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Wingnut Watch: Beck's Plan

Welcome all, to the first installment of Wingnut Watch. A diary series of as yet undetermined frequency, it will focus on exposing the day-to-day ravings of this great nation’s most prominent, frightening, entertaining, whackadoodle Rightwing crazies. Hat tip to John, who came up with the idea for the series.

Follow me, my Moosey friends…

And don’t forget to wipe your hooves on the mat.

As many of you are aware, I have a soft spot for our good buddy Glenn Beck, who, as I understand, still hasn’t denied raping and murdering a girl in 1990 recently got a new jar of Vicks VapoRub to replace the one he used up at his last photoshoot. Given my longtime love affair with his zany antics, I thought it appropriate that I should dedicate The Moose’s first edition of Wingnut Watch to the hysterical three ring circus that is Glenn Beck’s personality.

It appears that Beck is attempting to eclipse the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s historic I Have a Dream speech by encouraging Klanspeople Teabaggers to march on the Mall that day to scream racist epithets and incite bigots to violence promote freedom, democracy, and the true American way.

Glenn Beck has begun to promote a march on the National Mall in Washington DC, timed to coincide with the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Except Beck wants to steer America back in time, before the progressive movement began.

“I am drafting plans now to bring us back to an America that our founders would understand,” he told a crowd in Florida saturday, at a book-sales event.

Raw Story

An America like our founders would understand? You mean the one where black people were enslaved, women had no rights, smallpox still ran rampant, old white guys wore poofy unwashed wigs, and no one had ever even heard of deodorant or toilet paper? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… let’s revisit those times. Everybody I know really longs for the days of slavery, oppression, viral pustules, manwigs, BO, and stankbutt. And glory be! He’s gonna write a book to lead us all into salvation and a 1700s-style utopia!

Yesterday, while promoting his latest book at “a festive campaign-style rally” in The Villages in Florida, Fox News host Glenn Beck announced that he was crafting “a 100 year plan” that will be “radical” and will “restore our nation to the maximum freedoms we were supposed to have been protecting.” In his speech, which Media Matters captured on video, Beck told his followers, “we need to start thinking like the Chinese”

Think Progress

Really, this whole idea is pretty screwed up, but there’s something uniquely disrespectful about Beck’s decision to tell a bunch of Teabaggers and Birthers to descend upon D.C. on the anniversary of Dr. King’s most famous speech. Why don’t you just say it, Glenn: “I have a scheme.” Now, look, don’t misunderstand me — it’s not that I think Teabaggers are racists.


Hey, that’s just a cartoon, I mean…

Look, I know that one’s supposedly modeled after real Teabagger signs, but it’s still just a…

…Oh jesus god.

Okay, so Beck is calling a bunch of virulent racists to Washington on the anniversary of a speech dedicated to a belief in racial equality, given by a man who devoted and ultimately gave his life for that cause. Is it just me — or is that straight up sick?

No wait, this is sicker:

“I don’t want to say he’s our savior, but he’s pretty close,” said Bob Antoinette, a Beck fan who spoke with MyFox Tampa Bay. “I don’t think he’s on target. I think he’s on bullseye.”

[. . .]

Beck enthusaist Patty Blackburn added: “We don’t like the White House at this point. We’re taking our country back.”

[. . .]

Speaking to the SPT, Flor Rodriguez, a 71-year-old Cuban-American, claimed that she has been watching Beck’s show and growing increasingly fearful that President Obama is doing to America what Fidel Castro did to Cuba.

“For the young people of this country, I’m very afraid,” she said. “I never thought I’d see this happening here.” Her sign read, “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention,” according to the report.

Raw Story

Ow. Teh stupid… I think some blood vessels just burst in my brain. Beck has reached nigh-savior level? There are people known as “Beck enthusiasts”? Obama is Castro, and people who watch Faux think they’re “paying attention”? Oh… dizzy spell — where am I, what was I saying, and why are little green men trying to talk to me through my TV??

But maybe I’m just a little dehydrated — er, can someone pass the Kool-Aid?


  1. sricki

    for this to be an ongoing series — there are plenty of wingnuts out there to keep us busy, entertained, and on our toes. I would also like to see it posted fairly frequently. I don’t mind posting pretty regularly, but I’d love for other moose to do installments if they think it’s an interesting idea. Feel free (and I encourage you) to use the pic above the fold for future installments — I am especially fond of it. ; )

  2. Teh Stupid is such a matter of perception.  In an exchange recently about how badly Beck understood what “9/12” taught us, an otherwise functional human being responded:

    @Chris…WHAT?????????? I am sorry, but I respectfully disagree. There isn’t anything, in my opinion, along with millions of other Americans, misguided about Beck. He is spot on!

    He works hard to unite us…with the common goal of taking back our country and to re-establish the honoring of our Constitution. But, maybe you don’t believe in the Constitution, I don’t know.

    I just don’t know what to make of folks.

  3. spacemanspiff

    This idea has been around for some time now.

    Always thought the concept was perfect for the Moose.

    I love teh sriky!

  4. Jjc2008

    However, I find myself becoming more and more upset, saddened, disgusted with how many people actually follow, believe, admire the likes of Beck, Palin, Bachman, etc., etc.

    How can this be?

