Pat Buchanan is on a tear. He wants McCain and Palin to really put it to Obama, and sees nothing wrong with making Obama seem anti-American and very, very frightening.
I saw Pat on Hardball yesterday and today Chris Matthews dissected Buchanan and this approach. Matthews blew open, the largely successful tactic, of the the republican party to de-Americanize the Democratic candidate for the past twenty or more years. The exchange was amazing as Matthews dismissed Buchanan and we watched Pat’s head kind of explode. I will post the video if I can find it.
Since the republicans have been ramping this issue up over the past week, I have wondered why it is never a problem for the republican candidate for President to be associated with lunatics. And never forget, however cuddly Pat seems, he is a Right Wing Nut Job (RWNJ). See for yourself…
Remember this gem
Bill Press got it right.
These are the people we are dealing with
John McCain seemed to get it right in 2000
But this is today
Oh and there is also
and this
Just threw this in because I liked it