I do not want to breathe poisonous air.
I do not want to drink foul water.
That does not make me an environmentalist.
That makes me a normal human being.
Don’t call me an environmentalist because I want to breathe clean air and drink clean water.
That’s like calling a boy who wants to read an “aggressive pro-reading radical.”
That’s like calling a girl who does not want to be raped a “hardcore anti-rape protester.”
That’s like calling a family who does not want to become human slaves “unyielding anti-slavery partisans.”
That’s like calling a starving baby an “anti-hunger activist.”
Photo: 3,000 year old agate spear point from the Sebasticook River, Winslow, Maine. Found by Ricky Churchill of Manomet, Massachusetts after the removal of the Fort Halifax Dam. August, 2008.