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Archive for April 2009

Tea Bag Pea Brains: Photos of Teh Stoopid

The 2010 census will tell us a lot about the population, economic status, industry, and geography of America, but it will not measure the sheer number of meatheads that live among us. Fortunately (or unfortunately), Nate Silver over at 538 took a look at the reported “numbers” from yesterday’s National Scrotum Dipping Festival Tea Bagging groundswell to give us a pretty good estimate.


…based on news accounts of 306 “Tea Party” protests in different cities across the country yesterday, I get a cumulative attendance of 262,025, with a fair number of (probably mostly smaller) events still unaccounted for.

If we account for children and pets (who know not what they do), we can safely assume there were around a quarter of a million idiots protesting something on April 15th, 2009.

Day Two Update: Angie Zapata Transgender Hate-Crime Murder Trial

Yesterday proceedings began in the trial of Allen Andrade for the beating death of Angie Zapata, an eighteen year old transgender female in Greeley, Colorado. Jury selection began and proceeded into today, April 15, 2009. It is anticipated that mini-opening statements will be conducted this afternoon.


Angie Zapata was brutally murdered in Greeley, Colorado in July 2008. Angie was a transgender woman and she was murdered because of anti-transgender bias.

On April 14, 2009, her alleged killer went on trial in Greeley, Colorado. The trial marks the first time that Colorado’s gender identity-inclusive hate crimes statute-and in fact any state’s hate crimes law-has been applied in the investigation and prosecution of an anti-transgender murder case.

Last evening, a vigil was held after the first day of the trial concluded. Video of some of the fifty or so in attendance is here:

Next update as situation warrants, but no less that daily.


Happy Jackie Robinson Day!

Today may be tax day for some, teabag day for nuts, but for those who love baseball, it is Jackie Robinson Day.

The NY Times Reports:

Every Player to Wear No. 42 Wednesday to Honor Jackie Robinson

There will be No. 42s everywhere on Wednesday as Major League Baseball honors Jackie Robinson’s first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers, which came on April 15, 1947. Commissioner Bud Selig has asked that all managers, coaches and players on the 30 major league teams wear Robinson’s number as a sign of unified support for the anniversary, which marks the breaking of baseball’s color barrier

Glenn Beck's InsaniTea

Welcome to Tax Day, ladies and gentleman!

I hope everyone’s gotten their taxes finished. My identity was recently stolen (why on earth would anybody wanna be me?), so there are a few extra hoops for me to leap through this year. But that’s nothing compared to the trials and tribulations suffered by your average taxpayer under the Obama administration. With injustices raining down upon the American public from every angle, the boldest amongst us are taking to the streets. Today, all around the country, thanks to the organizational efforts of the ever fair, ever balanced folks at Fox News Channel, whiny Republicans who can’t get over having their asses handed to them last November oppressed citizens will be coming together at “FNC Tax Day Tea Parties” to protest President Obama’s outrageous fiscal policies.

[Note: This diary was written in the buff.]

ASU Honorary Degree Policy For Sitting Politicians Not Documented

TEMPE, ARIZONA – Arizona State University became the unlikely focus of a political firestorm last week when news broke that ASU would not be conferring the customary honorary degree on President Barack Obama when he gives the commencement speech in May. The university’s official reason cites a policy of not giving honorary degrees to sitting politicians — but one sitting politician did receive an honorary degree from ASU and the university has now admitted that the policy was only “verbal” and never documented.

Crossposted from the Huffington Post

Mea Culpa on Palin: She Sucks.

(cross posted at kickin it with cg)

Matt – one of the reasons I started my site is because I know so many on the so-called left who secretly admire Sarah Palin for various reasons but can’t reconcile it politically or acknowledge it publicly.

There are a LOT of us.

I think there is a way to do both – critique her whackadoodle aspects and enjoy other things about her, the diva/pretty tomboy notwithstanding.

She is something totally new down here. I’d rather deal with it than try and repress it away, because we know where repression lands us.

