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The Unspeakable Recklessness of Rick Santorum

It’s hard to say whether more I’m shocked by former Senator Rick Santorum’s sheer stupidity or outraged by the flippant callousness of his remarks. I suspect the former since the latter should not surprise even as the inhumanity remains ever so striking. For the nation to invest in the health and well being of its citizens is not now, nor is it likely to ever be in the foreseeable future, a priority for the GOP, but for a likely Presidential candidate to under any condition to advocate for a debt default simply speaks of an outrageous ignorance of economics and unspeakable recklessness.

Via Think Progress:

As the U.S. steps closer to the economic ledge, a litany of Republican lawmakers are holding the debt ceiling hostage over unpopular priorities like lowering the corporate tax rate cutting entitlement programs. Likely GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum made his own ransom demand today on Fox News Sunday, telling host Chris Wallace that defunding the health care law is “the price” he demands for the debt ceiling and that he’d “absolutely” let the country go into default over it:

SANTORUM: [The health care law] is a program that if the president wants to defend, he should stand up and say the 2012 election is about Obamacare. We’ll put this on hold, and make it a referendum on Obamacare.

WALLACE: Well ok that’s 2012, but you’re saying you’d let the country go into default on this issue.

SANTORUM: No I think the president would let this country go into default on this issue.

WALLACE: But you would make that the condition — you’d make that the price? 
SANTORUM: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Over at Capital Gains and Games, Bruce Barlett,  a domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and  a Treasury official under President George H.W. Bush, bemoans that Wall Street, and the nation for that matter, should have known better then to send “a bunch of not-too-bright, ignorant Tea Party members to Congress.” Imagine putting one in the White House.


  1. Not even very good posturing, imho. If the GOP wants to refight healthcare so be it, the rest of the nation has moved on.

    Obama did it himself while a Senator, but nobody is letting this issue explode in the end.  If I was him I would call every bluff.

  2. Rashaverak


    “Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. Why? Because society is based on one thing: that society is based on the future of the society. And that’s what? Children. Monogamous relationships. In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing. And when you destroy that you have a dramatic impact on the quality”.

    It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning “private” moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.

    Karen Santorum wrote a book about the experience: Letters to Gabriel: The True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum. In it, she writes that the couple brought the deceased infant home from the hospital and introduced the dead child to their living children as “your brother Gabriel” and slept with the body overnight before returning it to the hospital. The anecdote was also written about by Michael Sokolove in a 2005 New York Times Magazine story on Santorum.[1] Karen is also the author of a book on etiquette for children.

  3. HappyinVT

    GREENVILLE, Ohio -Speaker John Boehner won’t guarantee a vote on raising the debt limit, the latest threat in an increasingly high stakes game of chicken with the White House over whether Congress will inch closer to letting the nation default on its credit.

    Boehner, in an interview with POLITICO here Monday, also demanded that President Barack Obama give in to Republican demands to slash spending and dramatically change “the way we spend the people’s money.”

    “If the president doesn’t get serious about the need to address our fiscal nightmare, yeah, there’s a chance it [the debt limit vote] could not happen,” Boehner told POLITICO after he toured a manufacturing company in this western Ohio town. “But that’s not my goal.”

    Read more:

  4. HappyinVT

    DYERSVILLE, Iowa – Rick Santorum said Tuesday that he and President Barack Obama both have the same proof they were born in the United States, making clear that he won’t play into the widely discredited claims about Obama’s birthplace.

    “He has a certificate of birth, which is what, if you ask for the record of birth in Hawaii, that is what they give you,” Santorum told more than a dozen Dyersville Republicans when asked about the so-called birther issue at a lunchtime meeting here.…  

    Gov. Brewer called the Birther issue a distraction and the RNC chair himself isn’t a Birther (although he doesn’t seem to mind others talking about it).  Too bad that horse is already out of the barn.

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