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In the News: Memory Losses

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Lawmakers Change Their Minds After Demanding ‘Every Effort’ Be Made To Free Bergdahl

Republicans are almost uniformly criticizing President Obama’s decision to swap five Taliban fighters at Guantanamo Bay for the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only American held hostage in Afghanistan. But many of the administration’s loudest critics have previously demanded that it do more to bring Bergdahl to safety. Since his release, these lawmakers are emphasizing their criticism of Obama’s handling of the prisoner exchange while downplaying the successful return of an American servicemember.

In the clearest contradiction, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in February that he “would be inclined to support” “an exchange of prisoners for our American fighting man,” like the one Taliban officials had offered in 2012. He has since labeled Obama’s deal “ill-founded” and a “mistake.”

Former Bush Official Blasts GOP On Bergdahl: Bush Would Have Done The Same Thing


“Year of the Establishment Republican”? How about “Year of the Discredited Narrative”“:

When the smoke clears on June 24, Mississippi will likely join Kentucky and Georgia as states where the loss of a Republican Senate seat in November is possible, and the dissipation of GOP resources better spent elsewhere is certain. Beyond that, Republican pols everywhere would know that not even four decades of genial service and effective money-grubbing for a very poor state, or the support of virtually everyone there ever elected to a position above dogcatcher, is enough to survive the ever-rightward tide of the conservative activist “base.”

Iowa GOP Senate Nominee is ‘Sarah Palin Of Iowa’

Mississippi GOP Senate Primary Likely Headed To Runoff

“In race after race, Republican candidates have been pulled so far to the right by the Tea Party that it is a distinction without a difference,” Wasserman Schultz said in a statement. “The likely runoff in Mississippi caused by Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel shows that the GOP is the Same Old Party, which has failed to learn its lessons from recent elections. Come November, voters will reject a Republican Party which opposes an increase in the minimum wage for hard working Americans, has blocked equal pay for women, and is obsessed with repealing the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for millions of Americans.”


NRA Apologizes For Calling Guns-In-Restaurants Crowd ‘Weird’

The National Rifle Association has disavowed its recent criticism of pro-gun demonstrations in Texas.

In an interview on Tuesday with the organization’s own news site, the head of the NRA’s lobbying arm blamed a staff member’s “personal opinion” for the content of an unsigned statement published Friday on the organization’s website, and he apologized for “any confusion” the statement may have caused.

“It’s a distraction,” Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, told NRA News. “There was some confusion, we apologize, again, for any confusion that that post caused.”

Wait wait … we forgot that “weird” and “scary” is what we are!! Never mind.


More …

More news and views …

Ken Gude: Why The Five Taliban Detainees Had To Be Released Soon, No Matter What

When wars end, prisoners taken custody must be released. These five Guantanamo detainees were almost all members of the Taliban, according to the biographies of the five detainees that the Afghan Analysts Network compiled in 2012. None were facing charges in either military or civilian courts for their actions. It remains an open question whether the end of U.S. involvement in the armed conflict in Afghanistan requires that all Guantanamo detainees must be released. But there is no doubt that Taliban detainees captured in Afghanistan must be released because the armed conflict against the Taliban will be over. […]

… the statistics show that there is a 5 percent chance at most that these detainees will engage in militant activities upon release, they will be in Qatar for at least a year by which time the U.S. combat role in Afghanistan will be over, and they would have had to be released soon anyway. When put in the proper perspective, obtaining the release of the sole U.S. prisoner in Afghanistan is a masterstroke and worthy of congratulations.


Jim Wright: Negotiating With Terrorists

Are we now so filled with foul bilious hatred, are we now so consumed with soul-destroying fear, do we now despise our own selves so much that we would actually protest the return of one of our own? Is that it?[…]

Is this who we are?

Because the utter unmitigated, unhinged, unbounded yellow-eyed hypocrisy that defines this sick twisted morally bankrupt philosophy has finally, today, reached its zenith.  There is nowhere left to go.

