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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

I am in transit home from my visit to Khloe, so this will be a post and run.

Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week, Mabry Mill along the Blue Ridge Parkway on a crisp fall day.

Another view of the mill

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

 photo Mondaynew2_zpsf3cfae6e.jpg

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  1. iriti

    Well it’s morning everywhere but the left coast. Let the zone wars commense.

    Once daylight hits I’ll head home. Be good to each other.  

  2. Khloe

    32 degrees out this fine morn. Expected to hit 61 today. Iriti will be leaving in a couple hours. Abernathy did try and convince her to stay, but Lydia said “NO”. Having her here was wicked fun! Mischief accomplished!

     photo earth.jpg

  3. DeniseVelez


    getting bundled up to go out to warm up the car.

    Out the window it looks like spring with things in bloom, opening the door to let dogs out was blasted by cold wind.

  4. ilovecheese

    I left all my windows open and it’s a chilly 36 degrees outside on Long Island. It might hit 52 warm degrees here. Bullwinkle the cat has eaten, done his litter box duty and is back in bed. Can’t say the same for me!

  5. It is nippy here in North Carolina. My friend Carol Yee just had a birthday and I wanted to give her something special. She is a nurse at a dialysis clinic and is such a beautiful person. I created In the Garden just for her.

    In the Garden photo IntheGarden_zps0ef9dbd8.jpg

  6. Portlaw

    in the mid forties here going up to the mid fifties. Flowers and blooming all over the city. For all Meese traveling today, stay safe!

  7. trs

    Currently 32&deg, with an expected high of 57. I get to spend a good part of today running around getting supplies for a resident appreciation thing we’re doing on Wednesday morning. It should keep me distracted while waiting for iriti to get home. You’re returning her in one piece – and no bail required – right, Khloe?!?!

    Conduit is run for workshop power and it is partially buried – dirt is covering the whole length, the trench is just not completely filled yet. Filling a 120′ trench by hand with it being just Kidlet and me will take a little time. However, we did get the spring and drain water diverted back down its original path, so it no longer follows the trench.

    Since iriti posted that photo of Mabry Mill, I figure I might as well post one of mine taken at the same place on the same day:


    Is it Friday yet??

  8. Not quite enough sleep last night, since I awoke angry from a bad dream. I dreamt that someone contacted me to tell me I had to take down my current blog post. The someone was the same someone who threatened Jim the night before he was banned.

    So I woke up mad and it took a while to relax again.

    Lots to do today, so I won’t waste more time thinking about it. It’s about 49° and heading to 65. Probably won’t get a walk this morning, but it would be good to get out this afternoon.

    Have a great day!

  9. pittiepat

    then the rain moves in.  Soggy tonight and tomorrow with temps slowly working their way to the low 70s by the week-end.  River flooding at Jefferson City and in St. Louis later today.  They expect the high water to be just annoying, not dangerous as in Chicago area.

  10. slksfca

    Today will be our warmest day of the year so far, mid-70s at the beach and about 80°F downtown. Cool-off begins tomorrow.

    Having a slice of boysenberry pie for breakfast. Yum!

  11. bfitzinAR

    today and the highs are pretty much predicted that way for the rest of the week (the lows however are dipping back into the 30s as of tomorrow).  Dang-near everything that can flower is flowering right now.  (OK, the rose of sharon and crepe myrtle are just barely leafing out – but everything else is!)  I don’t think I’ll ever get used to azaleas blooming in April – but at least they didn’t bloom in March like they did last year.  I gotta get access to weekend internet – I missed one of Khloe’s WPPR diaries AND her birthday.  (Bet she and iriti had a blast celebrating.)  Belated happy for this one – and REAL early for the next one 🙂  Y’all take care, bf

  12. wordsinthewind

    mr w returned yesterday and we stayed up late catching up. The pup loved him and it was mutual. The old dog was so relieved to see him and as I suspected having a dedicated lap has helped her spirits. She even has begun to pay a bit of positive attention to Grace realizing that she too gets to participate in teaching her. It’s all good here in the desert with a nice warm day just a bit breezy in store. We’ll probably hit the 90s today which is fine by me ’cause I don’t even start feeling the heat until it’s over 100.  

  13. slksfca

    And now I have nothing to do. Sure, there’s plenty of housework, but I’ve already tackled everything I can that doesn’t require a lot of bending over (like scrubbing out the bathtub).

    Heading off now to spend some quality time with my Kindle. 🙂

  14. slksfca

    I always thought cats were terrified of vacuum cleaners. It’s fun to see this one having such a good time! 🙂

  15. slksfca

    I live in the “Inner Sunset,” just below Golden Gate Park. Average rent for a one-bedroom apartment: $2,200/month. Thank goodness for rent control. My one-bedroom just went up to $900/month. No way could I afford to move!

    (Click to enlarge)

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