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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for September 2008

Each Day a New Beginning

(Cross-posted at Clintonistas at Obama)

You have to admire John McCain’s commitment to change.  He does it every day.  If you didn’t like his policies yesterday, don’t sweat it.  As long as his poll numbers are changing for the worse on one day, you can count on new attitudes to fundamental issues the next day.

Mark Halperin has assembled some pithy quotes from various sources about how Johnny “I was against Government Intervention before I was for It” McCain is recasting himself after the decline of his poll numbers in the wake of the financial crisis.

Stay Off Of My Bridge

Every blog needs a pet Troll.

I am here to volunteer.

I am hoping that teh engels has not yet hit the scene and nabbed the position.

The Gift of Palin – We Now Have Something To Lose

Good morning everyone!  This will be the only Palin diary you likely see from me.  As emotions have cooled and analysis has taken sway it occurs to me that Governor Palin is a gift to Barack Obama, though one wrapped in shigawire (mojo to whomever gets that reference).  She presents a golden opportunity to the Left, one that we absolutely cannot miss and if we do we deserve to lose…

First Two Tracking Polls of the Day Are Out

Either McCain’s bounce is diminishing, or the economic crisis is starting to move numbers, or perhaps it’s both, or maybe it’s just statistical noise, but Obama’s fortunes have improved in the two tracking polls released this morning:


McCain 48

Obama 47

Rasmussen observes, “This is the third straight day Obama has been at 47% while McCain has dropped a point on each of the past two days.”

Jewish voters receiving phone calls informing them that Obama is a Muslim

Somebody remind me why I ever supported Senator McCain and the Republican party. From Ben Smith, over at Politico, turns out Jewish voters have been receiving push poll phone calls informing them that Obama is the Muslim Manchurian candidate that will kill them all.

Jewish voters are complaining of a poll that, after confirming their religion, asks a series of questions that appear aimed at alarming Jewish voters, including linking Barack Obama to Palestinian terrorist groups.

Luckily, The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn got a phone call and took notes:

The leader of Hamas, Ahmed Yousef, expressed support for Obama and his hope for Obama’s victory…

Jimmy Carter’s anti-Israel national security advisor is one of Barack Obama’s foreign policy advisors…

Barack Obama called for holding a summit of Muslim nations exlcuding Israel if elected president…

Now we see just what our buddy Karl has inspired the McCain campaign to do., officially or not. To make it all the more tragic, this is exactly the strategy used against McCain in 2000 to help defeat him in the Republican Presidential Primary.

As always, guys, the best defense to this is a good offense. Let’s get the word out, around the blogosphere and to the mainstream media.

The Best Defense is Offensive

The McCain campaign is now accusing fired Alaskan Public Safety Director Walt Monegan of “insubordination”, according to papers filed Monday by would-be President Puti…, sorry – “Palin”.


Tuesday Open Thread

Hi folks!

Happy Tuesday, one and all!  The Gulf is clear of hurricanes (for now),the media is eating John McCain by the forkful, and oil is below $100/barrel because the banks are collapsing.

What’s on your busy minds?

Just Because She Sings and Dances in Her Underwear …


Be careful what you wish for. Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when I was an earnest neophyte feminist at Vassar, earnestly debating the meanings of feminism, sexism, and choice, I used to wish, earnestly, that we would have a political campaign that actually discussed these issues. And this year I finally got one. Sort of. Only the disingenuousness of the conversation we’re actually having is something that I, in my actual ingenuousness then, could never have envisioned. But democracy being what it is, and Republicans being what they are, it’s turned into something very twisted, indeed.  

What Can We Buy for Obama?

(Proudly cross-posted at C4O)

I mean it. What can we buy to help him? I was thinking about that last week as I was worrying over ugly poll numbers. But even though it looks like there’s light at the end of our tunnel, I know we can’t get complacent.

So what can we do to help Obama win?