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Pew Poll: McCain’s Support Crashing through the Basement Floor

A new Pew Poll of likely voters finds Barack Obama enjoys a significant advantage over John McCain:

Obama 52

McCain 38

The poll was conducted over landlines and cell phone between October 16 and October 19.  The poll had a huge sample: 2,382 likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.5%.  Pew notes:

A widespread loss of confidence in McCain appears to be the most significant factor in the race at this point. Many more voters express doubts about McCain’s judgment than about Obama’s: 41% see McCain as “having poor judgment.”

I am waiting for Washington Post/ABC tracker to write another diary on the trackers.  


  1. GrassrootsOrganizer

    I was at a union local the other day that has around 13,000 members.  They told me at last count they had 1700 members who called the local to volunteer for Election Day.  To be clear — they didn’t recruit the 1700, these are 1700 members who CALLED IN ASKING to volunteer.

    To put that in perspective, in 2004 they were able to RECRUIT around 180 members for Election Day.  Also, this is a predominantly white middle class membership. Typically, you are only ever able to get 10% of a membership to do ANYTHING in a YEAR.

    The officers I talked to are pretty much freaking out because they just don’t have the staff equipped to manage that many volunteers.  They don’t want to turn anyone away, but they have no plan for how to put that many people to work at one time. Nice problem to have but utterly unprecedented in the local’s 55 year history.


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