This evening news roundup is brought to you by the Republican Party:
The New York Post whines that Joe Biden gets away with saying “stupid” things because he doesn’t have an “R” after his name. No, see, Biden gets away with saying stupid things because the Obama campaign chuckles about it and then chastises Biden or repudiates what he says. They don’t, generally, try to deny reality. The McCain campaign, on the other hand, try to dismiss Palin’s boneheaded comments as gotcha journalism or a trap or they try to spin what she says as the complete opposite of what she said.
NRO sniffles and says if Public financing is broke, Barack Obama is the one who broke it. Don’t tell me the campaign finance system is broken- Obama is winning because the market has demanded it. Isn’t that what the NRO gets starbursts over? Free market capitalism? Or is it just Sarah Palin?
Speaking of Sarah Palin, Wonkette reports, whoops! Sarah Palin is going to have to pay income taxes on that spiffy $150,000 wardrobe!. Gosh sakes, now, then, hopefully she can afford that since she’s just a plain-old working American, don’tcha know?
Last but not least, Jonah Goldberg Jonah claims that “In Alaska, the people OWN the oil,” so those $1,200 checks to each citizen aren’t socialism- hell, they’re downright patriotic!
So, in summation: