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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week, ttaken at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. This tree has something to say about survival under difficult conditions…

Garden of the Gods (49 of 59)

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

 photo Mondayhatekitten_zpsc553c765.jpg


  1. iriti

    High today of 81, with a 90% chance of me having to be wrung out and hung to dry by the time I get home from work. Supposed to pour today. And tomorrow. Also Wednesday.

    Checked Facebook one last time before bedtime last night. Bad mistake. Old friend from my first attempt at college in the 80’s had found me (“Is that really you?” said the message). Friended her and was then beseiged by 11 friend requests from other folks from the 80’s (a couple of the names I confess to not even recognizing, though I imagine I’d recognize the faces if they haven’t changed too much). Not being a social butterfly, I didn’t have that many friends, so most were friendly acquaintances.

    I’m a little concerned because this was a small college in Mississippi. I was a tad less liberal than I am now, and have a feeling that some of these folks might have matured to the right instead of the left given the geography. Only time will tell. They were good folks back then.

    Random selection from a bunch of pictures taken by my late kid brother that I captioned. Been missing him a lot lately.

     photo bluebird.jpg

  2. DeniseVelez

    in the Hudson Valley of NY and I am very cranky.

    Got up at 4:30 to start my morning chores and we have no water.

    Checked the electric panels to the well, they are fine – there is power – so sigh – the well pump has died.

    Husband and tenant are both up – we are borrowing water from neighbor in buckets till the plumber gets here and puts in a new pump.

    Can’t afford this.  Thankgoddess for credit cards.

    heh – the perils of home ownership!

  3. 57 degrees here on its way up to 79 … mostly sunny. Should be a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Youth softball tonight.

    It is now June July (had to flip the calendar). That seems impossible because there were a whole bunch of things I had planned to get done in June and they are not done.

    I will probably be scarce today as I assess the damage from a week of news watching and news thinking about and news writing about.

    Have a great day, peeps!

  4. JG in MD

    For my weather Here Near DC, see Iriti’s weather in the Shenandoah Valley. Same same. For days.

  5. It is going to be pretty soggy here in North Carolina. 79 with thunderstorms today. 79 most of the week with thunderstorms. Checking to see if Pixie knows how to swim. 😉

    Working on art for the most part. Finally got Pouring Starlight the way I wanted it.

    Pouring Starlight photo PouringStarlight_zpsde04db40.jpg

  6. Ebby

    Pardon my yawns.  The heat has meant I haven’t slept well the last few nights. Yesterday afternoon I finally gave up on the yard work, set up a comfy deck chair in the shade with an iced tea and a book.  Ahhhhh.

    BART transit strike in the Bay Area announced overnight.  400,000 riders will be figuring out how they’re getting to work… I think I’d better get on the road a little earlier this morning!

    Wishing a good day to all Meeses everywhere.

  7. nchristine

    first vacation time in a long time Friday.

    19 firefighters dead – got trapped in a wild fire just north of the Phoenix metro area…. betcha sequester limited people and equipment…..

  8. Diana in NoVa

    flooding in various places. And to think for the three summers past we were bemoaning the lack of rain! Other than that, it’s a gray day.  We still have the a.c. on because of the humidity.

    Feel terrible about those firefighters in Arizona. It’s so awful to think of the West frying in the heat and burning up in forest fires. Wish they could get some of the rain we’ve been having.

    Hope I’ll feel energetic enough to get some things done today. Have done nothing for the past three days but read!

  9. Jk2003

    Yesterday was near perfect weather wise and today may actually top it.  And I made heavenly chicken fajitas for dinner (and have plenty left over for lunch today).  My daughter starts swimming lessons this morning…she is five and has resisted up until this point.  But now she wants to go on a water slide so she has relented and decided to go ahead.  She is excited but nervous.  The hardest part will be trying to keep my son out of the pool but there is a park down the street so the hardest part will be getting him out the door.  

    Speaking of my son.  He slept for 11 hours last night.  Straight.  Without getting up.  Without coming to get us.  Without crying.  I haven’t felt this alert since he was born two and a half years ago.  

    Have a great day!

  10. wordsinthewind

    bringing relief from the heat we’ve been having. We are forecast for highs in the 80s all week and more rain. We even turned the a/c off this morning which we haven’t been able to do for more than a week. I have a busy week planned so this cooler weather is a bonus.  

  11. PadreJM

    I’m staying in a motel for a few days while a tree service removes the Chinese Sumac (Ailanthus altissima or, ironically, “Tree of Heaven”) which surrounds my homestead and has been trying to take over the place.  I’m terribly allergic to the natural herbicide it produces to choke out its competitors, so much as I loved the shade this time of year, they had to go.  Since the workers are pushing limbs through through a chipper, I have to go for awhile too . . . at least until they are done.

