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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


When my son was three, every time he was faced with something that went against his desires, he would scrunch up his little face, clench his little fists, and veritably roar “THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY FAIR!!!”  Anyone who has raised, worked with, or spent any time with pre-schoolers will be familiar with the fact that they are obsessed with fairness, which to them means getting what they want.  Ayn Rand’s acolytes would certainly advocate we encourage them to retain this preliminary definition of fairness.  Consider John Galt’s oath from Atlas Shrugged: “I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.”  This has become the guiding principle of modern conservativism, which simultaneously tries to maintain it’s claim to being the party of patriotism, the party that reveres military service, traditional marriage, and devotion to family and community.  They then demean liberals as spoiled cry-babies who want free handouts.  Even though they think a society of people who understand fairness as selfishness will function productively and ethically, they denigrate those who want our economic and political system to be more fair for all Americans as inherently immature and selfish.  Then they argue that their selfishness, the selfishness of the free market, of the ultra-rich and corporate elites will restore us to prosperity.  It’s perverse.  Knots of perversity here.  But this also suggests that we aren’t making the most effective argument.

Instead of moralizing about fairness and equal opportunity, which I indeed see as guiding principles of any ethical society, we need to argue for our policies from a different but equally true and potentially more persuasive angle.  The levels of income inequality we are seeing aren’t just morally and ethically unacceptable, they are unsustainable.  Instead of arguing that the 1% must pay their fair share, we’ve got to hammer away at the fact that the 1% are cannibalizing the system by devouring the middle class.  To paraphrase Yeats, if the center will not hold, things will fall apart.  

We aren’t trying to fleece or soak the rich out of envy or resentment or laziness or entitlement.  We are trying to save the system.  There is no historical evidence that the market contains the mechanisms to correct and sustain itself.  Marx recognized that capitalism was vulnerable to increasingly radical cycles of boom and bust.  He was right on that point.  He was also optimistic that this would lead to a moment of unsustainability that would also represent an opportunity for the proletariat created by these cycles to rise up and create something better.  Not so sure on that one.  And as I have written before, I used to think the revolution a beautiful idea, but somehow they always end up shooting the Jewish professors and that’s not really gonna work out for me.  What’s left is Keynes.  Keynes ultimately agreed with Marx’s critique, but eschewed his teleological optimism.  So he envisioned a limited but targeted and activist role for government to intervene and guarantee the system’s sustainability when necessary.  If he recognized the progression of capitalism’s symptoms, he feared any radical cure and instead sought to manage it as a flawed but reasonably maintainable chronic condition.  And even Marx evinced great respect for the productive and creative ability of capitalism.

The market will not restore its own balance.  The moneyed elites will fiddle while we all burn if they can’t see opportunities to profit.  We could hand the contents of Fort Knox to the top 1% and the so-called “job creators” wouldn’t create a single job.  They’d look at the instability and lack of demand and sit on it just as they are doing now.  Government must tax them in order to create jobs that will demonstrate the stable growth of demand for products and services.  Even if we double taxes on the top 1%, if they recognize that demand, i.e. the opportunity to profit, they will begin to hire people.  Then government will step back and they will continue to prosper.

So let’s stop screaming “THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY FAIR” and start focusing, with a fanatic republican-style devotion to simple rhetorical talking points, on trying to save the system for everybody.  Then our arguments for how that must happen will explode the simplistic assumptions about taxes and government spouted by conservatives who applaud their own selfishness and degrade others as selfish.

Preaching to the choir here.  I know.  I’ve written much of this before.  Just had to get it out.  


  1. it’s only because the right gives us so many reasons to use the term. You point it out so clearly in your piece.

    How can you swear to never live your life for another and then enlist in the armed forces?

    How can you swear to never live for another and then get married and have a family?

    How can you be for traditional values and then stand by and let someone die for a lack of money?

    How can you praise $100 million dollar a year hedge fund operators for being a special “job creator” elite and then deride your opponents for being elitists?

    Why is it that CEOs who sit around in meetings all day must have their income defended to the last penny and people who risk their lives and well-being saving others – police officers, firemen, and nurses – are greedy union thugs who need to sacrifice more?

    How can you claim to love the Constitution and yet complain when someone of another faith wants to build a house of worship in your area?

    I could spend all day coming up with questions like this.


  2. Here’s my answer.

    Who’s been lying to my baby and telling her life was fair?