I didn’t think these people could dishonor the spirit of this country any more than they already had, but I was wrong.[…]

I get that they are so consumed with rage and so filled with naked hate and so programmed with their diseased ideology that it poisons their minds like a computer chip submerged in acid.

I get that they are so utterly terrified of the world that they piss themselves in abject fear at the mere thought of going to the grocery store without a goddamned gun stuck in their pants like an extra oversized prick.

More than anything, I get that they are afraid of Barack Obama, everything about him, every single thing about the president terrifies them. Obama stalks their feverish nightmares and he is the very symbol of their shameful impotence – so much so that they’ve written him into their precious bible, in a starring role as the devil, the destroyer of worlds. […]

… Bergdahl has been condemned by the popular media, by social networks, by pundits and politicians, not because they know more about the situation than you or I do, but solely because they hate the president. If Obama was behind Bergdahl’s release, then Bergdahl is a traitor, Q.E.D. because the president must never, ever, be allowed even the slightest acknowledgement of patriotism.

This condemnation isn’t about Bergdahl, it’s about Obama.


Anger explodes over treatment of Bergdahl’s release as veterans, troops call him a deserter

Other veterans of U.S. wars warned, however, that the high-pitched tenor of the desertion debate is harmful to the military’s reputation and damaging to the age-old ethos of never leaving a service member behind. Like him or not, the more muted camp said, Bergdahl was captured by the enemy, endured untold hardships, and must first be repatriated and rehabilitated before it’s appropriate to discuss punitive action.

Army To Probe Circumstances Of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s Capture: “There is no timeline for this, and we will take as long as medically necessary to aid his recovery.”

Conservatives Go From Zero To Impeachment In Record Time On Bergdahl


June 4: The Day That Defines, And Still Haunts China .

As China prepares to mark the 25th anniversary of its brutal repression of protests around Tiananmen Square, its leaders have presided over an unprecedented pre-anniversary crackdown. Rights groups say at least 50 people have been detained, put under house arrest or disappeared


Can Civilian Health Care Help Fix The VA?

To address the crisis in wait times, the VA is ramping up a system that would explicitly allow veterans to get private care if they’ve been waiting more than 30 days for medical attention. Some in Congress have put forth measures to do the same. But that’s something the VA already has the authority to do – in fact, in 2013 the department spent $4.8 billion on care outside the VA system.

While veterans’ service organizations support many of the measures before Congress, the majority of such groups say the VA’s medical care is excellent once vets get access to it. And they worry that the private sector doesn’t have needed expertise.


Mad at Obama? Blame Republicans

The carping is familiar. President Obama has “overreached” and abused his authority by releasing terrorist prisoners without notifying Congress and in promulgating new environmental rules. But, as usual, Republicans have few remedies beyond press releases and the promises of hearings.

That’s the state of play in Washington: trench warfare that has lasted more than three years.

Obama began 2014 vowing that he would no longer be sidelined by Republican obstructionists-and he appears to be making good on his threat. More executive actions are likely on the way, as the president may well impose deportation curbs if the GOP won’t constructively work toward immigration-reform legislation.

House Republicans should stop and consider it-not because of the political benefit the party might, maybe, enjoy by helping to broker an immigration solution. No, the better reason is this: If they truly fear the unchecked growth of presidential power, then their best option is to come to the table and force compromise. It’s the one sure way to keep Obama from going cowboy (or, in their minds, tyrant).

One Day After U.S. Announces Emissions Target, China Says Carbon Cap Is On The Way

Major Companies Distance Themselves From U.S. Chamber Campaign Against Obama’s Climate Plan


In Ireland, A Macabre Discovery At Old Home For Unwed Mothers

The harsh conditions at the St. Mary’s Mother and Baby Home weren’t exceptional: In post-independence Ireland, thousands of women were abused or exploited in church-run homes.

