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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


  1. Shaun Appleby

    Of the world of early America, revolutionary France and reformist Russia by Jay Winik, The Great Upheaval.  It’s a bit breathless in places for a tome of history but say what you will the founders of this country were progressives.  

    It never ceases to amaze me the the rot always sets in after the courageous and foresightful pass on their handiwork to the grasping custodianship of the selfish and narrow.  The irony that the reactionary Right seeks to somehow conflate, in their apparent political ignorance, their xenophibic anger with the thoughtful egalitarianism of our founders has had me shaking my head in silent disbelief all week.

  2. Shaun Appleby

    Scott Brown, R-MA, just made a procedural vote to break the filibuster of the jobs bill:

    Scott Brown was in and out of the Senate chamber and had voted against his party before most of his colleagues had even arrived.

    “It’s a small step, but it’s still a step,” Brown told reporters after casting a procedural vote in favor of the Democratic jobs bill, bucking his party leaders and the strategy of opposition they have carried out since President Obama took office.

    For Senate Democrats, it was much bigger step. Four Republicans followed Brown’s lead, giving the jobs legislation 62 votes, two more than needed to cut off a GOP filibuster.

    Ryan Grim – Jobs Bill VOTE: GOP Filibuster Fails As Scott Brown And Others Break With Party Huffington Post 22 Feb 10

    Gonna’ have to watch this guy.

  3. HappyinVT

    Today’s outrage is that the president did not include a public option because they don’t believe they have the votes.  The Bennett letter pushing for a PO via reconciliation has +/- 22 signatories.  Sens. Lincoln, Landrieu, Nelson, Byrd and Rockefeller has come out against using reconciliation.  Sen. Reid has not signed the letter but has signalled he is in favor of using reconciliation.  The President of the Senate (and a potential 51st vote) has said he’s in favor of reconcilation.  That leaves us +/- 20 votes short.  FWIW, Wyden and Feingold have not signed the letter.

    Several pundits and political types have posited that the president has given up on the PO; perhaps never really wanted one in the first place.  I think he’d be more than happy to sign a bill with a public option but doesn’t believe the votes are there.  At this point he’s willing to take what he can get.

    So, if we take the president at his word (through Gibbs) that they do not believe the votes are there does the president really gain anything by including it in his proposal?  Does he draw a line in the sand on Thursday and say PO or no bill?  What, if anything, does that get us?  The Republicans aren’t going to go for it.  There are Dems who aren’t going to go for it.

    I am certainly not simply looking to give the president cover on this; I am truly wondering why, if a letter calling for a PO via reconciliation barely has half the requisite approval, anyone would think the remaining Senators are onboard with a PO.  Sure there is some advantages to forcing a vote to get everyone on the public record but to what end.  We’ve been having this debate for a year now.  Those against a PO are still against it; those for it still favor one.  To my knowledge, and correct me if I’m wrong, no one’s opinion has been swayed.

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