    It was fascinating to me that she thought it should be and she seemed to have a pretty innate idea as to what was and wasn’t.

    Don’t worry even though she was taught life wasn’t fair she was also taught it was her duty to do her level best to make it so.

  3. Rashaverak

    Even though they think a society of people who understand fairness as selfishness will function productively and ethically, they denigrate those who want our economic and political system to be more fair for all Americans as inherently immature and selfish.  Then they argue that their selfishness, the selfishness of the free market, of the ultra-rich and corporate elites will restore us to prosperity.  It’s perverse.  Knots of perversity here.

    Considering how the unregulated, free market in derivatives has brought the financial system to its knees, one would think that any sane person would be in favor of sensible regulation.

    Considering that Convervapublicans love to champion how the United States is a Christian Nation, one would think that they would try to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and follow his pronouncements.

    And one of them, a doctor of the Law, putting him to the test, asked him, “Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?” Jesus said to him, “‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.’ This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

    Matthew 22:35-40

    As it fell out upon one day,

    Rich Divès made a feast,

    And he invited all his friends,

    And gentry of the best.

    Then Lazarus laid him down and down

    And down at Divès’ door:

    “Some meat and drink, brother, Diverus,

    Bestow upon the poor.”

    “Thou’rt none of my brothers, Lazarus,

    That liest begging at my door;

    No meat, nor drink will I give thee,

    Nor bestow upon the poor.”

    Then Lazarus laid him down and down,

    All under Divès’ wall:

    “Some meat, some drink, brother Diverus,

    For hunger starve I shall.”

    “Thou’rt none of my brothers, Lazarus,

    That liest begging at my gate;

    No meat, no drink will I give thee,

    For Jesus Christ His sake.”

    Then Divès sent out his hungry dogs,

    To bite him as he lay;

    They hadn’t the power to bite one bite,

    But licked his sores away.

    Then Divès sent to his merry men,

    To worry poor Lazarus away;

    They’d not the power to strike one stroke,

    But flung their whips away.

    As it fell out upon one day,

    Poor Lazarus sickened and died;

    There came two angels out of heaven,

    His soul therein to guide.

    “Rise up! rise up! brother Lazarus,

    And go along with me;

    For you’ve a place prepared in heaven,

    To sit on an angel’s knee.”

    As it fell out upon one day,

    Rich Divès sickened and died;

    There came two serpents out of hell,

    His soul therein to guide.

    “Rise up! rise up! brother Diverus,

    And come along with me;

    There is a place provided in hell

    For wicked men like thee.”

    Then Divès looked up with his eyes

    And saw poor Lazarus blest;

    “Give me one drop of water, brother Lazarus,

    To quench my flaming thirst.”

    “O, was I now but alive again

    The space of one half hour!

    O, that I had my peace again

    Then the devil should have no power.”

    There is a complete inversion of meaning and a total disconnect with reality in the ranks of the Teahadists.

    Orwell foresaw this:

    War is Peace

    Ignorance is Strength

    Freedom is Slavery.

    So did Lewis Carroll.

    ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.’


    All in all each man in all men

    All men in each man.

    He can see she can’t, she can see

    she can

    see whatever, whatever.

    You may know what I don’t know,

    but not that

    I don’t know it and I can’t tell you

    so you will.

    To tell me all man in all men

    All men in each man.

    He can see she can’t, she can see

    she can

    see whatever, whatever.

    You may know what I don’t know,

    but not that

    I don’t know it and I can’t tell you

    so you will have to tell me all.

    It hurts him to think that she is

    hurting her by him being hurt to think

    that she thinks he is hurt by making her

    feel guilty at hurting him by her thinking

    she wants him to want her. He wants

    her to want him

    to get him to want him to get

    him to want her she pretends.

    He tries to make her afraid by not

    being afraid. (permutations)

    You may know what I don’t know, but not

    that I don’t know it and I can’t

    tell you so you will have to tell

    me all.

    I get what I deserve. I deserve what I

    get. I have it so I deserve it. I deserve

    it for I have it. I get what I deserve.

    What I deserve – what I deserve what

    I get.

    I have it so I deserve.

    He tries to make her afraid by not

    being afraid.

    They call us Socialists, without knowing what that word really means.  I call them Sociopaths, with knowledge of that word’s meaning. I’d rather be a Socialist than a Sociopath.

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