Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Super Duper Tubes

I haven’t done a tubing diary since Monday. That sick feeling I had in my tummy has remained. I don’t like the House stimulus bill. There! I said it! It helps that President Obama seems to find it lacking as well. What is it missing? Perhaps Rachael says it best,

Does this turn anyone else on? I am attracted to really big brains, wrapped in beautiful bodies, who are funny, witty, and self deprecating. She fits all of those requirement. Sorry Angelina, but I think I may have a new favorite pretend girlfriend. I hope you don’t mind sharing. Thank goodness Jody doesn’t.

Friday January 30, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Woo hoo! Jump!

Bye Bye, Blago.

No kidding. That took forever.

This just makes me wanna smack my lips and dig in.

Oh yeah, Sarah Palin and Rush Limpbug, the true faces of the republican party.

This is the real deal.

Verses a tired old deal. How dumb do they think we are? They got us into this horrible mess.

Now they give a shit about deficits?

At least the republicans care about something.

Aren’t prisons one of the bigger growth industries these days?


  1. Hollede

    Honestly, I just do not get football. But hey, if you are a fan, I hope you enjoy the day. I am personally hoping that Ani isn’t going to make me watch it with her. She likes the Steelers.  

  2. sricki

    Perhaps Rachael says it best

    That seems to be happening a lot these days.

    Does this turn anyone else on?


    I am attracted to really big brains, wrapped in beautiful bodies, who are funny, witty, and self deprecating. She fits all of those requirement.

    Being self-deprecating isn’t a requirement with me — in fact, somehow I always tend to end up dating people who are near the opposite, and the men even moreso than the women (maybe this is why all my relationships end up dysfunctional?) — but it certainly doesn’t hurt. Brains are hawt. If I met Maddow in real life, she would make my brain stutter.

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