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Wednesday Morning Herd Check-in: Grazings and Greetings of the Moosekin

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

– Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does.

– Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment thread gets longer, it takes a bit to reload and the comment may not display as quickly. Clicking the Post button twice posts the comment twice. (h/t Khloe)

– When creating a new diary, remember to choose the Draft option (near the bottom) while you are working on it. Choose the Public option when you want to publish it. (h/t Khloe)

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab: Motley Moose Recent Comments


From our news hound, jlms qkw:

All the News Fit to Share: Midweek Challenge


And if you are a new moose (or an old moose) looking for a second chance to make a first impression, you can start right here.



  1. nannyboz

    check in again this morning.  It’s 45 in Wilmington, downright balmy after last week.  Have a perfect purple day all!

  2. cassandracarolina

    Bummed out because we gotta head back to Texas today. Can’t wait until we can settle here for good. This place pulls at my heart like nowhere else on Earth. It’s great to spend time here, but seeing it in the rearview mirror… not so much.

    Have a great day, moosies.  

  3. dear occupant

    ‘gotta admit, yesterday was tough and

    it doesn’t look like there’s much relief.

    Tom says it’s 9, -7 with the wind chill.  

    definitely the dog days of winter here.

    JanF i’m all set up for tomorrow, kinda’ borrowed a little from everyone’s Check In diaries and added my own quirky stuff. i’m going to take a nap before going to work, i’ll check in later.

    have a great day everyone!  

  4. ILS 27L

    44 degrees with much needed rain today in DFW, it would be a good day to laze around in jammie’s and read but there is a job to be done. Having been a long term unemployed person in the past, that’s a good thing!

    Be excellent!


  5. iriti

    32 in the Shenandoah Valley, with a high of 32 today…in other words, temperatures are supposed to drop like a rock. I know this is warmer than most of you have, but I am tired of winter.

    Ever since my weight loss surgery, I’ve been very susceptible to cold. When I weighed 300+ lbs I was always hot. Now at 137 lbs I can never seem to get warm, even in thermals.


     photo feetnothappy.jpg

  6. DeniseVelez

    “Partly cloudy. High of 36F with a windchill as low as 18F. Winds from the West at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 20%”

    I going out later to see if any of my snowbells are blooming yet, and if any other early bulbs are poking up their heads.

    Getting spring-is-coming stir crazy at this point.  

  7. nchristine

    We’ve been told to expect 5-7 inches of snow starting sometime tomorrow afternoon.  I don’t have anywhere to go – so I’m fine with it – except that I’ll have to clear the drive and sidewalk after.

    I did send the email and did get a reply –

    “Hi Christine, thanks for the follow up as we have just wrapped up the interviews late last week and I’m traveling for business this week, so I may not get the chance to follow up with the management team until early next week to discuss all of the interviews. I understand that your interview went well and should have more information for you later next week if you were selected to move forward with the next steps.  I’ll be in contact soon….

    Sincerely, ”

    Standard reply, but still a reply and pretty much what I was expecting.

  8. pittiepat

    car, get groceries and a long-overdue haircut.  It will be a good day to get out the soup pot for a winter vegetable soup.  I live in one of the oldest parts of Columbia which means there are overhead power lines and lots of trees. If we end up with the amount of freezing rain being forecast, we will probably lose power.  CenturyLink installed a UPS system for me a couple of weeks ago so if the power does go I’ll have 8 hours of backup power for the computer.  Won’t keep me warm but at least I’ll have something to do!

  9. Jk2003

    5 degrees out there.  Sunny, not much wind.  Going up to 20 today.  Snow tomorrow night and Friday.  Can’t wait.  I love snow.

  10. Not too bad out there at the moment. Glad yesterday’s rain is over for a while. People do not know how to drive in rain. Saw a 6 car pileup yesterday that was obviously caused by tail gating, slamming on brakes, and hydroplaning.

    Spending the day working on art. I am going through the pictures I did starting in 1998 and redoing them and bringing them up to date with the new technology and models and textures I have now that I didn’t have then.

  11. raina

    Excuse my crappy mood. I just pulled my back playing with the dogs. Their idea of fun is for me to chase them around the house and get the toy they have in their mouths.

    Weatherwise, we’re still getting cold nights. Rain forecast for today.  

  12. jlms qkw

    is morning.

    snow coming.

    time to take kids to school before she practices her dancing so much it crazies me.  

    oops too late.  

  13. Nurse Kelley

    It’s 24° on Pikes Peak with a Winter Weather Advisory from 11 AM today to 11 AM tomorrow. We’ll get some snow, but it’s never enough. Y’all stay warm if you can.

  14. slksfca

    …says it’s 43F outside. I think it’s colder than that here. Sun’s not up yet but there’s plenty of blue sky awaiting.

    Today I have to go to the hospital for one final blood draw, which should take up half my day. Unpleasant, but that lets me off the hook for doing much housework so I’m resigned. 😉

    Happy Wednesday, peeps!

  15. wordsinthewind

    in measurable amounts. It’s still in the forecast for today and the skies are clouded over and wintry looking. It’s not as cold as it feels since the humidity is unusually high and we have our steady 15-20 mph breeze. Not my kind of day so I’m tackling chores that will keep my focus inside.

  16. Via Chicago

    Windchill in the negs here in Chicago. Put man tights on under my dress pants, then my big coat, hat and hood, and off I went.

    Cold winters are certainly more bearable in the city after the implementation of GPS tracking of busses and trains.

  17. princesspat

    I’m sleepy, slow, and happy after yesterday’s birthday fun. We ended the day at our son’s house for dinner and the grand girls entertained us with jokes. Then I showed the oldest one  yesterday’s pun fest and she was fascinated. I have a feeling she’ll have more to say….  

  18. slksfca

    …where everything went smoothly, which is a relief. I’ve been holding my breath at each step of the process, fearful of anything that might be used as an excuse for further delays.

    This time they made me sign a form declaring that I have not been pregnant within the last three months. Har!

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