    And oh yea, I want to read more on the Beck thing: this

    still hasn’t denied raping and murdering a girl in 1990

    Any links I can follow on this?

  5. HappyinVT

    because I enjoy a good mocking when the subject is so deserving and makes it so easy, but…

    I think we are spending too much time focusing on the Becks, Palins, Limbaughs of the world to the exclusion of other issues.  

    I’m hearing more and more that there is real anger regarding the administration’s lack of progress on jobs creation and with Geithner and Summers, and keeping Bernanke.  Main Stree is still feeling like they are getting screwed, with unemployment over ten with no downward shift in sight.  This issue, more than any other has the power to hurt Dems in the mid-terms.  While Beck et al are feeding off of the anger of some sub-segment of the population now I fear that number will grow unless Congress and the administration does something tangible to show real progress on the economy.

    There’s also a recent poll highlighted by TPM that shows Dems lose ground based on the current understanding of the healthcare bill (although they lose more ground if they do nothing).  Healthcare reform should be a winner for Dems but somehow we’re losing the game of perception.  I caught Mike Johanns on CSPAN about a half hour after the cloture vote Saturday and he was about to read a letter from someone in Nebraska who was against reform.  Of course the guy is against healthcare reform; the way I’m sure it’s being presented to him would be enough to make a lot of people hate it.

    Anyway, I love you guys, and I love mocking the GOP, but I think we really need to make sure we aren’t spending too much time on the shiny object at the expense of some other substantial issues.  

  6. HappyinVT

    fox stupidity

    It was on a guy’s twitter page so I can’t give you the original content.  But, someone doesn’t know how to add.  Or, potential voters can’t make up their minds.

  7. Shaun Appleby

    I won’t go into the semantics of tolerating zeroes but this leaked internal memo from Fox makes interesting reading:

    Unfortunately, it is the latest in a series of mistakes on [Fox] in recent months. We have to all improve our performance in terms of ensuring error-free broadcasts. To that end, there was a meeting this afternoon between senior managers and the folks who run the daytime shows in which expectations were reviewed, and the following results were announced: Effective immediately, there is zero tolerance for on-screen errors. Mistakes by any member of the show team that end up on air may result in immediate disciplinary action against those who played significant roles in the “mistake chain,” and those who supervise them.

    Rachel Slajda – Fox News Threatens Pink Slips For On-Screen Errors Talking Points Memo 23 Nov 09

    At last the Fox executive knows how we’ve felt for years.  Goggle that Rupert.  Ha ha ha.  And as for the ‘110% effort’ now prescribed that has aways been one of the dumbest things I have ever known a manager to say about anything.  Reality based it is not.  Read the whole thing it is a honk.

  8. Shaun Appleby

    Some cogent fulminations from Matt Taibbi on the Palin media relationship:

    What the people who are flipping out about the treatment of Palin should be asking themselves is what it means when it’s not just jerks like us but everybody piling on against Palin. For those of you who can’t connect the dots, I’ll tell you what it means. It means she’s been cut loose. It means that all five of the families have given the okay to this hit job, including even the mainstream Republican leaders. You teabaggers are in the process of being marginalized by your own ostensible party leaders in exactly the same way the anti-war crowd was abandoned by the Democratic party elders in the earlier part of this decade. Like the antiwar left, you have been deemed a threat to your own party’s “winnability.”

    And do you know what that means? That means that just as the antiwar crowd spent years being painted by the national press as weepy, unpatriotic pussies whose enthusiastic support is toxic to any serious presidential aspirant, so too will all of you afternoon-radio ignoramuses who seem bent on spending the next three years kicking and screaming your way up the eternal asshole of white resentment now find yourself and your political champions painted as knee-jerk loonies whose rabid irrationality is undeserving of the political center. And yes, that’s me saying that, but I’ve always been saying that, not just about Palin but about George Bush and all your other moron-heroes.

    What’s different now is who else is saying it.

    Matt Taibbi – Yes, Sarah, There is a Media Conspiracy Trueslant 23 Nov 09

    Man I love a good, sane rant.

  9. HappyinVT

    headlining the tea bagger convention in February.  Assuming, that Palin doesn’t back out and that the venue doesn’t fall down in fear of the stupidity.

  10. Hollede

    I have become quite certain that this absolutely crazy wingnut thinking and behavior is of the same ilk that President Clinton faced during his terms. However, now it is poised against a man these creatures hate and fear even more than they despised “Slick Willy”. President Obama is everything they hate. The hate his intelligence, his education, his confidence, his stature. One thing that makes it worse for President Obama, is that he seems to have fewer faults than did Bill Clinton. At least they have something on Clinton that may live the same solar system with the rest of us. Whilst President Obama is not fault free, nothing has stuck to him yet. Oh and the final reason they hate him, is because he is black. That may not be true for all of the right wingers, but it is true for enough to be terrifying. To me, the right wing hatred of Democrats is always more frightening than the leftist hatred of Republicans. The right wing nut jobs have guns, and they like using them.

    This reminds me of the 2000 elections. Vincent Bugliosi wrote None Dare Call It Treason and the fact still remains that no one really ever did call it treason. From this we had an eight years of catastrophe in our country.

    In my honest opinion, over this past year, the right wing nuts have been fomenting treason across our country, and no one in the MSM seems willing to call it like it is.

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