Other church-run homes pretended children were orphans and gave them up for adoption – in exchange for donations – regardless of their mothers’ wishes. The 2013 film Philomena was inspired by the true story of such a forced adoption. And, as government reports have detailed , the sexual and physical abuse of children at Irish church-run schools and orphanages ran rampant – and was covered up by the church hierarchy.


Editor’s Note: Feel free to share other news stories in the comments.


  1. I hope that the Republican House of Representatives pursues impeachment. Election Nullification Syndrome will be a nice thing to run on in the fall.

  2. The Government Crackdown On Offshore Tax Dodging Just Got Real

    Over 77,000 separate foreign banks and financial firms will start sharing information on their American accountholders with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in cooperation with a major crackdown on offshore tax evasion, the Associated Press reports.

    Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), banks that continue to withhold information on their American clients from U.S. authorities have to pay substantial fees on any business they conduct in the states. Since that law passed in 2010, American authorities have gradually worked with international governments and bankers to implement its information sharing requirements. The list of 77,000 cooperating institutions released Monday by the Treasury Department is the first comprehensive look at which banks have chosen to cooperate with FATCA, and future lists may be even longer. […]

    The combination of criminal prosecutions against Swiss firms and FATCA cooperation with the Swiss government illustrates how Department of Justice (DOJ) and IRS efforts can complement one another. One DOJ prosecution forced the oldest bank in Switzerland to close its doors permanently. Another led to a “deferred prosecution” agreement with UBS, which provided information on U.S. accountholders to American authorities. Following those two cases, over 100 Swiss banks began cooperating with the DOJ. More recently, Credit Suisse was forced to plead guilty to criminal tax evasion charges and pay a $2.6 billion fine over similar issues. The Credit Suisse plea also required the company to hand over some information on U.S. accountholders.

  3. princesspat

    ‘An interview … arranged by Republican strategists’

    What exactly is going on here? The release of an American POW from his Taliban captors in Afghanistan has become a political operation in which Republican strategists direct reporters to specific sources?

    BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray and Kate Nocera reported this morning on the behind-the-scenes effort.

    A former Bush Administration official hired, then resigned, as Mitt Romney’s foreign policy spokesman played a key role in publicizing critics of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the released prisoner of war.

    The involvement of Richard Grenell, who once served as a key aide to Bush-era U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton and later worked for Romney’s 2012 campaign, comes as the Bergdahl release has turned into an increasingly vicious partisan issue.

    The R’s organized propaganda campaign continues and far to many news organizations just play their part. The evening MSNBC shows have been very good this week with seminar like coverage of important stories but the site is frustrating to use. It’s hard to find the written info and the links to the online stories.

  4. Olden days: Soldier released from captivity=good news

    Obama days: Soldier released from captivity=IMPEACH!!!

    Republicans Frantically Scrub Their Praise Of Bowe Bergdahl

    Unprepared for their own party’s outrage over the prisoner swap that led to the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, at least three well-known Republicans did what they could to expunge their immediate celebration of the soldier’s rescue.

    It didn’t work, as several outlets captured the public praise offered on Twitter and elsewhere by two Republican House members and a GOP U.S. Senate hopeful.

    Not long after the White House announced the prisoner exchange on Saturday afternoon, Joni Ernst, tweeting days before she easily claimed the Republican nomination in Iowa’s Senate race, noted the news and offered her “[t]houghts & prayers” to Bergdahl’s family.

    According to Politiwoops, the tweet was deleted 25 minutes later.

    The Upshot’s Derek Willis noticed that Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE) put out a statement and Facebook post on Saturday about Bergdahl’s release before scrubbing them both.

  5. Diana in NoVa

    He won, but…

    Really, he might as well not have won. However, the thought of a President and Vice President McCain and Palin are two awful to contemplate, so at least we’ve been spared that.

    Good diary, Jan!

  6. DTOzone

    but I think the politics of Bergdahl is going to go against the president here, perhaps fatally.

