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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Motley Monday Check In and Moose-ings from the Herd

Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!

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Good Motley Monday morning, Mooz. I will be your host each Monday for our daily check-in and open thread. Jump in and remember: As long as you’re nice, it’s impossible to be off topic in this thread. Can’t be done.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Ours was lovely if expensive (we hired an excavator and ordered trs’ workshop). On the other hand, I have picked up some poison ivy – says a lot about climate change that it’s even out this time of year.

Important miscellaneous stuff:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

Reminders from Jan F.

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

And one from me:

Refugees from a site of a different color BEWARE! Placement of the ratings buttons is the opposite of what you’re used to. Fierce (that’s good) is on the right, Fail (that’s bad) is on the left and there’s an extra Meh in the middle. Until your habits change be careful. I’ve failed or meh-d some terrific folks!

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  1. iriti

    Heading for a high of 39. Chill coming tomorrow, high right now forecast at 18!

    Looked high and low for a purple moose, best I could do was the fellow below. My kingdom* to the person with the mad skillz to shop antlers on this dude.

    *Assuming I ever inherit a kingdom. Current portents are not favorable.

    purplezebra photo purplezebra-1_zpsa1ea7a15.jpg

  2. Kysen

    39 degrees and rising here in TidewaterHampton Roads (I miss being called Tidewater).

    It is supposed to get really cold (for these parts at least) over the next couple of days (with nights in the teens).

    Hope everyone has a good start to their week…

    Oh…we are tivo’ing the innauguration (I bet I butchered that spelling) and will watch with pride this evening.

    4 more years…thank FSM!


  3. Kysen

    From Soapblox Tech Support:

    We looked into your case and it looks like the menu on your site has been customized and the Hot List item removed. I assigned it to one of our developers to restore that item. You should expect it back within a couple days.

    So, for those of you still trying to find the hidden link/button…wait a couple days and there should be a Hotlist link in the side menu ready for ya to click.


  4. Khloe

    with a wind chill of +3. That plus means a lot to me. High of 17 today and a low of zero tonight. Just in time for me to go back to work.  🙁

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    I had a really great time around here this past weekend. I had a blast commenting in all the diaries. To the folks who made the purple choice, ya did good!

    I’m really looking forward to today. The parties, the celebrations, the pageantry, and the start of Four More Years.    

  5. That is cold even for those of us living on the Frozen Tundra.

    I will find out in about two hours how many of my clients are working today. I hope most of them have the day off because I did not get anything useful done over the weekend and I have some projects I would like to work on today in peace and quiet.

    Great check-in, iriti!!

  6. Portlaw

    all Moosettes and Moosters from a chilly New York. Hope you’ll have time today to raise a glass to toast our President and Martin Luther King.  

  7. trs

    Having trouble getting moving this morning. I think I’m still tired from Friday’s adventure. In talking to the excavating contractor on Saturday, I did find out the land we own is easier to dig in than the land at work – no shale layer. So you may hit the occasional rock, but you won’t hit a whole layer of it. Good news for digging a basement when it comes time to build the house. Iriti has changed her mind somewhat on the idea of a basement since watching the DIY network and learning how basements can now be done. It does make things easier to turn a basement into a livable space.

  8. tonyahky

    It’s supposed to get down to 10 degrees tonight, with a windchill below zero. The local weatherguy says we might see some snow this week–maybe even an old school thumping. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed.  

  9. kirbybruno

    So, I woke this morning, and from bed I can only see the sky, no building, trees, etc. It was the perfect snow sky – you know what I mean, that bright orangey glow. I sat right up, and low and behold, SNOW!! It was like Christmas! Granted, there is not much and I can still see grass, but it s better than nothing!

    The official weather.




    Fantastic do-nothing weather.


  10. SheltieMan

    Weather essentially the same as hers. Cold, cloudy and essentially “Meh.”

    Dink goes to the vet in half an hour for an exam and review. He ate some chicken this morning, another good sign. We’re hoping for continued improvement this week. He even made it up/down the stairs unassisted!

  11. pittiepat

    house early this am — eggs to lay, ground to scratch — but then I stopped in here.  Now I’m late getting started doing my stuff!.  Starting tomorrow, Chubby Cheeks will be returning to the water aerobics pool, first time in 12 years.  If I get the leg muscles built up I’ll have good reason to continue refusing to have a knee replaced.  Hope my head has begun to function properly since I put on my sneakers this morning — on the wrong feet.  Felt like a 4 year old learning to tie her shoelaces.  Have a great day and see ya later.

  12. Jk2003

    Breakfast for the kids and myself.  CHECK

    Make beds. HALF CHECK

    get kids dressed

    Watch inauguration while we exercise together in the basement – this involves my exercising and stretching and them rolling around on the floor and jumping on me while I do it


    Read with kids

    Lunch and NAPTIME

    some sort of craft that I haven’t figured out yet

    Dad gets home early today so he can then take some kid time

    I haven’t worked out the rest of the day but that is the start

    Wish me luck, it seems like a lot now that I look at it

    Have a great day


    WE DID IT!

  13. JG in MD

    It’s 28 degrees Here Near DC. The weather forecast is “chance of snow or rain” but last time they said that it was sunny and mild. Everybody think dry thoughts today. Dry wit, dry humor, dry skin, dry laundry, dry well…

  14. according to

    And the lake is basically full.

    It has come up another foot or so from there in the past day. It seems that river levels on the Tennessee are falling off, so I imagine they will start trying to bring it back down to accommodate the spring run off, but since an equivalent drop takes four months in the fall I don’t imagine it will get down to where it was before it starts coming up again.

    Nice seeing water out my office window again.

  15. LauraFall

    minutes until my Miami getaway next week. In which, by that time I’m sure it will be in the unseasonably tropical 70’s here in Iowa, zapping all the pleasure out of the sadistic Midwestern  ritual of savoring  warm climates in January while friends and family back home freeze their tushees off, and then bragging to said friends and family how nice and warm it is where you are.    

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