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Thursday Morning Check In: There’s No Snoozin’ for the Moozin’

Good Morning Purple People!


It’s time to wake yourselves up.

There’s no snoozin’ for the Moozin’.

cassandracarolina and I will be hosting the

Thursday thread so scribble a few thoughts and

Make Sure Your Peeps Know Where You Are!

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We would like to welcome you if you are new to the Moose. Feel free to walk around and check out your new purpleiscious digs. You can post a comment, continue lurking,

(We see you out there)

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or try your hand at penning a diary,

it couldn’t possibly be any worse than this.

Diary Templates can be a little challenging,

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so we’ve listed some helpful hints below.

Before we get started JanFab has  

some instructions that should help.

The Big Stuff:


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To check for replies to your comments, click the

“My Comments” link in the right-hand column

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(Note: Tending comments builds community)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab:

Motley Moose Recent Comments


‘Fierce’ means Thumbs Up,

‘Fail’ means Thumbs Down,

‘Meh’ means one of three things:

I am un’Failing’ you but I can’t ‘Fierce’ you,

I am un’Fiercing’ after a mistaken ‘Fierce’

or ‘Meh’. Just ‘Meh’.


When creating a new diary, remember to choose the

Draft option while you are working on it.

Choose the Public option when you want to publish.

(located at bottom of template)

If you are an established Moose, you know the drill

so pull up a chair, get yourself comfy and a cuppa.

The Rulz

The most important rule around here is…

Be kind to each other… or else.

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Seriously though, if you don’t want it said to you, then don’t say it to someone else. Respect is an important thing. If you feel the need to not be respectful, then step away and take a breather. Political debate can be both spirited and respectful.  

Visit, Share Some Recent News and Your Opinions.

All The News Fit To Share: Midweek Challenge  

For those of you lurking and being shy, no reason to be nervous. If a perpetual corner dweller like me can publish a diary like this, you can feel safe too. Drop us a comment and start making your own Moose Tracks, there’s no time like the present.

Don’t make us come looking for you.

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  1. dear occupant

    22 here on the lakefront but Snow looms Thursday night.

    Winter weather advisory begins late Thursday night through 6pm Friday. Snowfall accumulations overnight and into mid-Friday morning are to fall in the 3 to 7 inch range, heavy enough in Chicago to rank as the 2012-13 season’s heaviest to date. :-/

    for those of you who have already gotten new snow,

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    Call of Duty beckons daddy, have to get Little O off to school and walk early Woozles. CC will be your host this morning and i’ll try and check in a little later.

    have a great day everyone.

  2. cassandracarolina

    Looking forward to watching the moosies waking up and shaking off the cobwebs. I’m back in Texas after a lovely five-day sojourn to my place in southeastern NC. We’re expecting a rainy, thunderstormy day here in the Houston area.

    From the looks of the weather map, we may have some cold and soggy moosies, so I’d better fix a pot of coffee and some steamy oatmeal. Let’s leave the kitchen door open and see who shows up!  

  3. dear occupant

    glad you had an uneventful trip back to Texas. lots of sloppy weather for almost everyone today, you might have your work cut out for you this morning. 🙂

    coffee and good cheer just might be the ticket, thanks for handling the hard part CC.

    talk to ya later.

  4. Khloe

    19 degrees with 2-3 inches expected tonight. Just in time for me to return to work. Mother Natures must think I need exercise.

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  5. Gov. Brownback Praises Storm Forecasting

    Hours before a heavy blanket of snow descended on much of Kansas, Gov. Sam Brownback took to the airwaves to warn residents to stay home, stay warm and the let the system pass.

    The Republican governor said Wednesday that better technology and forecasting methods give state leaders a chance get ahead of such storms and warn residents to take precautions.

    Psst! Sam!!! That forecasting comes from NOAA … a Federal agency that you have voted to defund. Oh, and please don’t ask for any Federal aid if your state needs help recovering from the storm. You would hate to become dependent on federal “handouts” or as we call them: help for the neediest Kansans … that you also voted to defund.

    Some day someone will have to explain to me how teaparty Republicans expect people to get by without food, shelter and healthcare. Do they really want people dying in the streets or are they convinced that it can’t happen?  

  6. ilovecheese

    Here on Long Island, NY we are suppose to get a high of 38, but with the wind chill factor, maybe 20.

    Reheating some onion pizza for breakfast because I can!

  7. Portlaw

    Homeland from a brisk 25 degree NYC. Saw a great movie last night, “No,” about the referendum that got rid of Pinochet, Hoping to find time today to google for more info. It’s up for an Oscar but don’t think it will get it. Most movies I like don’t. Sigh.  But first coffee and out of the house! Hope it’s a good day for all.

  8. trs

    Currently 23&deg in the Shenandoah Valley, with an expected high around 39. At least the wind has died down. Yesterday’s wind was nasty – a lot of my work is outdoor work.

    So far, the weekend’s plans include doing more wiring work on my shop and starting tech rehearsals on a show I’m lighting. Oh, yeah – almost forgot – we will be going shopping sometime in there. Food in the house is a good thing.

  9. blue jersey mom

    It is cold and windy, and I have a long day at work.

