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Netroots Nation 2013: “Ask the Leader” Keynote (Updated with Video)

Netroots Nation is a yearly gathering of left of center online organizations and bloggers. This year’s convention is in San Jose CA.

Saturday’s lunch keynote is entitled “Ask the Leader”, a question and answer session with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. It is scheduled to start at 12:00pm Pacific (1pm Mountain, 2pm Central, 3pm Eastern).

Video from the Free Speech TV archive is below the fold

From the NN13 schedule:

Ask the Leader

Keynote; Sat, 06/22/2013 – 12:00pm, Exhibit Hall 2

Join moderator Zerlina Maxwell and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, in a substantive discussion about current issues and legislative process. Tweet your questions with the hashtag #AskPelosi in advance or live during the session.

Boxed lunches generously sponsored by the Sierra Club.

Led by: Zerlina Maxwell

Panelists: House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Zerlina Maxwell:

Zerlina Maxwell is a political analyst and contributing writer for,, and She writes about national politics, candidates, and specific policy and culture issues including domestic violence, sexual assault, victim blaming and gender inequality. She has consulted with the United States Department of State to promote the use of social media by students in the West Bank. Her writing has also appeared in JET Magazine, on, The Huffington Post, The American Prospect,, and She is also a frequent guest on Make It Plain with Mark Thompson on Sirius XM Left and on Fox News. (Twitter)


Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives in the 113th Congress. From 2007 to 2011, she served as the first woman Speaker of the House and is the first woman in American history to lead a major political party in Congress. Leader Pelosi has represented San Francisco, California’s 12th District, for 26 years.

Via FreeSpeech TV video archives (duration: 1 hr 19 minutes 3 seconds)


Next year’ Netroots Nation will be in Detroit MI as progressives descend upon Michigan to take back one of the states teabagged in 2010.

NN14 – Detroit MI Cobo Center



Brilliant Tweeter LOLGOP unmasks himself at NN13 (at 4:50 in the video).

Panel: How We Used the Internet to Help Win the Presidential Election

“In the past, a New York Times front-page story was all it took to get an issue traction. But those days are gone. During the 2012 election, it was often funny memes, great tweets and stunning videos that had the biggest impact on the news cycle. Hear from some of the people, both inside and outside of the Obama campaign, who created the content that helped win the election. They’ll share what they did and how your campaign or cause can best leverage the internet to win.”

Led by: Erica Sackin (ran digital outreach for the Obama 2012 campaign)

Panelists: LOL GOP, Zerlina Maxwell, Matthew McGregor (Matthew is the Political Director at Blue State Digital. Before joining BSD, Matthew directed digital rapid response for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.), Laura Olin (Laura Olin ran national social media strategy for the Obama 2012 campaign (@BarackObama, @MichelleObama, @JoeBiden, their Facebook pages, Spotify, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, etc) and was the author of the Barack Obama Tumblr. Her team grew the campaign’s social media followings by 40 million, raised millions of dollars over social media, and created the most-retweeted and most-liked Twitter and Facebook posts to date.)

Duration: 1 hour 18 minutes



  1. Survivor Zerlina Maxwell Defies Racist Death Threats After Speaking Out on Fox News

    Over the past week, political analyst Zerlina Maxwell has received racially fueled death threats for speaking out against rape. Maxwell, who is a rape survivor, appeared on a Fox News segment with Sean Hannity last week about the possibility of arming women to prevent rape. She said the responsibility should lie instead with men. In response to her remarks, Maxwell received a torrent of abuse on social media with commenters saying she deserved to be gang-raped and killed.

    The exchange:

    ZERLINA MAXWELL: Well, I think that the entire conversation is wrong. I don’t want anybody to be telling women anything. I don’t want women-I don’t want men to be telling me what to wear, how to act, not to drink. And I don’t, honestly, want you to tell me that I needed a gun in order to prevent my rape. And in my case-

    SEAN HANNITY: I didn’t.

    ZERLINA MAXWELL: In my case, don’t tell me if I had only had a gun, I wouldn’t have been raped, because it’s still putting it on me to prevent the rape.

  2. GOP Schism Jeopardizes Michigan’s Medicaid Expansion

    Michigan’s effort to expand Medicaid for low-income residents suffered a major setback on Thursday that it may not recover from after Senate Republicans adjourned for the summer without voting on the provision.

    Democrats are blaming the failure on Snyder’s own lack of leadership.[…]

    “Today’s failure to expand Medicaid is another painful reminder that Rick Snyder talks a good game about leadership, but can’t deliver a win to save Michigan taxpayers billions on health care expenses or provide health coverage to our citizens,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lon Johnson. “Democrats were prepared to pass this legislation with bipartisan support. More than 400,000 citizens in Michigan are depending on this legislation. Governor Snyder failed and it is time for new leadership in Lansing that can get the job done.”

    Snyder’s challenger weighs in:

    Rep. Mark Schauer (D-MI), who has jumped in the race, demanded that Snyder take a page from Arizona’s Jan Brewer and start vetoing “every new bill that comes to his desk starting today until the Senate passes this critical legislation.”

    The Michigan House has passed the bill but the Republican Senate majority leader stonewalled it, drawing the ire of Snyder and Democrats who support the expansion. The expansion, made possible by Obamacare at minimal cost to the state, stands to insure nearly half a million additional Michigan residents.

    Snyder’s approval rating is around 30% and Schauer is ahead by 4% in early polling.

  3. Panel on how we won in 2012 using the Internet with tweeters, commentators, Obama’s social media people.

    LOLGOP unmasks himself and shares this:

    – The GOP elephant on the Twitter image was cleaning its own tail! I thought it was something else.

    – “Relevancy is built on affinity”

  4. princesspat

    Michelle Obama puts the spotlight on rude political discourse

    One of the most demoralizing aspects of American civil society in our times is the way political discourse has sunk into a sewer of epithets and shouting. Hecklers at political events are the lesser offenders in this regard. Worse are the professional ranters on talk radio and cable TV who peddle anger, fear and mendacity. Worst of all are the growing number of congressmen who think lies and vilification in the defense of their version of liberty is no vice.

    It is easy to sample the bullying rhetoric; simply peruse the reader comments at the end of this, or any other, political column. Respectful disagreement is a casualty of the information age. The true hallmark of our times is juvenile name-calling unworthy of the dimmest schoolyard brat.

    Thanks Jan

  5. Pam from Calif

    Rep Pelosi handled it very well. She’s a professional and was in control. I think overall it was a positive reception.

    Thanks for the video. I’ll watch it again.  

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