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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

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  Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely.

  PLEASE Don’t Recommend the check-in diary!

        Fierces on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    63 degrees here in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for a high of 88.

    Today for some reason I’m a little nervous about work. I had my first day last Monday, but then went on a trip for the rest of the week. So today feels like the first day of actual work. Training went well and I have some goals lined up to get things on track (I was hired because they’re a mess) but I’ll feel better once I’ve actually dug into it.

    Meanwhile, happy Monday!

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  2. 74 degrees here in Madison WI on its way up to 94 degrees. Tomorrow 95 degrees for the high then storms cool us down a few degrees heading into the holiday weekend. We won’t cool down into the lower 80s until the day after Labor Day … when school starts here in Wisconsin. Good timing!

    Nothing wrong with making up words, Will. I do it all the time!

    Have a great day, all y’all. I have to put my nose to the Monday grindstone for a few hours.  Back after 9!

  3. DeniseVelez

    headed out to early eye doc check-up

    then back home to finish up paperwork to start school tomorrow 🙁

    My summer is over!!!!


  4. JG in MD

    Crafts day at the senior group. Two of our members have offered to teach us silkscreening. I’ve always wondered how it works, so looking forward to the session.

  5. anotherdemocrat

    Eating breakfast (beans) drinking tea. We’re supposed to get rain today!! And a high of only 94. Brrr, break out the sweaters. By the end of the week, it’s back to 104. Sigh. Oh — and Thursday & Friday we have to dress up because the candidates to be the next State Librarian are coming. So even cubicle monkeys like me have to dress up. Because…. I dunno why. So Thursday I’m wearing khakis (hey, long pants count as dressing up, right?) and a shurt with a collar. And Friday the building may fall down because I’m wearing a skirt. Haven’t worn one of those to work in a dozen years. But until then it is my regular thing of capris & Birkenstock sandals.

    Happy my CD plays. Going to take the flash drive out of the car, plug it into the mac & see if I can see why 3/4 of the songs on it won’t play. Hope I can remember how to get it back into random mode when I plug it back in, because I just highlighted & pasted blocks of stuff. Big chunks by each band. So I want it on random play, if I can get it to play the rest of the songs.

    Speaking of bands — I have officially joined the “get off my lawn” set. I have never heard any of the artists – ok, except Lady Gaga – on the MTV Awards last night. I’ve heard of them, the ones who are the bigger train wrecks. But the actual music……nope. I may have heard snippets of Justin Timberlake on the news, but not a whole song. And that song by Robin Thicke, I’ve heard the parodies and the commentary about it being awful & sexist, but not the song itself.

    So today – just work. Possibly enjoying rain. And fixing my flash drive so I can have even more music in the car.

  6. pittiepat

    forecast for the next 10 days.  Yesterday was hotter here than in Houston.  Murphy’s law being what it is, I won’t be the least bit surprised if we get rain on September 14 & 15 — the days I’ll be moving into the new place.

  7. emeraldmaiden

    Got back from DC about 3-ish yesterday. Oy, the highways kept wanting to be parking lots, especially I-95. So my clutch foot got more of a workout than I was expecting. But the air was cool, so I rode up with the windows down most of the time. Paid for it with a little asthma wheezing and coughing later, but it was worth it. 🙂

    Had a great time with my sister and niece. BIL was mostly going to seminars, so I didn’t see him too terribly much. Our cousin came down with her husband and kids for the weekend, too, so it was a big family thing.

    Once I upload my pics, I’ll post some.

  8. Jk2003

    I am becoming less of a morning person as time goes on.  And I was never much of one to begin with.  Getting out of bed is hard.  

    School for my daughter today during which time I am going to take my son to the library then dinner with some friends who have a pool.  The called yesterday to invite us over and since its gonna be hot as Hades we couldn’t say no.  

    Have a great day all!

  9. bfitzinAR

    looks like rain, but it’s looked like rain for the last week and we haven’t gotten any.  I’m afraid my cherry tree is going – if it is I’m just wasting water, but I planted that tree 15 years ago and…  1st day of classes – I enrolled 3 students in full classes before 8 a.m. – what was I doing here before 8 a.m. you ask? – looking for parking 🙂  I’ll try to check back later to see what everybody else is doing.  {{{HUG}}}

  10. slksfca

    Cloudy, but no fog! Today I had to cancel a lunch date with an old friend because of a doctor’s appointment I’d forgotten about. Damn. Luckily my friend only lives 50 miles away and will be back in town again soon.

    Oh, and my noisy neighbors are moving away. I hope a quiet single person rents their apartment instead of a constantly shouting couple.

  11. Diana in NoVa

    here in NoVa.  We still have the air conditioning off.  I have to make phone calls in a few minutes–hate doing that.  My hearing aids don’t like the phone being next to my ear, so I have to put everyone on speaker.  Hope the NSA enjoys listening!

    We had a really social weekend, for us–dinner at my son’s house Friday night because the in-laws were in town.  They’re just back from a tour of South Africa, so were full of interesting stories. Saturday a dear friend came to tea, so I made berry scones (Trader Joe’s mix), and served them with clotted cream and quince paste. Yesterday I invited my younger son and his family to dinner, because I planned to roast a chicken and make an apple pie. The apples are organic again this year because we never got around to spraying them.  Used two kinds of apples from the backyard–Golden Delicious and “mystery” apples–and some from the front yard tree, which I’m pretty sure is a Stayman. The pie turned out quite nicely, although one bit of crust drooped and fell off during the baking.

    MUST get to the gym this week–last week was so full of doctor appointments I never managed it.  So far, the Allegra-in-the-morning and Zyrtec-in-the-evening seems to be keeping the allergies in check.

    Hope everyone will have a good day!

  12. JG in MD

    I went in this morning for a blood draw, because I was supposed to. The nurse did BP, temp, weight even, and we agreed that I was sick. She dithered, even saying during the conversation “Do you want to do the blood test?” to which I said “I don’t know. You’re the medical professional.”

    “You should see the doctor,” she finally said after more dithering, and I was having none of it. I wasn’t missing a minute of silkscreening. She followed me down the hall toward the waiting room, saying I should wait and see the doctor. I said no, I was going to have some fun with my friends. Shaking my head, I literally backed through the waiting room and out the door.

    Sure. Wait forever for the doctor to say “You’ve got the flu or something.” Not happening.

    I got a call this afternoon. “The doctor really wants you to have that blood draw. It’s important.” Duh, I didn’t say. I’ll go in tomorrow morning. That’s either four or five visits to her office in two weeks, I’ve lost count.

    We all had a great time at the senior center. As I’ve always said, endorphins are the best medicine.

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