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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

What, Exactly, Do We Elect Leaders For?

Do we elect them to fight the good fight, come up short and, in the end do absolutely nothing?  No.

We elect them to get stuff done, even if it is only “any sort of line they can sign no matter how minuscule.”

We don’t live in a dictatorship where President Obama can sign executive order after executive order and allocate money and resources and make laws.  We live in a federal republic where power is split between the federal and state governments and where within each of those governments power is further split between the various branches.  Given that the Republicans currently control the House, that means some Republicans must vote for any piece of legislation before it can even reach President Obama’s desk.

Yes, there are certain things President Obama can get done with executive orders, but not the heavy lifting.  He cannot unilaterally raise taxes.  He cannot unilaterally reallocate funds from one line in the budget to another.  He cannot unilaterally raise or cut spending.  Similarly, he cannot change immigration rules; he can only direct the relevant agencies to exercise prosecutorial discretion, an action easily reversed by his successors in the absence of legislation.

Sometimes five or ten percent of what you want is all you can get done.  It might not be much, but it’s certainly better than nothing.  President Obama and our fellow Democrats cannot, nor should they, be blamed for recognizing, and acceding to, political realities.  It is not the fault of Democrats that the Republican-controlled House will not pass anything close to resembling liberal or progressive legislation.  Democrats simply don’t have the votes to make such legislation a reality.

Now, before anyone goes off and says “Democrats control the Senate,” and “Reid should go nuclear,” keep in mind that even if Harry Reid invoked the nuclear option, where, exactly, would that leave the legislation in the end?  Would it get to President Obama’s desk?  The answer to that question, of course, is no.  It would not get to President Obama’s desk because it would not pass the Republican House.

In some ways, the filibuster threat that Senate Republicans maintain is a good thing in the current environment because, as we saw earlier this year, it is a way to put pressure on the Republican House.  When Reid and Mitch McConnell strike a deal the pressure hits House Republicans.  After all, there’s now a bipartisan compromise and it’s House Republicans that stand in the way of its implementation.  If we believe that our leaders should get stuff done, rather than display ideological rigidity, then it’s not a bad thing considering the current makeup of Congress.

And, in the end, there is one way to push legislation to the left:  Elect a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress.  We saw the legislation that became law between 2009 and 2011.  It might not have been perfect, but it was certainly a hell of a lot better than what we’re getting now.  Ideological rigidity gets us nowhere.  I’m not ashamed to say that I’ll take that line and then work to fight for the rest because it means getting stuff done, which is what we elect our leaders to do in the first place.

Now also at The Orange


  1. Mets102

    You might recognize it as a response to a post from there.  However, I know that I’ll get more thoughtful responses, and discussion, even from those that disagree with me, over here.

  2. Nurse Kelley

    Thanks for posting this here. The comments appear slowly, but they’re worth waiting for.

    I think I’ve said this before, but elsewhere: Colorado was a red state when I moved here in 2000. We’ve nudged it from red to purple to (mostly) blue, and we didn’t accomplish that by putting up slates of hair-on-fire, my way or the highway left wingers. Have I held my nose a few times in the voting booth? Sure. Have I sent many angry letters and emails to those we’ve put into office? You betcha. But you’ll notice our stinky “almost a DINO” governor, who attended every funeral after the shootings last summer, pushed admirable new gun legislation through our now-Democratic state legislature, and signed each piece into law.

  3. bubbanomics

    imagine the hullaballoo over the speed of Social Security development.  For 10 years, 1940-50, there were no COLAs. Automatic COLAs came into being in 1975! FDR… what a terrible negotiator!

  4. wordsinthewind

    but I’ve been active in politics most of my life, I started participating in Democratic party politics 30 years ago and now I am a county chair. It takes time and as my dad explained to me the only job you start from the top is digging a ditch. I find the herbal tea party no more sensible than it’s regular counterpart. I don’t have time for that because I have actual work to get done in the real world where votes are cast.

  5. triciawyse

    You are forgetting all of that. He hates us mere mortals and just wants to use us. /snark. I hope I got all the horrid horse manure out of the way now.  

  6. We actually don’t want a dictator, a president who can decree things without the concurrence of Congress, so the awful stalemate we have right now with legislation is a necessary evil. The answer is plain: elect more Democrats.

    When I saw the title of your post, I was sure it was going to be about how our “leaders” are not listening to us. This is infuriating: Obama’s Fury Over The Failure Of The Background Check Bill

    “I’m going to speak plainly and honestly about what’s happened here because the American people are trying to figure out how can something have 90 percent support and yet not happen.” […]

    “I’ve heard some say that blocking this step would be a victory. And my question is, a victory for who? A victory for what? … It begs the question, who are we here to represent?”

  7. makes me feel pretty helpless. In divided Iowa, I can contact my rep, Dave Loebsack. He’s a Democrat and progressive but pragmatic. And because he is those things, I won’t likely change his view or his vote — he votes for me. I can contact Senator Harkin. He’s even more progressive than Loebsack, and he votes for me. I can contact Grassley. He’s a lost cause and needs to retire. He’s gone from being right central to being a crabby old man.

    My county politics are pretty solidly blue.

    Yes, I want my elected officials to get off their fucking hands and DO SOMETHING. And they do not. And there isn’t a lot (if anything) I can do to change that.

    Therefore, it is UP TO ME to do other things that make the world a better place. Jim and I give money and time to various causes. He gives blood products regularly. We’re both on marrow donor and organ donor lists. Our son is going into the military because he wants to make the world a better, safer place. Our money, our time, our physical bodies, our last-born child. That’s all we can do, I’m afraid.  

  8. cassandracarolina

    in the ways of the world. Having spent over 3 decades in corporate America, I learned a lot about how things get done, how ideas live and die, and how to work with people I neither liked nor respected. In retrospect, the achievements that required real “bipartisan” (or “multipartisan”) collaboration were some of the most lasting and remarkable.

    The Internet has unleashed thousands of people who believe that all of the normal steps of ideation, discussion, negotiation, resolution, compromise, and conciliation are just some bogus waste of time. Heaven help us.

    Thanks for a great diary, Mets102.  

  9. HappyinVT

    elected official is just delusional … unless they happen to be represented by the likes of Cruz or Paul or Inhofe etc.  Most make compromises

    And I can be frustrated by POTUS’s willingness to even discuss cuts to social security/medicare while still admiring him for continuing to push for stronger gun laws.  It is the effort to paint people with black or white (and I mean in terms of absolutism) brushes than confounds me.  POTUS is light years better than most members of Congress on social issues; how big a role did his (slow) evolution on SSM play in getting us to where we are now?  No matter what happens with the USSC momentum is on our side.  Does that make him the greatest president EVAH?  No.  Just like his iffy economic policies don’t make him the worst ever.

    I look sideways at stuff my own Vermont delegation does and shake my head sometimes; I still haven’t forgiven Welch his completely crappy anti-ACORN vote but that doesn’t make him evil … just temporarily stupid.

  10. fogiv

    lemme sum up what you’ll get elsewhere:

    I’M A LIFELONG DEMOCRAT AND THE MAN …NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley (glaring white privilege) manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich (Geithner) NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal (glaring white privilege) DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO (hippy punching) bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill (Rahm) neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley (hippy punching) manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning bankster (subtle racism) CPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way (glaring white privilege) OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley (Geithner) manning bankster (Rahm) CPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley (hippy punching) manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit (hippy punching) sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning bankster (Geithner) CPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third (Rahm) way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning  (subtle racism) banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich NDAA drones shill neoliberal DINO bradley manning banksterCPI third way OFA NDAA shit sandwich

    did i miss anything?

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