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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Monday August 31, 2009, the Day in Tubes *Update: A Day Without a Day…

With August almost over, it seems some of the funny is re-emerging.

Headzup has been busy, and is sharing with us, the growing bond between two of my favorite lunatics.

OMG. I just had an awful thought. The Sarah Palin and Glen Beck Show (SPAG BS). The horror.

Pundits are out again. 50 Holli points to whomever can make fun of them the best.

Ooh. Representative Wasserman Schultz got Pence about five times. Lets see 5 x 50 = she is winning.

Every so often this little toad comes out from whatever rock he has been sitting under, and I see him on my tv machine.

Oh wait. Sorry, that was Grover Norquest. He always looks like that. Can anyone understand what this fellow is talking about? Ever?

A serious look at our justice system.

Note to self, self: don’t kill any white people…aw, bummer.

I have recently learned who Miley Cyrus is and now I need counseling. This is pretty adorable though.

How can you not love gay men?

Uh oh. More of that “bipartisanship” sweating away. Is it warm where you are?

Why is that? The vast majority of Americans still believe in serious health care reform. How long do the rethugs get to just stand in the way?

I am for running them the (deleted) over. Oh damn. I forgot, they are mostly white guys. Bummer.

Monday August 31, 2009. The Day in 100 seconds through the fabulous lens of TPMtv…

…and will post it as soon as they do.

Update! TPMtv never posted the Day yesterday. I am lost and forsaken. I hope they will post today or I may end up in serious withdrawal.  


  1. more like a wet rat that has been stomped on by a lumberjack who was wearing his climbing boots. I’ve got a killer backache. It started a few days ago and has been uncomfortable until today. I couldn’t even cook dinner tonight, because I couldn’t bend over to get stuff out of the cupboards.

    Of course, I’m one of those 47,000,000 without insurance. That means I’ll have to wait it out and hope it is a muscle sprain, which is what it feels like, and not something like a kidney stone.

    In the meantime, yuh’all carry on.

  2. Every now and then, something wonderful and beautiful happens.  The diversity of life is not a concept, but a brilliant expression of creation and joy.  I got followed on twitter about 30 minutes ago by @FambaGent.  I looked them up and found a Belgian, Lesbian, Feminist Samba band. 

    Hell to the yeah!


    Here is their bio from their web page (translated):

    Famba currently consists of 25 committed and loving women who enjoy making music together. Famba has members of all ages and types from Ghent, Mechelen, Roeselare, Lier, ….

    The group was created because some friends found that lesbians weren’t visible enough at demonstrations and events. At the start, the group comprised seven women. Our enthusiasm was contagious: women came and went and now we have a 20+. We are all lesbian or bisexual and in one way or another socially conscious.

    Percussion-training academies we don’t have. But practice makes perfect and our two weekly rehearsals disciplined under expert supervision bore fruit soon. If you invite Famba, you can expect beautiful and compelling rhythms and great ambiance. <!–break–>

    Who we  are:

    As some feminist lesbians from Ghent felt they lack visibility / voice in some demonstrations and events (peace demonstrations, otherwise globalization demonstrations, gay events, …) was in the spring of 2003 an action group set up samba.

    Famba is a lesbian-feminist action samba group consisting of lesbian and bisexual women.  

    Famba will actively work on the visibility and positive perceptions of lesbian and bisexual women. We are open to the diversity within this group of women and seek, through our visibility, to create space in society for such diversity.

    Famba contributes feminist ideas and wants be an emancipatory force. Famba wants to seek existing prejudices and break traditional roles and not just in society but also within the gay movement.

    From their position as minority Famba calls for solidarity among the various minority groups. We wish as a group strongly supported by this solidarity, as committed group – to be visible on the streets.

    Famba critically addresses processes in society. Themes such as freedom of speech, freedom of sexual experience, racism, extreme right, … are some examples. We fight wrongs with great sense of rhythm.

    The choices for actions, demonstrations and events which we act, are selected by the group in a democratic fashion. This means that we do not accept or create hierarchical structures, with its view that every individual counts and can participate in every decision. You can also decide as individuals to certain events not to participate, but it is possible to seek a whole group present.

    You can also find Famba on facebook.

    I love life.  I really do.


  3. Holli De Groote

    John, you may need to send the e-mail. And if someone doesn’t post a diary soon, we are going to have another tube diary, and that is just kind of sad.

    Caring is sharing…

  4. HappyinVT

    I, on the other hand, ran a 5k race/run/walk on Sunday.  Recorded my bestest time evah of 29:52.  It also benefitted a worthy local cause.

    Today, I participated in a counter-demonstration against the Westboro Baptist Church aka  They had four people consumed with hate; we had a couple hundred filled with love and peace.  We won.  I’ll have pix and words posted sometime tomorrow.

    I think I’m excused, then, for my lack of recent participation due to carrying out my civic duties.


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