Plus, she’s just flat out totally sexy. Just because I say so doesn’t mean I’m ever going to vote for her lol

Well – that pretty much sums up how I felt about Sarah Palin up until about 5 minutes ago. True that I often cringed with the winking, Clinton references and the strange phrasings – but usually it was with a smile.  I despised the sexism Palin was a subject to and was saddened to see my fellow progressives go so far astray from their values when it came to ‘Bible Spice’ and ‘Caribou Barbie.’

But it would appear that I was dead wrong about this horrible person.

Wayne Anthony Ross, her choice for attorney general, has an alleged fondness for rape jokes and doesn’t like homosexuals.

Ross, who once described gay people as “immoral degenerates,” was quizzed this week about how he would view cases involving homosexuality as the state’s top legislator.

“Let me give you an analogy – I hate lima beans,” Ross told a legislative hearing into his nomination.

“I’ve never liked lima beans. But if I was hired to represent the United Vegetable Growers, would you ask me if I liked lima beans? No. If I disliked lima beans? No. Because my job is to represent the United Vegetable Growers.”

A letter from Leah Burton, a lobbyist on children’s issues and domestic violence, has caused an uproar, hogging headlines and infuriating some of Alaska’s most outspoken bloggers, who play a critical role in reporting politics in the remote and far-flung state.

Burton alleges that in 1991, she heard Ross say at public meeting that domestic violence “wouldn’t be an issue if women would learn to keep their mouth shut.”

At the hearing, Ross denied making that statement, and also denied making the suggestion in the same conversation that it was acceptable for a man to rape his wife.

For the sake of Alaskans I only hope that she is out of office soon enough. To my fellow progressives – I apologize for the folly of my ways.

How Not to Run a Progressive Blog

As in so many things (a Bill of Rights, Rock and Roll, IPods and Krispy Kremes), the UK lags behind the US in so many respects, but when it comes to the progressive blogosphere, we’ve screwed things up royally in the past few weeks.

In one of the biggest scandals to hit the Gordon Brown government, his senior strategy advisor Damian McBride (above) has had to resign (and there could be more resignations to come) all because of a badly-conceived plan to emulate the energy and activism of US blogs…

Obama heads to the Caribbean

President Obama, and Secretary of State Clinton will be heading to Trinidad for the Summit of the Americas.

Davidow previews Summit of the Americas

Amb. Jeffrey Davidow, President Barack Obama’s special advisor on the upcoming Summit of the Americas, briefed the State Department press today on plans for the summit, which is scheduled to take place April 17 to 19 in Trinidad and Tobago. Leading the U.S. delegation will be Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, he said.

On the U.S. agenda for the 34-nation summit, Davidow said, are the economy, the issues of inequity and social development, the environment, clean energy, and public safety.

Obama “is going to Trinidad with the intention of listening, discussing, and dealing with his colleagues as partners,” Davidow said. “One of his concerns, and indeed the concerns of everyone at the summit, but particularly of the President and the Secretary of State, is the question of equity.”

Pwned! The Bland Old Party

I’m going to rant a bit:

The political party that barfed up the hairball that is Sarah Palin, helmed by Michael Keepin’ it Real Steele–or depending on the time of day–Rush Limbaugh (the talk radio equivalent of government cheese) has bought the proverbial farm. Dead. Teets up, like Colonel Sanders and Ayn Rand.


The latent racism…err…immigration reform, culture wars, senseless real wars, homophobia, greedy deregulation, trickle-down (i.e. pissing on middle class heads) economics, spreading democracy one smart bomb at a time, and other sundry GOP asshattery has brought about their inevitable (and overdue) demise. Of course, having a semi-sentient uber-douche like George W. Bush as the party’s figurehead for eight long years didn’t help much either.  Think The Godfather meets Deliverance. Nope, that movie doesn’t end well.

Feel good moment of the day.

While reading Andrew Sullivan’s blog I came across this link. The diary was a simple one sentence post. “A 47 year old homely matron shows up on Britain’s Got Talent … Seriously, I’m still choked up.”

I had to follow the link to see what he was talking about. I’m not choked up, but I must admit I was greatly affected by this. There are so many lessons to be learned here that I don’t really know where to start. The heck with it, I’ll let the moment speak for itself, just as Andrew did in the original post.