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And So It Begins – 60 Votes for Senate Debate on Health Care Reform

Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) has said she will vote in favor of the debate on health care reform, bringing the total to 60.

While the left holds its collective breath, comments enthusiastically or complains the efforts do not go far enough, the political right is losing its freaking mind.

GrassTopsUSA has this:

The time to fight is now. We believe Senator Reid, by withholding the details of his ObamaCare bill in an effort to ram it through the Senate, underestimated you and patriotic Americans like you… he underestimated your ability to react quickly.

    And act quickly… we must… because a vote may come in a matter of hours from now.

Newsmax is so flustered they can’t spell:

Landrieu Say’s She’ll Vote Yet on Healthcare

But Jerome Armstrong at MyDD has very good things to say about the bill, quoting a list of points from the White House:

On page 78 you’ll learn that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ends discrimination based on pre-existing conditions.

On page 17, it makes preventive care completely free, with no cost-sharing.  (This might be of particular interest to those who have chosen to seize on concerns about the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations on mammograms to spread baseless myths and advance their own political agenda.)

Flipping back to page 16, you’ll find that insurance companies are prohibited from dropping your coverage or watering it down when you get sick and need it most.

Also on page 16, you might notice that it puts an end to lifetime caps on coverage.

Page 18 is where the bill extends family coverage eligibility for young Americans through the age of 26.

On page 83 it requires insurance companies to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full – that means they can’t refuse to renew your coverage just because you get sick.

Page 307 is home to tax credits for small businesses to help them afford insurance for their employees.

And folks looking to scare our senior citizens about what reform means for them might be interested to check out page 923 and learn that it provides a 50% discount on drugs for seniors in the so-called donut hole.

It’s coming down to last stages and for one I don’t think there is any doubt about the bill passing in the end.  Now it’s time to see what changes along the way before it becomes law.


  1. Steve M

    Just think, if we don’t have Al Franken, if Ted Kennedy is still sick, etc., we don’t even get past this initial hurdle.

    Change sure is hard in this country.

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