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Archive for April 2009

Meghan McCain makes me smile

I dunno how many folks are going to pick up on Meghan McCain’s speech with the Log Cabin Republicans, but the gal gives me a great deal of hope for the GOP.

Her fight with Coulter solidified my liking this gal. Not just for tweaking and confronting the uglier side of what amounts to a PR vehicle–and Coulter represents strategic commentary to put out the wilder ideas so that if folks are less incendiary they will appear to be more moderate in comparison. Which is the sort of disingenuous politics that bothers me at a deep down level.

Shocker: God discovered working in a brothel in Ciudad Juarez.

MEXICO: God, the supreme being, maker of all things, the divine creator of all – has been found…here on Earth.  Apparently, God has been here for the last 27 years, living in poverty in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.  God, known around the world by many names, (Yaweh, Allah, Krisha, Zeus, etc.), is known locally as Cora, is a single mother of two children, eking out a living as a prostitute in a brothel.

(Cross-posted at The National Gadfly)

MN-Sen: Just One Dollar to Make Norm Coleman Go Away

{First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate Guru.}

While Republican Norm Coleman prolongs his endless and pointless appeals, cementing his admission into the Sore Losers Hall of Fame, progressive organizations Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee have introduced a new effort:, “A Dollar a Day to Make Norm Go Away.”  Very simply put, commit to contributing just one dollar per day for every day that sore loser Norm Coleman refuses to concede.

This is exactly the correct approach to take in order to provide Republican leadership in Washington with adequate disincentive from continuing to fund Coleman’s endless appeals.  The GOP bigwigs funding Coleman’s appeals see value in putting their money toward keeping progressive Senator-elect Al Franken from being seated.  This grassroots-powered effort will make them think twice.

If you feel so inclined, you can certainly chip in a bit of change directly to the Franken Recount Fund, as well.

What this whole Susan Boyle phenomenon told me…..

First let me say, I was impressed by the woman’s beautiful voice.  Inspired is not what I felt.  Saddened by the reaction of so many is closer to my emotional reaction.

I do not watch American Idol for one reason.  I get disgusted by what passes as entertainment these days.  Simon what’s-his-name’s nasty treatment turned me off the first time I witnessed it.

I will explain after the fold.

Summit Summary & Obama Op-Ed

Prior to the Summit of the Americas, President Barack Obama wrote an Op-Ed piece that ran in Caribbean and Latin American newspapers, as well as the St. Petersburg Times and Miami Herald.

Published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, the piece was entitled

Choosing a Better Future in the Americas

According to the White House Press office the piece ran in:

La Nación (Argentina)

O Globo (Brazil)

El Mercurio (Chile)

El Tiempo (Colombia)

La Nación (Costa Rica)

El Comercio (Ecuador)

El Universal (México)

El Comercio (Perú)

El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico)

El País (Uruguay)

El Nacional (Venezuela)

It was also published in the Trinidad Express.

Oh Noes!

BE WARNED: If you live in red state, or otherwise have wingnuts in your vicinity, it would be wise to don a plastic poncho and make like you’re at a Gallagher show.  Many heads are certain to explode on account of the handshake and smile exchange between President Barack Obama and Venezuela’s dastardly Hugo Chavez.


Will this seismic event cause as many Scanners moments as Saudi Bow-Gate?

Tubes for the Week of April 13 through April 17, 2009

Another week, another dollar. Whoa…wait…when the hell did I get a raise?

Monday April 13, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Why does shooting people in this manner seem to give so many guys hard-ons?

Palin is getting worse. Is that even possible? Headzup explains.

In the words of a great thinker: “She sucks”.

Tuesday April 14, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Ok, more men using gun violence as viagra…oh wait. PUPPY. Aw, isn’t he a cute widdle biddle bubby.

On a more personal note, the Minnesota Senate grinds on. It needs to be over. I know the truth hurts Norm, but listen to Jughead and quit holding Minnesota’s second Senate seat hostage for the republican party.

If you have even a shred of dignity left Norm, just go away for all of our sakes (including your own).

Susan Boyle and the Power of Optimism

Unless you have just now emerged from a coma you are aware of Susan Boyle.  For the past week Ms. Boyle has brought more tears and more joy than any single figure in recent history.  To put the scope of her impact on society in perspective, the YouTube clip of the “Yes We Can Song” that was incredibly popular during the election has garnered 17.5 million hits in more than one year, the videos of Susan’s song have gotten 30 million hits in less than one week (the first clip posted is now at 19 million views and went up 300,000 in the last hour).

The question is: “Why?”  The answer?


Gitmo, Room 101

I’m writing this in part because of a slight disagreement I just had with a fellow liberal over what constitutes torture, and I’m really hoping this will open up a productive discussion.

The Department of Justice released four memos yesterday detailing the use of waterboarding and other drastic interrogation techniques. President Obama has called this “a time for reflection, not retribution,” and has stated that the CIA officials involved will not be punished.

Is That All They Did? Torture Them More!

So President Obama released the tortured memos…even though I didn’t think he would. It was the topic of discussion today between myself and my best friend back home.

He’s a liberal Democrat who supported Obama, opposed Bush vehemently. He’s no moderate. His response to the memos?

“Is that all they did? Torture them more!”