Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Saturday Morning Moose Check In – 420 Mewsings

Be sure to let your peeps know where to find you.

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We interrupt this Check In diary with breaking news. We will be joining Edward R. Purrow broadcasting live from Bay City, Michigan at WPPR(Pootie Picture Radio).

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The International Pootie Interpol has issued a Special Statement Of Warning regarding the sudden increase of nip use and the violence being seen worldwide today. Interpol is advising all pooties to stay inside and to be mindful of Stranger Danger.

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Don’t let your peers pressure you in to doing things you know are wrong.

Peer pressure photo peerpressure.jpg

If you do go outdoors, be careful of large groups of poot gatherings.

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Violence has increased in all countries today.

Violence up photo Drugrelatedviolance.jpg

Police are reporting that jails are filled and it will take the court system months to straighten it out.

It's the fuzz photo Itsthefuzz.jpg

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Don’t be a victim of the 420

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In other news today….

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  1. Khloe

    A chilly 24 degrees outside this morning. We are expecting a high of 41. The pooties will be working hard to keep Iriti warm today.

    A Saturday morning earworm to get you through your day.

  2. I’m still trying to get my bearings this morning. Coffee….

    It’s 28 degrees and the sky cleared. I guess that’s a trade-off I’ll take. We’re looking forward to Moose company today for lunch and visiting.

    Son is stuck in Mississippi until Tuesday, due to car part not being available until Monday.

  3. wordsinthewind

    the puppy has had her breakfast and play time so she’s now snuggled into my fuzzy robe and catching her wake up nap. The outdoor cat has been fed and snuggled and looked to be heading for her nap. The old dog got in bed with me last night, she’s been advoiding me since I brought the puppy home so I’m thinking we’ll see a thaw soon. I’m stubbornly staying awake despite all the heavy sleep vibes surrounding me.  

  4. We lost power at 4 p.m. yesterday and Duke Energy didn’t think it was important enough for those of us in low income housing to get power back until 2:45 a.m. Of course they got the power to Wal-Mart and Mercedes Benz immediately which aren’t even a block away. Sigh!

    Pixie has been hollering all morning but I’m not sure what she wants. I tried going back to bed since I feel lousy but she keeps yelling so I might as well stay up.

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  5. It is bright and sunny this morning. The wind is NOT blowing 30 mph. Bright yellow gold finches are brilliant in the sunshine.

    MOST people are good, kind, and want to do the right thing. MOST kids in high school I worked with were eager to be positive and helpful. The few who do turn to the dark side of human nature need to be helped as early as possible. It takes a lot of ‘hard work’, to use a phrase from some former public official guy. That hard work should not deter us from trying. We could focus on that and save lives, instead of focus on catching bad guys and punishing them. Which way do you want to spend the money?

  6. wordsinthewind

    hope you and iriti have fun all day and the weather cooperates. Sorry I forgot above but I was too intent on giving a full report on all my animals.

  7. Jk2003

    It is SUNNY.  Beautiful blue sky.  No wind at this point.  Gorgeous.  Today is all packing all the time and playing with the kids.

  8. nchristine

    the roofs!!!

    Successful week at work.  Learned how they do their JCL and then built some new jobs and fixed others.  Got before and after runs on a new company code – very minor change.  Co-worker found another error in the production code – this time with real output issues, but the boss was lazy and never opened up a production issue ticket.  Co-worker is refusing to deal with it until the ticket has been opened – the error has been out there for 5 years, so what’s the rush now??  Wrong header on an output page.

  9. trs

    We just called Khloe, and Kidlet and I sang an off-key (by me, at least) rendition of Happy Birthday. I haven’t sung in a while, and I’m not awake yet (that’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it).

    Headed out to finish the conduit run for the power to the shop. Needs to be ready for when Potomac Edison shows up next week.  

  10. raina

    I said a couple of months back that day would be our last cold spell until next year.

    HAH! There’s a reason why I’m not in the forecasting business. We’ve practically had a new cold front every other week.

    Hi Moose folk.  

  11. Portlaw

    my brother to the airport and can’t decide if I want more coffee or more sleep. Hope it’s a good day for all in Moose Territory,

  12. Nurse Kelley

    I’m going back to bed for an hour, hope the festivities are still going on when I wake up. 🙂

  13. slksfca

    It’s about 50°F here right now, warming up to mid-60s later on. Blue skies and sunshine. Happy Saturday!

  14. slksfca

    As it turns out, I have recently decided (just this past week) to ask my doctor for a prescription for human “catnip.” She offered me one years ago but that was in the context of appetite stimulation, which I had no problem with so I said no. But now I think it would help me with detoxing from the pain meds. And I’m pretty sure there’s a dispensary in the Haight-Ashbury, which is the next neighborhood over from me. (There used to be one right across the street from my apartment, but it was shut down for being a “dirty” operation — though I think neighbor complaints had as much to do with it as anything. NIMBY-ism occasionally rears its head in my neighborhood.)

    p.s. Funny pix. It’s almost like a pootie mini-diary, and so enjoyable that I won’t even grumble at the lack of woozle representation. ;-p

  15. slksfca

    …that today is also National Record Store Day, where thousands(?) of people are expected to go purchase good old-fashioned vinyl. I say good for them, even though by this point I’m firmly committed to my own digital music archive. 🙂

  16. wordsinthewind

    she goes flat out until she drops but that usually takes 45 minutes to an hour. Our old dog is slightly less hostile today but I’m keeping a wary eye, that’s probably is what’s making me feel tired. Mr w will be home tomorrow so it should get easier for having two sets of eyes and hands. He’s had a good trip which they all aren’t and had a chance to stop our place in central Texas so he could, as he calls it, go W. He’s talking about clearing brush although in our case there aren’t hordes of paid help to do the actual work so you can show up for the photo op. It’s a big problem in central Texas and lots more work than W ever intended to do.

  17. slksfca

    …I didn’t make it all the way to Hippie Hill. They had to celebrate without me.

    It is gorgeous out though, and I think a lot warmer than predicted. I came home and napped a little and am now pestering people on the internet while a travel show marathon plays on PBS in the background. They’re at one of the too-frequent intermissions right now, but last stop was Pisa, Italy. Nice.

  18. anotherdemocrat

    So neither Up nor MHP was on this morning, that was quite upsetting, I was looking forward to talking things over with Uppers & Nerdlanders. Anyway, today I cleaned out the fridge — pretty sure I have next week’s food all mapped out; went to the grocery store & a bakery for some whole wheat sourdough bread.

    By this time next week, I will have done the Ride. Wow.

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