    Sad news from my poor sister. She lost her 12-year old cat, Cascade, unexpectedly to kidney disease about 10 days ago. Yesterday, she lost her old man, Bailey. He was about 16. His blood work was normal in January, but he just collapsed yesterday. The vets think that it was a brain tumor. She goes in for knee surgery later today. This has not been her year.

  10. Nippy out there at the moment. Getting ready to take my niece to work. I drive 100 miles a day taking her to and from work but they need the money and it is a wonderful job for her.

    Need to update my website when I get back home. I’ve been updating all my old pictures as well as doing several new ones. I also have a new recipe to put up.

    I found some pictures I had started years ago and never finished for some reason. In some of them not a whole lot survived. I started this in 1998 and only the basic hill shapes survived. The trees now are so superior to what I had then. It is called “Secret Garden.”

    Secret Garden photo SecretGarden_zpsff554558.jpg

  11. wordsinthewind

    it’s not very cold but we’re in for a howling blow out of the west. It’s already started and since the sun hasn’t come up yet that means it will get serious soon. The weather guy just advised everyone to secure “small children and lawn furniture”. I think he’s funny but one day he’s going to really piss off the fundies around here.  

  12. ILS 27L

    There’s a big line of red stuff on the radar marching toward the DFW Metroplex that’ll be here shortly.

    Wish us luck!

    I get to try out a new Doc today…wish ME luck!

    Be excellent!


  13. Jk2003

    I feel better toady than I have in a week.  I had some sinus thing that mostly gave me a headache.  Seem to be back to normal now.  Just in time for snow!  I love snow.  Time to get out the crockpot and make some yummy bread.  After my daughters ballet class of course.

  14. nchristine

    for tonight.  5-7 inches expected with possible thundersnow.  Work week is almost over – 7 hours to go.  Now counting hours/days (6.5 days, or 150 hrs) to when I think I might get a call back from HR.  Focusing on a count helps me to not focus/dwell on potential answers and I need all the help I can get!!

  15. iriti

    Quick hit and run this morning. Busy, busy, busy.

    Bad day yesterday. Everything that could go wrong at work did go wrong at work, and that was before a 12′ x 10′ industrial steel framed sliding gate came out of its tracks and fell on me (the shoulder should be fine, given a little time).

    Thankfully, given the nature of my job the only thing I can’t do with an injured shoulder is move said sliding gate. Which is irrelevant because mgt has stomped their feet and the cage that stores my international marketing materials is currently without a gate until one can be put on that they trust not to attack folks.

    Today will be better.

  16. bill d

    Monsoon happening in Fort Worth right now but it should turn out to be a nice day.

    Hope everyone has a better Thursday than they deserve.

  17. pittiepat

    forecast piles of the stuff is almost here.  Kansas City had terrible conditions about an hour ago and it looks like the snow has started just west of Columbia.  I-70 across Missouri will be a mess by early afternoon.  Forecasters can’t agree on the amount of snowfall but most fall between 4-8 inches plus ice.

    Over on the GOS, C&J has a piece about the lovely Molly.  Bill wrote quite a bit about the beloved gal, so do pay the diary a visit this am and send Michael and Bill more hugs.

  18. BlueStateRedhead

    for this Sundary are going to coincide, which mean notgoingtohappen.

    And that is doubly too bad.

    We reschedule, which is not a big deal in itself, except this particular date coincided with a minor religious feasting day that very day, meaning I had the celebration caterered for me….and had a two for…and I felt like a double winner.

    That’s all the news for today related to the calendar.  

  19. Nurse Kelley

    Forecast: a foot of snow. Actual: 3-4″. I can’t remember the last time we got our usual 8″ every time it snowed. 🙁

  20. slksfca

    Another blue skies day in store here between the Bay and shore. Hey, that rhymes!

    On today’s agenda: laundry and a haircut.

    I hope everyone has an enjoyable Thursday!

  21. slksfca

    After hobbling down to the corner store for some milk, I find I’m not up to schlepping laundry AT ALL. Getting ’round the corner to the barbershop will be as much as I can manage today, I think.

    Instead, I’ll be doing hand washing of lightweight items (shirts and underwear) in the kitchen sink (once I do dishes, that is!), and my dirty jeans will just have to stay dirty. To HELL with making a good impression – I’ll be spending most of my time next week in one of those delightfully chic hospital gowns anyway, LOL!

    Luckily, I recently bought a nice drying rack I can set up in the bathtub. 🙂

  22. LeftOverFlowerChild

    Sleeping pretty soundly around 5 this morning until the weather fairy decided to throw a mega ton thunder boomer out there…I really dislike getting woke up in panic! Mercy. Snow up north, storms down south. And here–warm on Monday, cold noses and toes on Tuesday, drizzle and cold on Wednesday, thunderstorms today and headed to the upper 60’s. I’ve about decided the weather fairy must be suffering from a wicked bout of mood swings–Me thinks someone needs some chocolate. Stat.

    Making chili and cornbread for dinner tonight, might throw together an apple betty, my guys love that. Couple of order to get done and out, but other than that, fairly quiet on the home front. A state I am indeed thankful for.

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