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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Saturday Morning Moose Check In – Motivated Moose Musings

Be sure and let your peeps know where you are.

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For those that are new to the Purple, I would like to welcome you. Have fun taking a look around and checking out the your new springtime digs. If you are an established Moose, pull up a barka lounger and grab a cuppa whatever type java suits your mood.

Morning Check In’s are for hanging out and visiting, gossiping, asking questions, and sharing. Please keep in mind that comments do not auto refresh. You have to click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.  

Also keep in mind that fierces don’t get you mojo. Being well behaved and following the golden rule does. The golden rule is very simple. “Be excellent to each other… or else”.

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Morning Check In’s are also a good place to make a great second impression. My best piece of advice to those in this cat-agory is to leave the past in the past. This is not the place to cry over spilt milk.

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Feel free to introduce yourself or ask any questions you have in the comments. No reason to be shy.

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  1. Khloe

    Happy first weekend of spring!

    A Saturday morning earworm.

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    For she who likes to listen to the song live. Also, for she who could use a hug. All together now……

  2. 18 degrees here in Madison WI.

    Hahaha on starting up the cheezburger machine. My good mews is that I woke up, my coffee is in my hand and … LOOK!! … a Moosey check-in!!!

    Peeps (the kind made of sugar and marshmallow) are actually one of my downfalls. I was at Targét the other day to pick up a few things and ran frantically to stumbled upon the Peep display. A 15-pack of the yellow ones (no non-traditional colors for me!) leaped into my shopping basket.

    Now I must go because it is a travel day for me and I have to get my ducks in a row:

    Have a great day! And PLEASE, keep Nurse Kelley out of trouble!!

  3. ilovecheese

    Started off by feeding the Bullwinkle, and he’s now napping and keping the bed warm for me. 32 warm degrees here on Long Island, NY. Might get into the 40’s. My plan is to go back to bed and continue to watch the sun rise.

  4. Jk2003

    I have been awake since 4 AM.  We did really well with our inspection so it appears our house is sold for real.  We have started negotiating on a new house we love.  Unfortunately, the old guy who is selling it doesn’t understand where real estate prices really are today and it is like pulling teeth to get him to budge on his price.  Today is the day though, I can feel it.

    Have a great day all!

  5. wordsinthewind

    and couldn’t go back to sleep, oh well. It’s supposed to blow like crazy today and I can hear it gusting already before the sun has come up. At least I’ve got some inside projects to concentrate on and new windows that keep out the drafts so pretty much can say life is good.

  6. slksfca

    San Francisco has weather.


    Current: Clear

    Wind: N at 0 mph

    Humidity: 74%

    Today’s high will be about 60°F in my neighborhood, under mostly blue skies. Not quite as warm as I could have wished, but it will do. It will do.

    I went to bed early (10:30 PM) and slept well. There will be a nap later on, but I’m finding a little less need for those as the days go by, at least the mega 3- or 4-hour naps I’ve been taking.

    Water is heating for coffee. There goes the whistle now.

    Happy Weekend, you marvelous meese!

  7. pittiepat

    Fortunately it was just Keke crashing into a kitchen cabinet, having slid on the rug in front of the sink.  It’s cloudy and cold, the rain will start this afternoon, changing over to snow early tomorrow morning.  If we get the 4-6 inches in the forecast it will save Keke from Monday morning’s vet trip.  It’s an early appointment and I just won’t have time to shovel out the snow and make an undoubtedly unsuccessful attempt to get Keke in the carrier.  She is just beginning to settle in and is torn between whether she wants to sit on my lap or hoping I’ll feed her again.  I really don’t want to destroy the trust she has started to have in me.  So, she’ll get a treat today: one of Sara Reed’s pootie pads which dear Sara sent to me in June when my cat was so sick.  Never had a chance to open the pad as Bella died before it arrived.

  8. nchristine

    Not much planned for the day, but hopefully a get together tonight with a few friends to celebrate my first week at the new job.  Another snow storm on the way for tonight and tomorrow, ick….

  9. slksfca

    …that I have only four days left of taking the bloodthinning medication with the aggressive name (Warfarin). And it looks like Tuesday is my last visit from the home nurse with her finger-pricking apparatus. Yay!

    The thing about the Warfarin is that it’s also apparently an appetite suppressant, and while I don’t mind losing a few pounds, I’ve been warned to keep eating, especially the proteins. And food just hasn’t appealed to me at ALL for a few weeks now. I’d like to dig into a dish with real relish (and I don’t mean the hot dog kind!).

    Soon, people, I’ll have moved beyond liveblogging my every medical development. I promise. And you’ve all been very patient with me, so thanks! 😉

  10. slksfca

    …from a series on PBS called Art Through Time: A Global View. Half-hour per episode, and utterly fascinating the way they take a theme (last night I watched “Ceremony” and “Domestic Life”) and run with it, using art from every imaginable culture on earth. I think this series is a hidden treasure, and highly recommend it to even the most casual of art lovers. If you see it on your local PBS listing, check it out. Really got me thinking, AND feeling creatively inspired!

  11. LeftOverFlowerChild

    I got a rude awakening–Thunderstorms! Big time. Lots of noise, lots of rain, a yard full of pea size hail and the house critters (3 dogs, 1 cat) under the bed covers. They don’t do thunderboomers.

    So thankful for the rain! The bluebonnets are about an inch or so out of the ground. I really hope tonight’s incoming cold front just adds a little chill to the air and no frost.

    Making a couple of snoods today and after that, bobbin lace time! Okay so bobbin lace and the B movies on the Sy/Fy channel. I know I know…they’re awful, but I love ’em. Especially the monster movies..DinoCrock, Snow Spiders, Fire Wasps…It’s bubble gum for the brain. Mindless entertainment, you know how it’s going to play out…Hero gets chick, total jerk gets eaten/dies. Not a lot of plot to follow lol…

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