It’s Corn on the Cob Day. How do you prepare/prefer it? Grilled, boiled, roasted? With butter, or mayo and chile powder, or something else or not at all?
Have you switched from incandescent bulbs to CFLs yet? If you switched, did you notice a difference in cost?
A lot of people I know have nasty summer colds now. Do you know any good home remedies?
How careful are you with your information online? If a website wants to know your location, for instance? Or if they want access to your Facebook account (if you have one)?
The Twitter Emitter
Now listen here, lamestream media– Marco Rubio has NOT changed his policy on immigration. It has always been whatever people want to hear.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) June 9, 2013
I can still remember when Republicans thought it was a scandal if you didn’t want the government to spy on you.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) June 9, 2013
Same Republicans who endorsed NSA surveillance in Patriot Act also endorsed criminals buying guns for cash w/no background check #freedom
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) June 9, 2013
All the gullible people should be rounded up and put in worldly wisdom camps.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) June 9, 2013
Every time you sing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” I’m reminded how much I disapprove of My son’s friends.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) June 9, 2013
You know how in the movies they rub the drugs on their gums to test it? I do that, too, except I do it with chocolate.
— Chesty Shimmerbottom (@cindasmommy) June 10, 2013
They say you shouldn’t take this sleep medication with alcohol but I actually feel perfectly noodle.
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) June 10, 2013
Was going to take the trash out, but there was a moth on the screen door and this is why you’ll never see me on “Survivor.”
— Just Bill (@WilliamAder) June 10, 2013
Rand Paul is a lot like MLK, if MLK had been a kinda dim, spoiled, empathy deficient ugly white guy.
— rootless (@root_e) June 10, 2013