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Archive for August 2009

Daily Tubes for Monday August 24, 2009

I have had a tough time finding the funny lately. It could just be me, but it feels like we are getting the poo knocked out of us this summer. It makes me think of that horrible bumper sticker that used to be (still is?) popular:

The proud parent of a kid who beat up your honor student

Headzup (yay) has a new tube out about the mercenary company Blackwater and Erik Prince. Come on everyone, say it after me: MERCENARY.

Why do the bush years feel like the beginning of a whopper of a Robert Ludlum novel? The only problem, it never gets published, because the premise is just too unbelievable.

San Francisco shows that a Public Option can work…

In yesterday’s NY Times, an article entitled  A Public Option That Works showed up on the Op-Ed page. It is worth reading because the

…San Francisco experiment has demonstrated that requiring a shared-responsibility model – in which employers pay to help achieve universal coverage – has not led to the kind of job losses many fear. The public option has also passed the market test, while not crowding out private options. The positive changes in San Francisco provide a glimpse of what the future might look like if Washington passes substantial health reform this year.

Tell Congress to Support Section 440 in the Final Health Reform Bill

Please feel free to use the text below to let your representatives know your opinion on this issue. Select and copy the text below then click here to send a message to your congressional representative and senators.

As a constituent, I am strongly in favor of the inclusion of Section 440 of H.R.3200 in any final health bill. Please work to include pre-natal counseling, education for families concerning healthy eating, healthy family activities.

As we see more obesity in younger and younger children,  we see more children with cholesterol issues, blood pressure issues, at ages we never did before.  This alarming trend has to be challenged head on and one way is educating families on eating healthy, family exercise habits and how to eat healthier on a budget.

Waiting on these issues is akin to parking an ambulance at the bottom of an abyss when the bridge is out.  Educating parents on prenatal care, healthy eating and exercise habits, is like putting up directions for a detour before driving a car off a bridge.  It would, in the long run, be cheaper for all and decrease the incidence of disease at an early age.  

I urge you to support being smart and efficient about health care.

Headzup! Bonus Tubes! Volume II

I have been catching up on some of my favorite tubes I missed during my intergalactic travels. I posted volume one about a week or so ago, which included a whole lot of May, 2009. I am strictly posting Headzup tubes as they are amongst my favorite sites. They are also one of the more prolific tubes I adore. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Volume II ~ June, 2009

The Liberals Want To Kill Grandma and Other Lies

Rush told me this so it must be true. Sarah Palin said the same thing. She also said they want to kill her baby. We must stop them before it is too late.

Does anyone truly believe these claims?

According to conservative web sites and pundits the health care reform sponsored by Democrats will lead to “death panels” that will decide who lives and who dies. If you listen to talk radio you are told that the “evil libruls” want to kill off all of the old people in order to save money on health care. They never explain how this matches with their claims that liberals are all about tax and spend. That liberals never met an expensive program they didn’t like. According to them, it’s not liberals that want to save money, it is conservatives that are supposed to be all about cutting spending.

The conflict between their claims that ‘evil libruls’ want to go to extreme lengths to save money and at the same time are spendthrifts who only want to get as much of your tax dollars as possible isn’t the only paradox in their arguments. They also need to explain how the party that has always been for the weak and defenseless is all of a sudden going to turn on the very types of people they have always defended. On the other hand, when have conservatives ever shown the least bit of concern for the elderly or the disabled?

I could write far more about these nonsensical claims, but they don’t deserve the amount of attention I’ve already given them. They are fabricated out of thin air in an attempt to scare people.

We were Young Lords, not young ladies

This Sunday, August 23, 2009 starting at 12 noon, former members of the Young Lords Party will celebrate, with young and old, a 40th anniversary and reunion at the First Spanish Methodist Church, at 111th Street and Lexington Ave in New York’s “El Barrio” or Spanish Harlem.  The church was known to many as “The People’s Church” because members of the YLP occupied that church (twice) when it failed to serve the community, and rejected requests from congregation members and members of the community to become a place for free breakfast programs and a free health clinic for community residents. The reunion theme is “Visions of Action, Impact and Legacy”. All are welcome.

I’d like to talk a bit about that legacy, and the role of women in shaping it.  Too often when you see pictures of the Panthers, or the Lords, or AIM or other radical groups from the 60’s and 70’s communities of color the images are those of men.  


Being Democratic

I must preface the following stream of consciousness with a word of warning. I have been a life long card carrying member of the Democratic Party. Just as soon as I could vote I participated in North Dakota politics for the next 10 years by participating in almost every single Democratic State convention and getting involved in many levels of politics.

I am a dyed in the wool Democrat and am (usually) proud to be so.