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Archive for November 2009
Made Me Laugh
Dick Cavett was on MSNBC this afternoon and he was hysterical. First I was astonished that he is still alive. In an era of so many dead celebrities it was good to see Mr Cavett spry and dry as always;~J
In response to the question would Sarah Palin make a good tv host, Mr Cavett said “Nooo…”
You may remember his column the “Wild Wordsmith of Wassilla” last year.
She seems to have no first language and I really feel sorry for John McCain because he aimed low and missed. two three four
She obviously communicates because so many people seem to like her. And she looks nice and she’s got energy and so on.
The fact that you could take any five consecutive words out of any long sentence of hers and put them anywhere else in that paragraph without changing the meaning bothers me. And the fact that a presidential candidate was willing to put a no-nothing in the White House leading the leading country of the world.
John McCain Could Lose Senate Primary
Rasmussen announced a new poll on Friday showing Senator John McCain may be in trouble at home where a polarized electorate has him facing constant criticism from both the left and the right.
Crossposted from The Huffington Post
The Anti-Rape Forces Get The Last Laugh
Last month, progressives cheered as Al Franken successfully introduced his so-called “Anti-Rape Amendment” as part of the 2010 Defense Appropriations Bill. The amendment provided that defense contracts would be withheld from any company that forces its employees to agree to mandatory arbitration of claims for sexual assault, battery, or discrimination. Contractors like Halliburton and KBR had successfully used these arbitration clauses to prevent victims of sexual assault from pursuing a jury trial or even having a day in court at all.
Some people were shocked, and some felt it was just business as usual, when 30 Republicans voted against the Anti-Rape Amendment. But the majority still rules once in a while in this country, and last I checked the bill, with amendment intact, was making its way through the conference process.
Musings on a Civil Suit
For a fair amount of last month I was a guest of the State of Arizona. As a juror in a civil case. Meadows of Wickenburg vs the family of Parham Maghsoudlou.
Oh Those Lying Republicans
Today Representative Virginia Foxx from North Carolina took credit for republicans passing the Civil Rights legislation over Democratic opposition. MSNBC’s David Schuster covered the story earlier today and showed a clip of the following exchange on the House floor.
Some of the most important legislation our Federal Government has ever passed, was the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960’s. And to this day lawmakers in both party’s hailed the Congressional action as crucial to helping our nation become a more fair and just society. Today however, a republican House lawmaker named Virginia Foxx delivered a whopper about who supported the legislation and who did not.
David Schuster MSNBC
Chairman Joe Again?
Why is Joe Leiberman Chairing the Senate Homeland Security Committee hearings into the Fort Hood shootings?
5150: On the Dangers of Dipshitism
Apologies if this post is a little too ‘inside blogball’ for the some of the Moose/lurker set. I hope you’ll indulge me anyway.
Remember the TexasDarlin’ (TD), the spurious Democrat and progressive blogger, elevated to infamy during the flame-rich primaries for her incendiary diaries? Once a member of the pro-Hillary royal court at MyDD, she dominated the w[REC]k list along with fellow gold-polishers like Alegre (Is This Snark?) for much of 2008. When things started to look bad for Hillary’s chances re: securing the Democratic nomination for POTUS, TD went all PUMA-licious on our collective ass, and started her own little blight of site — once all her racist drivel triggered the ban-hammer at every sane place on the web. A horde of mindless, pitchfork-and-torch wielding PUMA Patriots happily followed unto the breach, readily trading their Hillary is My Hero fanny-packs for a sparkly set of Sarah Palin pom-poms. A perfectly sensible shift of political loyalty, if you’re a completely fatuous muttonhead.
Anyway, TD recruited a Birfer harpy with the nom de douche “DrKate” from (IIRC) Larry Johnson’s NoQuater Whitey’s Discount Video Shoppe, to feature-write for her little Kompendium of Teh Krazy. TD has since faded away, and her viper pit has ceased writhing; it’s gone dark some months ago (speculation: committed to an institution? wishful thinking: Syphilis). DrKate on the other paw, a self-proclaimed warrior for the Constitution, is still going strong. A quick perusal of her across-the-board disgusting blog indicates that she’s managed to eclipse her prior patron’s reproachable asshattery. DrKate’s take on the recent tragedy at Ft. Hood is excerpted (in part) below the fold, so brace yourselves, ’cause this stuff is Take-It-To-Eleventy nuts.
Palin/Beck 2012
Sarah Palin has dominated the airwaves since the release of her new book, “Going Rogue”. On FOX News and far-right radio the book itself is hailed as perhaps the first publication with more native value than the King James Bible and the ‘author’ herself as the human incarnation of Joan of Arc, Jesus Christ and Ronald Reagan rolled into a single package. On all other media, the book itself is given at best extremely light and polite treatment. More often – even on the right-but-not-insane morning radio show I listen to, it has been met with at best honest analytical disparagement (like when former Reagan staffer David Gergen stated that there is no chance anyone can write a book like that “and ever hold elected office again in their life”). At worst – and most common – the book has induced gales of howling ridicule.
Which explains why Newsmax is panting about a possible Palin/Beck ticket for 2012.
(Because You Just Can’t Have Too Much Sarah.)
Best Sellers or Best Scam EVAR?
Yes, people are touting the power of Saint Sarah for the BIGGEST PRE-SALES EVAR, but Newsmax and a few other sites seem to be driving the pre-sale to create a self-fulfilling prophesy.