Rasmussen has released its numbers.
Obama 51
McCain 44
The race is even with the candidate’s numbers from yesterday. Notes Rasmussen:
For each of the past eight days, Obama has been at 50% or 51% and McCain has been at 44% or 45%.
Obama (D) 48%
McCain (R) 42%
This is a one improvement over yesterday’s numbers.
Research 2000/Daily Kos also shows the race steady with the same numbers it reported yesterday:
Obama 51
McCain 40
DemFromCT notes:
Today’s trackers will have Tues-Thurs data and are the last of the pre-debate polls. They will not have included last night’s event in St. Louis. Monday’s polls will include Fri-Sat-Sun, all post-debate . . . On successive days in the R2K poll, Obama was up +9 Tues, +11 Wed and +12 Thurs(MoE +/- 5.1 for individual days.) Yesterday was the strongest single day Obama has had to date.
I find it hard to believe that the vice presidential debate would move McCain’s numbers up or Obama’s numbers down, but we have to wait till Monday to see if there was an effect.
Gallup Daily also is out and suggests that the distance between Senators Obama and McCain is two points wider today than it was yesterday:
Obama 49%
McCain 42%
The results yesterday were 48-43.
So to sum up:
Rasmussen: Numbers steady all week long and exactly the same as yesterday.
Research 2000/Daily Kos: Holding steady 51-40, though the number masks Obama’s strongest day yet in yesterday’s contribution to the three day roll.
Diageo Hotline: Obama up one point over yesterday.
Gallup Daily: Obama up two points over yesterday.
Talking Points Memo observed about today’s trackers:
Adding these polls together and weighting them by sample sizes, Obama is ahead 49.9%-42.5%, even wider than his lead yesterday of 49.4%-42.9%.
TPM’s weighted lead yesterday was 6.5 points and today, 7.4 points.