    I react so badly to the stuff that when my cat rolls around in the dirt around where they grow, and then I pet him, I end up with angry welts on my hands and forearms.  It took me way too long to figure it all out.  You should have seen me when I had spent a day pulling up the young ones by the roots.  My skin was a mess, and I had started exhibiting upper respiratory symptoms.  Never again.

    So, I begin a short exile.  I’m spending my vacation money on it, since I’m not taking one this year.

    I’m not opening the office after Mass today.  My agenda is simple:  try to catch the nap I didn’t get yesterday afternoon, and spend the rest of the day reading.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day.

  12. Im a frayed knot

    Prayers for the families of the firefighters who died fighting the Arizona fire, and prayers for the city of Yarnell who lost their friends and their homes

  13. anotherdemocrat

    We had a cold front overnight. The overnight low was 68! And the high is only predicted for 92. Good news for the rally.

    I called in sick at work – my feet & shoulders really do hurt. Going to rest up until time to go to the Capitol, though that’s pretty soon.

    Eating breakfast, watching Le Tour. They’re in Corsica. Super-narrow roads, really steep – I hate watching the downhills, it’s really scary. I don’t like to go over 25 or so, and if a hill looks like it’ll get me going too fast, I’ll walk downhill. So watching these guys barrel down mountainsides at 40 mph……. breathtaking

    Yesterday, the twitter feed for the “unruly mob” was posting lots of advice about getting arrested. I’m going to be very mellow, even sitting down when I can. Definitely not going to get arrested.

  14. slksfca

    Sun is shining through a thin translucent fog layer which will soon be gone.

    A photo from yesterday’s parade taken by navajo of my sister’s group. Her sign is the yellow one in the center. It reads:

    FAMILIES 1st

    I LOVE





    My own photos didn’t turn out so well. But I had a good time. Today I’m tired. 🙂

    ABC News estimated there were about 150 people in the Mormons for Marriage Equality group. I stole an image from ABC’s website:

    My sister’s sign is barely visible at the extreme right. The girl looking at the camera is my straight nephew’s girlfriend. 🙂

  15. The jet stream normally has a west-to-east track across southern Canada this time of year. Weather systems are guided by it. It is fairly predictable.

    Now, there is a big buckle in it. It is flowing northeast off of CA, southeast through the mid-section, and again northeast along the east coast. As a result, there is a large High in the SW drawing hot desert air across AZ and CA giving them extreme heat and dryness. It continues to dry out the forests in CO, UT, etc.

    An upper low in the mid-west is bringing cool Canadian air giving us nearly ideal weather of 70s. It is also bringing tropical moist air up the east coast. They are predicted to have heavy rainfalls in the coming days.

    It is all interconnected. It happens as part of the normal weather behaviors. Fortunately, it isn’t often. Predictions are for a return to the more normal west-to-east flow later in the week.  

  16. princesspat

    A breeze from the bay usually cools the house in the evening but last night was calm and hot. The grand girls will be here soon so we’ll have a real summer day to enjoy together.

  17. Nurse Kelley

    It’s 60° here at 9:30 with a chance of rain later. Still can’t type easily, but all is well on Pikes Peak.

  18. slksfca

    …as it’s already shaping up to be much hotter than yesterday. And tomorrow is supposed to be hotter still, before the fog returns on Wednesday.

    Went to my new pharmacy (a good 20-minute walk each way, as opposed to the five-minute hop to the pharmacy which dumped me) to pick up my refills. One good thing about Walgreens is their computerized system, which quickly and easily digested all my prescription and insurance info. And on a morning like this the walk was a pleasure. It will be less so when our weather returns to normal!

  19. Pam from Calif

    Watered the garden & indoor plants. It will be another very hot day in the SF East Bay.  Don’t forget your water & try to keep cool.

    Currently a big rally in Austin TX~ Stand With Texas Women

    this video is from last week

    The Eyes of Texas are Upon You

  20. PadreJM

    Just finished a long chat with a high school classmate who lives abroad, and is in town for a few weeks.  We’re getting together next week for supper.

    She teaches most of the year in Abu Dabi, of all places, and spends the rest of the year in the Netherlands with her Dutch partner.  They want to relocate to the U.S., but as they are unmarried, they have to wait until his number is drawn in the INS immigration lottery system.  (I occasionally make gentle mention of the fact that we could remedy the marital status problem.  We’re good enough friends that I can make the remark, and she can tolerate it.)

    Now, I’m heading into the comfortable arms of Morpheus.  Or, at least, so I hope.  Perhaps I’ll dream of Holland.

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