I read an interesting article in Newsweek last week. (For the article, click here.) It discusses a study among people, self-described as having strong political beliefs, who were shown a series of images, and had their physical responses to the images measured. The people who believed in a conservative agenda had a much more pronounced, visceral reaction to negative images (spider on a face, maggot-filled wound, etc.) than did those who believed in a more liberal agenda. (They also showed them nice images – bunnies and toddlers and such.)

This made absolute sense to me as I read it. It explains why, when asked a direct question about the logic behind the war in Iraq, or health care, or the economy, Giuliani will form a sentence of “[subject], [verb], 9/11”. I watched the debate between McCain and Obama last week, and was ready to punch my beloved television, as Obama gave serious, reasoned answers, while McCain waxed poetic about how much he loves veterans. THAT’S NOT AN ANSWER! I felt really bad for Obama, because he had to weather the ridiculous tone coming from the opposite side of the stage and react to McCain’s non-answers seriously.