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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week, taken last year at Harper’s Ferry, WV along the C&O Canal Tow Path. Just a friendly face in the crowd.

cropped squirrel


The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

 photo Mondayreturn_zps92de5c23.jpg


  1. iriti

    68 here in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for a high of 86 and a chance of afternoon thunderboomers.

    Have a great week my mooselicious friends!

     photo Mondaynew3_zps53b18b23.jpg

  2. 73 degrees here and thunderstorms. Looks like we will have storms of and on all day.

    I think after a 4 day weekend I have decided that I need moar weekend. I will settle for moar coffee.

    Have a great day, all y’all!!

  3. DeniseVelez

    (I’m getting really repetitive)

    Yesterday, it was really like monsoon season – thunder shook the house, really bad lightening strikes nearby and the dogs went insane with fear.  Even the roosters shut up.

    The rain came down so heavy – we had local flooding – again

    (not me – I’m safe from floods)

    Never have I seen this type of continued weather happen here.

  4. Rain all week here in North Carolina. Google has a cute logo today in honor of the 66th Roswell sighting. Too cloudy for me to see these guys if they come visiting.

    The Visitor Small photo TheVisitor2_zps2018efec.jpg

  5. Ebby

    (If “good” and “monday” don’t cancel each other out.)

    52degrees at still-dark o’clock in the morning.  Supposed to be only in the 80s this week.  I’ll appreciate the break from the heat!

    More coffee and off I go…  Bestest wishes to all the Meeses.

  6. nchristine

    this afternoon.

    It’s sad that I’m not looking forward to going to work and I’ve been there only 3.5 months….

  7. Diana in NoVa

    We had a perfect (well, perfectly hot and lovely) day on Sunday until the evening, when we received a “batch” of thundershowers. But it’s clearing up now.

    Since all the news is always bad all the time, thought I’d inject something a little lighter: the whole weekend, I didn’t have to cook! On Saturday we went to my elder son’s house for a barbecue–a combination Fourth of July and birthday celebration–and besides the usual hamburgers and hot dogs he smoked two chickens.  Yesterday we went to my younger son’s house and between rain showers he grilled shishkebabs and cooked rice to go with them. How did I get so lucky as to have two sons who are great cooks?

    Harvested two handfuls of runner beans and two little peppers yesterday.  Hope to pick raspberries later today.

    Everyone have a good day! I’m going to try to think of pleasant things–getting depression overload from the news.  🙁

  8. PadreJM

    and is still acting up a bit this morning.  I have a heavy personal day scheduled, and can’t afford to bench myself.

    Meanwhile it’s 63°F now, and low 90’s this afternoon.  Looks like that’s going to be rinse and repeat for at least a week.

  9. Jk2003

    Raining and 75 here in Chicagoland.  Going up to 89 and super duper humid. Have swimming lessons this morning then grocery shopping later this afternoon.  

    We had a great weekend and saw some funny friends yesterday at a birthday party.  You know it’s a good ten year old birthday party when the cops show up.  He was mortified when he realized it was a kids birthday.  Pretty funny.

    I have been on news blackout this weekend and I feel so much better.  Don’t tell me anything important, I don’t want to know right now.

  10. wordsinthewind

    it’s nice here today although it will get hot later. I am continuing with my shower duties, this week will be a busy one. Grace is having a good morning since she’s spending it in mr w’s lap-her favorite place in the world to be. I move around too much to make a satisfactory lap, she prefers me for the ever exciting game of toss a toy and fetch, repeat until she gets tired of it.  

  11. Portlaw

    muggy, humid, muggy, humid, mu…

    Last night went out on a small Audubon cruise to the lower harbor to two islands now off limits to people and managed by the National Park Service. They are home to hundreds and hundreds of cormorants, herons, egrets and the like. We couldn’t get off the boat since it’s a protected area but it was fabulous to see trees and abandoned buildings covered with cormorants, egrets, etc. The sunset was fabulous and coming back, as we reached the crowded upper harbor, the lights on all the ships started to come on and the kayakers began racing to reach shore before dark. Very few people take these cruises which surprises me. Only twenty or so last night.  It was cool on the water but today, alas, am on land.

    And, now Eliot Spitzer has returned to politics. OMG! Am I seeing a pattern here?

    Hope it is a good day for all in Mooseland.

  12. anotherdemocrat

    and our best chance of rain is early evening during the out-of-state-ers rally (aka the Forced Birther rally, aka the people who are using Handmaid’s Tale as a guidebook not a dystopian story)

    I wrote a diary about the AIDS Walk.

    and naturally our phones are ringing off the wall

  13. bill d

    it’s a hot one here, again.

    Hard to get back into the grove, especially since a few have decided to stretch their 4 dayer into a 6 dayer.

    Oh well, it will be my time come Thursday.


    Hope everyone has a good week.

  14. slksfca

    Foggy again, with some partial sunshine expected this afternoon. Decent weather for my walk to appointments later on.

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  15. bfitzinAR

    Things are starting to sort of settle down – I’ve got most of the end of FY13 stuff done, have a good start on the beginning of FY14 stuff (although there are a few things I can’t do until the books close on FY13), and summer session 2 is in it’s 2nd week.  We won’t get panicked students trying to get into Fall classes for another few weeks and there is nothing I can do about the Annual Report or the Spring 14 classes until they are returned to me by the Powers That Be.  I’m doing my best to ignore the news (although I’ll probably head over to DK to check the FP) – I have enough problems with reflux (QC Finance Committee meeting tomorrow for example) without any help from the corporate-owned media.  Hope everyone has a good, safe, week.  {{{HUGS}}} bf

  16. HappyinVT

    On the plus side I discovered it early so I shouldn’t be late for work.

    On my way back from dropping the car off I stopped at the groomer around the corner from me and set up an appointment for Sam and Fran (my felines) to get b-a-t-h-s and their nails trimmed.  They’re gonna be MAD.  TEEHEE!

    By they way, today is my Wednesday.

  17. kishik

    and HOT.

    meaning earth = dry dry dry

    from the heat heat heat!!!!

    Humidity still there.  I can see it standing outside my door.  bleh.


    But the skies are gorgeously clear and blue!!

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