    If it turns out, or even is just publicly accepted, that this guy is a deserter or even just an idiot who put other soldiers lives at risk,

    Trying to argue that its the right thing to do to get our soldier back regardless of if he’s an asshole or not isn’t going to work, the mob has been known to castigate people just for being assholes. There is no justice in the court of public opinion.

    So I can see this playing right into the Republican hands, even impeachment being a political plus for them. It’s not hard to argue Obama violated his constitutional oath here, several newspapers did so today.  

  7. Dear Soldier: We Need Some Information In Case You’re Captured

    Dear Soldier/Airman/Seaman/Marine:

    Thank you for your willingness to be sent wherever it is we’re sending our military forces, for whatever reason we’re sending you there. Your willingness to give your all “for your country” – or, let’s be real, for your comrades, or just not to look chicken in front of them – is greatly appreciated.

    However, it has come to our attention that, should you fall into enemy hands, new circumstances dictate that your country may not want to actually bring you back. The standard has changed from “Leave no comrade behind” to “Leave no suitably telegenic comrade behind.” To help us decide whether you are fit to be rescued, or even searched for, we need to gather certain information to help us determine whether you are worth bothering with.

    Selected points:

    1) Do you love America enough? Please explain any doubts you may have about the perfection of our way of life, our economic system, and core American values, as you understand them.

    3) Do you have any family members who might make you or the United States look bad on TV, particularly Fox News?

    5) If comrades die while searching for you, can you guarantee that your life was worth it?

    6) If a substantial number of people believe you’re a deserter or a traitor, should we bring you back to try you in a court martial, or just take their word for it and leave you behind?

  8. Perry Wonders If Obama Released Bergdahl To Distract From VA Scandal

    On Tuesday Perry suggested that Obama negotiated for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in order to distract from the Veterans Affairs scandal.

    “Here’s the bigger concern for me, and I really would like for somebody to take a look at this and answer it — was this done to take the VA off the front page of the newspapers? An absolute debacle that we’ve seen this administration not taking care of the men and women of our military, and this kind of happened all of a sudden it seems like,” Perry said on Fox News’ “Hannity.”


    So the prisoner exchange in Afghanistan is “much like” the 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Libya because, in both cases, the administration did or didn’t do something and then later gave an account of why it did or didn’t do that something. Scandalous.

    And this is just the beginning of the uncanny similarities. Both events happened – you’re not going to believe this – under President Obama! And in both instances, one of the people involved was – yes, you guessed it – Susan Rice! Don’t forget that Bergdahl and Benghazi both begin with the letter “B,” and although Afghanistan is in Asia and Libya is in Africa, both continents begin with the letter “A.”

    Now comes word that Hillary Rodham Clinton, blamed for Benghazi, was also behind Bergdahl’s swap, which occurred 16 months after she left office. The conservative publication Human Events reports that “Benghazi Clinton has now become directly involved” in the Bergdahl affair. How does Human Events know this? Well, because “Jake Tapper of CNN wonders if Obama was briefing her,” the outlet reported.

    This would be funnier if it wasn’t such a sad indictment of the state of political discourse in America. And if real lives, for example, the lives of the Bergdahl family, were not being destroyed.

  10. HappyinVT

    hospital/medical center.

    A trip to the MC is 45 miles and to the hospital is more than 2 hours.  But … I cannot say that the quality of care I could get elsewhere would be any better and the VA is often at the forefront of technology (they have to be).

    I had an appointment to see the OT at the hospital on Friday while I parked myself at the medical center.  We were able to use telehealth where we could consult on the best options to deal with my arthritic thumb.  There was an OT tech on my end as well but is was so helpful to save on the commute.  And they simply mailed my my splint which I got today; the tech would have done the hands-on stuff if necessary.

    I do go to a civilian hospital for care my local VA does not provide (like mammograms) at no cost to me.  I read somewhere that the government pays more than 5 billion annually for vets to go offsite for care.  So it isn’t  a new concept; it would just be expanded.  And one of the things Bernie Sanders put in his most recent bill which basically gives the GOPers everything they want so we’ll see …

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