Good grief, is it only Tuesday? Does this week seem to have a theme? A theme that has been gaining some momentum over the past few weeks. See if you can tell what it is on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 in 100 seconds.
Wow. Nice…uh…display of the power of Rush, CNN. Michelle is right, I really do need to watch the Godfather.
Did you catch the same drift from Monday, March 2, 2009 in 100 seconds?
Yeah, it does suck to be all of us. Every single day, I wished I would wake up from a really bad nightmare, which began Wednesday November 8, 2000, and finally ended Tuesday January 20, 2009.
I am certain all of the very bright folks who visit the Motley Moose, realize that Rush is the overwhelming story this week. In honor of his magnitude and…um…stature in the republican party, I pass along this from Headzup.
Taking a bit of a break from the Rushthing, the Onion brings us a fresh bit of Hollywood gossip.
Someone suggested that we should do a montage of the very best/worst Rush moments. Instead I ran across this little gem. Bill Hicks gives the perfect description of Rush Limbaugh.
Ahem. WARNING! If you do not wish to be totally grossed out, I suggest that you skip the following tube. It is disgusting, twisted, and thoroughly revolting.
Everyone else, enjoy.
If this was about anyone else, I would definitely think I crossed the line of decency. But since it is about Rush Limbaugh, I do not think decency applies. However, if I offend, I will take it down…Please don’t ban me!