Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Merry Christmas, to all our family and friends here at the Moose

And hopefully you have a better time with Santa than my beautiful baby girl did!

I just wanted to pass on, to all of you who have joined our community here at the Moose, how thankful I am to have you guys here. This is truly a community, as tight-knit and firm a bond as any. Amazing, in this day and age, with the anonymity of the Internet and the distances separating us, that a group of people could come together the way we have. In that light, I’d like to share a prayer.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the many blessing you have bestowed upon my family and I this Christmas.

Thank you for watching over our family and friends; thank you for offering hope where there was none. Thank you for guiding us in this time of trial and hardship, for our nation and our community here at the Moose.

I humbly ask that you enlighten those who do harm in your name; that you provide understanding and tolerance where it is lacking, and that you protect those who suffer from that lack. Watch over our boys and girls deployed overseas; watch over our leaders and help keep their guidance firm and true; keep our families safe and sound.

In your name we pray. Amen.

Wherever you are this Christmas, and whatever you’re doing, God Bless you all- have a wonderful day


  1. Michelle

    Beautiful prayer, Rage, and an even more beautiful daughter.

    This is truly a community, as tight-knit and firm a bond as any. Amazing, in this day and age, with the anonymity of the Internet and the distances separating us, that a group of people could come together the way we have.

    I am also truly thankful for our community, a pebble tossed into the large pond of the blogosphere, but I feel that our ripples of progress are serving our world in great ways.

    Peace to you and yours….

  2. and, indeed, all of us wherever and whomever we are.

    This year for me has been an incredible roller-coaster of birth and death, glimpses of heights and gazing into gathering darkness.  In this year I’ve found a lot of things to be true, not least of all is that joy is to be relished and hope to be cherished.

    Thank you all for be here for this part of my journey.  Thank you all for sharing this Wonderful Life with me.

    May this day be a good one for you and all you you hold dear, may the new year be a time when you can have and recognize joy, may you never lose hope longer than is necessary to allow you to appreciate when you find it again.

    God bless you, every one.


  3. Jjc2008

    well wished, and for the prayer.  While I may be agnostic, I respect the beliefs of others and the positive gesture behind prayer.

    I am back east with my deceased sister’s family and my cousins and one remaining aunt.   I made it through Chicago yesterday with only a one and a half hour delay, and got back in time to  join the family at a Christmas Eve get together.  We have been celebrating with extended family (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousin….) for as long as I can remember. Now of course I am the senior end….with only one Aunt, my cousins and I are the elders now.  

    All in all, another fine traditional celebration.

    Your daughter is adorable, ragekage, even if Santa scared her.

  4. spacemanspiff

    I got home at 6 earlier today opened the fridge and served myself some “coquito” ( PRican eggnog). I have consumed so much alcohol that I don’t even feel drunk. But I am drunk.  Last night was CRAZY.

    Showered, took a 3 hour power nap and played some Xbox live.

    I’m going to shower (again) , roll up a xmas fattie and out the door for a couple of xmas parties I’ve got lined up.

    Merry Xmas to my Moose peeps ( including all you lurkers ) !


  5. spacemanspiff

    … it’s the 6th of Jan.

    Basically the same Santa jazz but 3 Kings style.

    They are poor so their presents are “cheaper” and “less” but it’s still a big day here.

    Christmas is just getting warmed up on the island.

  6. alyssa chaos

    snow in the desert = a miracle! or a sign of climate change? […cue cheesy ominous music]


    hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!

  7. our holidays were going well until the rain and stomach flu(s) started.  yay.  i feel so bad for my little baby girl ;(

    but its times like this that its hard for me to believe that this blog, once a twinkle in our eyes has come to fruition and we have a really great community.  coolness.  anyway – to all moosers:  the original 25 and not, may this holiday season and coming year be everything that we hope it to be.  

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