually cook at home or go out to eat?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 3/2/13

Good morning, Bombasticas! Did you sleep well? Grab some coffee and indulge my curiosity…


Are you superstitious? Or are there any superstitions you can’t help but follow, in spite of not believing them? Do you believe in astrology, even just a little? Are you graceful or clumsy? Have you ever sued anybody? Have you ever been sued?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 3/1/13

Good morning, Bombed Ones!  I haven’t heard anything new on silks since his one comment that took him forever to type. We’ll give him time.

Can you believe it’s March already? I should stop joking about getting my Christmas shopping done and get started on it.


We Americans are mostly mutts. How many nationalities are you aware of in your family history? Who is the most recent immigrant in your family? Do you know who the earliest is? Did you have mumps, measles, chicken pox and any other usual childhood diseases? Gas or electric? Which is your favorite (and most indulged) of the seven deadly sins?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 2/14/13

Good morning

Questions! The first I found on Twitter and traced back to Reddit. The second is one kids always ask each other.

If you were granted access to Wikipedia of 100 years in the future for ten minutes only, what would you look up? Would you rather be able to turn invisible or fly? Would you rather cook dinner or clean up after? What’s easier for you, folding laundry or ironing it? Is your preferred car an automatic or manual transmission? Do you prefer your chee-tos baked or deep fried to a crackly crunch?

The Twitter Emitter

First the leftover SOTU stuff:

And more recent:

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 2/28/13

Good morning, bombshells!  I hear silks is highly drugged on really good stuff, but is not yet ready for calls or visitors, being a wee bit out of sorts, but is otherwise doing well. In a few weeks time he should be tap dancing again.


We’ve all probably said at one time or another, “If I had a [insert monetary amount here] for every time [insert person or group here] said/did [insert word or action here]. If you actually could receive a dollar for every time [name of person or group] said [word/phrase], how would you choose to fill in those blanks? If commercial space travel was available, would you be up for it? What Star Trek invention (think holodeck, transporter, replicator, phaser, tricorder) do you wish was real and available now? What is your favorite fabric to wear? To sleep on? To sit on? Long hair or short hair (humans, that is)?

The Twitter Emitter

Twitter went on a regret binge last night.

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday, 2/27/13

Good morning bombalomba ding dongs! It’s hump day, and silks has a new hip. Last I read he was doing quite well. If anyone speaks or texts with him, please provide updates!


Are you fond of gadgets, and if so, what is your favorite gadget? How cold is cold to you, indoors and outdoors? How hot does it have to be before you think it’s hot? Speaking of hot, how spicy do you like your food? Do you like to gamble, and if so, favorite game? What is your favorite animal at the zoo?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 2/25/13

Good morning, bomberistas! Today is the day that slksfca has his surgery, so let’s all keep him in our thoughts.


Do you prefer tropical climates or multi-season climates?  Do your tastes run traditional or modern (or maybe a mix)?  What is your favorite folk or fairy tale? Why? What is your favorite thing to watch on YouTube (cat videos, movie trailers, new hits, old songs, old movies, documentaries…)? Best biography/autobiography you ever read?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 2/25/13


What are your favorite condiments? What are your least favorite? Have you hung on to any pieces of clothing from your younger days that you just cannot bring yourself to let go of, and if so, what?  Are you more comfortable in cities, suburbs, or the country? Do you prefer solitude or being with people?

The Twitter Emitter

Since the Twitter feed last night was dominated by Oscar stuff, most of these are about the show, but I tried to pick ones you’d get if you didn’t watch. I think you can tell from most of these that once again, people were not impressed with the host (Seth MacFarlane). I will go on record saying that Oscar needs to steal Amy Poehler and Tina Fey from the Golden Globes.

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 2/24/13

Good morning! It’s Sunday, and it’s also Oscar day. Once upon a time I used to try to see every single nominated film (I never actually succeeded), but these days I rarely go to films, even with the coolest theater in all of L.A. right down the street. However, thanks to the magic of “For Your Consideration” DVDs, I actually managed to squeeze in a few this year. Hell, I’d watch it anyway, and follow it on Twitter, because it’s fun.

Anyway, the questions today are all movie related.


What is your favorite drama of all time? What is your favorite comedy of all time? What is your favorite Sci-fi/Fantasy/FX film of all time? What is your favorite musical of all time? What actor and actress to you can do no wrong? What is your favorite song that you were introduced to in a movie? And a special bonus question for movie geeks: Fave costume designer (I know not all of you will be able to answer this).

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 2/23/13

Happy Saturday, kiddies! Remember to take some time out of your busy day to remember dog biscuits.


Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument do you wish you played, and who do you wish you played like? Who do you wish you could sing like? What’s the best Saturday morning cartoon of all time? Should there be nuts in banana bread? Who is your favorite lyricist?

The Twitter Emitter