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Friday Coffee Hour: Check In and Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF! Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

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Friday Coffee Hour and check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    72 degrees here in Plainview Long Island. High today will be 84 but I won’t be here to enjoy it. I’m heading home about 10:30 this morning hoping to avoid horrible traffic getting out of town.

    Have a great weekend, Meeses. (Note: first go round, curse you auto-correct changed that to ‘Messes’.)

  2. 57 degrees here in Madison WI, on its way up to 82. The storms that went through yesterday cooled us down a few degrees. Back into the 90s on Sunday.

    For those who need a little Grumpy (Cat) with their coffee:

  3. DeniseVelez

    69 going up to 82 here in the Hudson Valley of NY.

    Finished reading my morning news – see that two more more screw loose domestic terrorists have been busted

    They remind me of some of my very vocal Tea Party neighbors who are “anti” everything about the government (except keep government hands off their Medicare – duh)

    Did a bit of googling about the “sovereign citizens movement”


  4. trs

    Just another Friday in the Shenandoah Valley – 72 currently, with rain predicted and a high in the low 80’s. So, naturally, I have to dig up and replace a water line going to a house today. Looks like I’ll be working in mud. Joy.  

  5. anotherdemocrat

    98 & 99 for the next 5 days

    Eating beans & drinking tea. Only woke up once last night – and early enough that I really got back to sleep. Very loud earworm of Called Out In The Dark (the song from my diary), kinda drowning out most other thoughts. Also the ungodly hour not contributing to thinking.

    Today: work, then home for early dinner because of tomorrow’s 5:30 wake up because of the training group. Breakfast tomorrow will be a Cliff bar – nice & dense, but can eat quickly. Going to skip out on the breakfast tacos after workout again, I can’t afford it. Hope they’re not doing team-building stuff at that, ’cause they’ll notice I’m not there. Oh, well.

  6. JG in MD

    I think I know why my white blood cell count was up. It’s very possible that I have a cold. It’s also very possible that I will go to bed or curl up on the sofa with my audiobook and a cup of tea in the next ten minutes. Heeere, kitteh kitteh …


  7. nchristine

    morning….. loads of fun – NOT!!

    Summer is actually going to make a real appearance next week with highs in the mid 90’s.  Hopefully, it won’t last very long.

  8. Jk2003

    Beautiful morning here in the Chitown suburbs.  Third day of school and my kindergartner is an old pro.  My husband has to work late tonight and all day tomorrow so it’s just the kids and me for dinner.  Piano tuner coming this afternoon.  Lots of playing and reading on tap for today.  Have a great one all!

  9. Nurse Kelley

    This part of Colorado had wild, embedded thunderstorms for almost twelve hours last night. The highway was closed, but that didn’t stop rumormongers up here from giving phone interviews to local TV stations, making wild claims of damage that were mostly untrue. The worst rumor claimed that all our bridges to the highway had been washed out, essentially stranding us. I got up before dawn and went to see if I could find a way for Khloe to get to work; what I found was an intact roadbed and bridge.

    Good thing, too. I have a haircut scheduled later this morning, and I’d be extremely cranky if I missed that! 🙂

  10. bfitzinAR

    get below 85 until after midnight (this is what humidity does for you – when the air is dry the temps drop when the sun does) so still having to us A/C.  Got most of the crazy dealt with and should be able to come back in a while to r&r read and fierce other folks check ins 🙂  Have a loverly Friday whatever you’re up to.  {{{HUGS}}}

  11. slksfca

    Fog, again. But it’s been partially clearing late in the afternoons, which is an improvement.

    And another week flies by. Unbelievable!

  12. JG in MD

    Just talked to a friend who said the antibiotics I’ve taken for the last 3 or 4 days have been working to help my system cure what ails me and today they got rid of the last of the germs in a final full-out effort. I feel much better.

    I’m so glad E (from the seniors group) called and set me straight.

  13. princesspat

    Our daughter (EricaK) is having a great day…..her WordPress blog, Cognitioneducation is featured on the Freshly Pressed page today and she is speaking at commencment because she recieved the teacher of the year award.

    Don’t Forget To Write……

    Indeed, the reflection exercise here illustrates what the emerging neuroscience research reveals: deeper cognitive engagement shows up on the brain scans when research participants write compared to when they type. And behavioral evidence suggests that memory traces for what’s been written are longer lasting than for what’s been typed. These patterns are particularly pronounced for children, who are not yet adept at writing nor at typing.

    Thanks for sharing this proud mom moment with me!

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