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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week, taken at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

Garden of the Gods (57 of 59)

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

 photo Mondaycorgi_zps5b1b7209.jpg


  1. iriti

    A lovely 68 headed for a not-so-lovely hot & muggy 90 today.

    Wish I too could sleep through Monday. Done road-tripping for 5 weeks, at which time we will take Mom back down to hand her back off to my Sister. 847 miles this weekend.

     photo synchronizednap.jpg

  2. 69 degrees here with an expected high of 85 degrees. Scattered storms this morning which will make it sweltering this afternoon. Youth softball games tonight.

    I just stopped in to drop this note:


    The Moose will be featuring a liveblog for the SCOTUS Monday rulings at about 8:45am Eastern time. There are still merit cases from the October 2012 term that have not been decided including the Fisher affirmative action case, the DOMA and Prop 8 cases, and the ruling on gutting the Voting Rights Act. Stop by and read some tea leaves … or just bring your tea and read what the others are saying.

    Now I have to go get some work done before my clients realized that I took the weekend off.

    :::waves from the salt mines:::

  3. DeniseVelez

    here in the Hudson Valley of NY – temps will go up to 90 with thunderstorms expected later this evening.

    Will now burst into song to the tune of a West Side Story classic:

    “I feel icky…oh so icky…It’s a pity how sticky I feel…”

  4. Portlaw

    thunder coming to cheer us all up.  Sigh.

    Great opening photo, Iriti!

    Hoping for good news from SCOTUS.

    Best to all in the Moose archipelago.  

  5. nchristine

    around 2.30 this morning, it was so loud.  Continued rain during the day.  It’s going to keep going over the same place all day… flash flooding has already started in some areas.  It’s going to be muggy as well.

    I already hate this week…. on-call….

  6. anotherdemocrat

    So besides waking up as a 2nd class citizen in my state, I also woke up at 3:30 am (for no damn reason, and I took my ambien last night). Actually, the bill is probably just passing the House as I type, and then it’s to the Senate. They said on the news this morning that even if we delay it long enough to kill it, Perry will call another special session. We don’t have enough money for schools or roads, but we can pay millions for a special session so Perry can up his conservative cred. Great Goddess, I really hate him.

    That’s all I got on this lovely Monday morning.

  7. There’s been too much rain overnight in some areas north and east of here. Today we could get another inch and a half.

    Son may be in the air by now for his first training flight.

    Jim’s in pain, lower back variety. 🙁

    I have a lot going on today and won’t be around chatting, though I’ll check in on the SCOTUS opinions. Wishing you all a great day.

  8. wordsinthewind

    and forecast for more all week. Summer has set in and I like it! Our a/c is working well and the mornings are delightful even when it’s going to be this hot. My friend had her surgery yesterday which turned out to be a repair and not replacement so the rehab/recovery should be quicker. She’s expecting to be released tomorrow and the dr. is not ordering a stay at rehab. We are getting out and cleaning up a special “hip chair” mr w bought for his mother. We also have a patient transport chair which is unlike a wheelchair because it’s just for someone to push around, it has four equal sized wheels. It is also extremely convenient, we’ve loaned it out so far to the parents of our friend and to another friend who had ankle surgery. For those who just can’t use cruthes it makes it much easier to get around the house. I hope we wear this stuff out on other people and don’t ever need it ourselves.

  9. Jk2003

    Grey and muggy here.  Seventy five going up to high eighties with rain and maybe storms.  I need to clean the house (I love cleaning) but with the kiddos around it is sometimes a net zero activity.  

    Yesterday was good.  Mom looks great and seems not to be suffering side effects from the radiation so far.  And my son loves the pool this year!  Last year he did not so this is a good change.

  10. Diana in NoVa

    We had to turn the air conditioning back on yesterday.

    Had an enjoyable weekend because we looked after Miss Preschooler while her parents packed and drove the boxes to the storage facility.  They’re trying to get another, larger house. Nora and I went to the library on Saturday–something we haven’t done since she started full time day care, five days a week–and that night we sat in the darkness on the screened porch, waiting for the fireflies to appear. Then we ate some popcorn while we watched the Super Moon rise.  It was better than the movies!  🙂

    Hope everyone has a good day. Will check in later to see what SCOTUS is doing.

  11. bill d

    it is hot here in North Texas. Water is wet. Birds sing.

    Hope all have as wonderful a week as possible.

  12. PadreJM

    that mark the basin in which my little city of The Dalles sits.  The (frequently revised) local forecasts predicts today will be much like yesterday . . . morning clouds, giving way to some afternoon sunshine, then overnight showers . . . and the pattern repeating for a few more days.

    I’ll be offering the Mass of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist at 7:30, making a few urgent referral phone calls, then taking the rest of my day off.  No plans.  I’m just going to let spontaneity reign for the day.

    I’m trying not to worry about some of my clients who have dropped off the radar — it is to be hoped, temporarily — as this is a common occurrence, and pretty natural given the tenuous nature of their circumstances, and besides, I know that worry is not part of my job description.  Tough to avoid sometimes, though.

    And I’m trying not to beat myself up over having let one of my peeps down on Friday in a fairly dramatic (and inexcusable) way.  I had promised to appear at a court hearing for moral support, and in the crush of a particularly busy morning (intake drop-ins lined up before we even opened the doors), I failed to see it on my calendar.  It was a horrible thing to do to someone who has good reason to harbor trust issues.  I’ve not seen him since, and today being my day off, won’t until tomorrow.  I’m still trying to forgive myself, and hope he will be able to do so, too, and give me the opportunity to regain his trust.  Meanwhile, I’m praying for some caseload relief, so that such incidents don’t become more common.

    Of course, the fact that we are adding staff on July 9th (three part-timers for a total of 60-hours a week), will make a big difference.

    So, one more cup of coffee, and then I’m out the door.  Since I have a lazy day in store, I’ll definitely be checking back in here today at intervals.  

  13. ChurchofBruce

    Plans: pick up daughters from school, walk dog, keep sending out resumes. Typical day 🙂

  14. princesspat

    The family is sleeping so the house is still quiet. When the 3 grand girls wake up that will change!

  15. bfitzinAR

    Reminders of mortality.  My best friend’s husband died of a massive coronary last Friday evening.  She’s also the secretary in the department of which I am the Admin Asst.  He was a guy I was pissed off at just about 24/7 – a vet for C.C. sake who’d never worked for any private entity (Army to state university as an IT guy for 30 years) who was also a “gummint’s out to get us” agenda 21 Teabagger – but it was really hard to not like him.  He loved food (good food as well as not-so-good food) and singing and gardening.  It’s hard on her dealing with things, but I don’t know anybody who isn’t saying, “if he had to go now, thank heavens he went like this.”  When it’s my time, I’d like to go like that, too.  (Well, it won’t be massive coronary because my heart is fine, but you know what I mean.)

    What’s the latest on Kelley & Kat?

    Hope everybody has a beautiful and beauty-filled day.  To quote Walt Kelly, “Don’t take Life so serious, son.  It ain’t nohow permanent.”  So get out and enjoy it.  {{{HUGS}}}

  16. slksfca

    Slept in really late after a busy day yesterday. We spent most of the afternoon wandering the City’s gayborhood. I’m still a little tired, but it was a good day despite the odd weather, which was drizzly and sunny at the same time.

  17. slksfca

    …in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Glen The Plumber is picking me up in about an hour in his work truck, which should be a real E-ticket ride! 🙂

    I’ve been assured that this is not a real hike, but just a walk and easy enough to navigate.

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